his page is by the
Crew and friends of the USCGC Taney (5 Bells)

CG RodCG Rod

Below are links to my home page, and other USCGC Taney pages. 
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Please send pictures to webmaster       Garret E. Conklin
       2525 Crist St
       Alameda, CA 94501-4623
       510-523-1878 garretc@earthlink.net

or  vern@armory.com 
snail mail to: Vern Toler 12015 Marine Dr. PMB#99 Marysville,
WA 98271-9308 
Phone 1-360-652-3701

CG RodCG Rod

5 Bells:            Pictures - You are on Page 1 (link to more pages at the bottom)
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Photo provided by Hellen Hartman July 2001 in memory of Warren Haratman 
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Above two photo's provided by Warren Compton 2001
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Pre WW2 USCGC TANEY   Photo provided by the Coast Guaard Historian's Office

http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USN/       Coast Guard History, USCGC Taney Pearl Harbor
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USCGC TANEY  at Baltimore Maritime Museum. October 2000Photo by Vern Toler
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 Photo sent by ex Taney man___________via web.

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USS TANEY 1943-44 (With four 5"38) picture provided by Coast Guard Historian's OfficeCG RodCG Rod

Harry; Nelson, (USS TANEY) and Capt. Koitschka  commander of German Submarine U-616 and  wife and son at Honolulu TANEY reunion.  The U-616 engaged the TANEY     20-22 April 1944 in the Mediterranean.  The book "The Death of the U-Boats" list his U-boat distorted 14-17 May 1944 off coast of Oran, North Africa.  The foweling ships were the cause of its sinking, Neilds DD616 Gleaves DD423 Dllyson DD454 Hilar P. Jones DD427 Macomb DD458 Hambleton DD455 and the Rodman DD456. one of the above destroyers had located him and brought him to their reunion in Honolulu. visit:    http://www.armory.com/~vern/personal/theway/  for additional story. .

Capt. Koitschka (center with white hat) CO U-616 German Sub. scuttled after surface fight with US Destroyers. 55 members
of the crew were picked up by the US Destroyers. Picture provided by Klaus Zaepfel, who's late
father Franz Zaepfel served aboard the sub. aditional piactures and story under history - the way it was of this webpage.

e-mail received relating to above picture
I ran across your reunion page while doing a search on my 
father's commanding officer, Siegfried  Koitschka.  My father, Franz
Zaepfel, died 13 years ago, but my mother has numerous photos of the U-616 
and its men.  Do you know of anyone from that crew with internet access who 
might be willing to identify some of these men?  I can scan the photos.

Klaus P. Zaepfel
447 Martha Lee Drive
Hampton, VA  23666


Capt. Koitschka  U-616 http://www.classicwest.com/homesig.html

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This painting of the Taney at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 by acclaimed artist Keith Ferris; shows under Japanese Air 
copy from web http://www.mardigrasfun.com/bsp/200th/taney/taney.htm

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Photo by Russell Green aboard the CG-manned USS Menges (DE-320)  [see 
R. Green, chapter 3 Bells]
Please note: Art Green and Russell Green names mean the same, info from different sources

Photo copy provided by The Coast Guard Historian's office:   Note the size of the explosian compaired to the two ships in the forground.
The TANEY's Photographer took simular pictures. This picture was published in Time May 22 1944 and in "The History of the TANEY by the late LtJG Whetsitine USCGR.
Caption from TIME
"This is what men risk who go to sea. even in the Allied-controlled Mediterranean. Off the coast of North Africa a German bomber has bat-winged in by night, made a direct hit on Allied freighter. Left and right are the silhouettes of other ships picked out by a pillar of flame. fed by explosives. which rise hundreds of  feet into the sky. "
Caption from History of TANEY
"Destruction of the SS Paul Hamilton 20 April 1944. Photo by Art Green, USCG combat Photographer stationed aboard the USS Menges (DE 320)"

http://www.geocities.com/lks_friday/HAMILTON-001.htm   Information below from this link s/vern_toler
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This roster was complied by the Casualty Branch, the Adjutant General's Office, Washington, DC - List No. 62 to document
the "Personnel Lost at Sea as Result of Ship Sinking During World War II of the Liberty Ship SS Paul Hamilton (Hull No.
0227) off the coast of Algiers, North Africa on 20 Apr 1944

The Liberty Ship SS Paul Hamilton was hit by bombs launched from a German Junker JU-88 aircraft causing it to explode
with great violance and it sank immediately. This occurred approximately 30 miles off the Coast of Cape Bengut, Algiers, in the
Mediterranean Sea. (1)

The sinking of the SS Paul Hamilton became one of the most costly Liberty Ship disaster, in terms of human life, in all of
World War II. The ship was making her fifth voyage, as part of a huge Convoy UGS-38, when she was attacked by 23
German JU-88 dive-bombers near sunset on 20 April 1944. 

In addition to her load of U.S. Army Air Corps personnel, she carried a cargo of high explosives and bombs. The German
JU-88s dive-bombers came in low and the men on the bridge of the British tanker, Athelchie, watched as it went by. The
gunners aboard the Athelchie set the JU-88 on fire, but the aircraft had launched its torpedo less than 150 feet from the SS
Paul Hamilton. Immediately after the torpedo hit the Hamilton, a violent explosion threw debris and dense black smoke high in
the air. When the smoke cleared, there was no sign of the ship. 

During this action with the enemy, other ships in the convey were hit or sunk. 

The following ships of Convoy UGS-38 were hit: 

     SS Samite 
     SS Stephen T. Austin 

The following ships of Convoy UGS-38 were sunk: 

     SS Paul Hamilton, loss of 580 personnel 
     SS Royal Star, 
     USS Lansdale (DD-426) - loss of 47 crew members 
CG RodCG Rod
    touching story and pictures

http://www.armed-guard.com/03peo.html  pictures of "armed Guard"

detected to one member of the "Photo squadron"

data on the SS Paul Hamilton (You will get the Navy Ships index page, click on the icon <MM>)

another member of the photo squadron

a man on the SS Paul Hamilton

SS Paul Hamilton story 
(you will get yahoo- in the search box type Hamilton-001, click on search then click on SS Paul Hamilton)

CG RodCG Rod

photo by Vern Toler: Sick Bay USCGC TANEY I think this is the patient we  took from the SS Paul Hamilton for an appendectomy operation.  We returned him to his ship a couple days before it was hit ote several days earlier Dr Dowdy brought an man from the ship to the TANEY to perform an appendectomy, after he recovered the man was returned to the Hamilton.  The ship had a large contingent of Army Airmen.  547 men were lost with this ship.Photo by Vern Toler: Sick Bay USCGC TANEY I think this is the patient we  took from the SS Hamilton for an appendicidice operation.  We returned him to his ship a couple days before it was hit..

CG RodCG Rod

View Looking aft from the foremast, showint the ship's wrecked after sectin.  She was struck by an acoustic homing torpedo from the German Submarine U-371 while operating in the Western Mediterranean, 3 May 1944.  Taken by Coast Guard Photographer Green, while she was under tow, en route to be repaired.  The Menges had a Coasst Guard Crew.
Original Print has Photo # USCG 4622.   from the U.S. NAVAL HISTORICAL CENTER.

Photo by Russell Green aboard the CG-manned USS Menges (DE-320)  [see 
R. Green, chapter 3 Bells]  photo copy by vern from web


"A Coast Guard seaman died at his battle station aboard the USS MENGES, torpedoed by a nazi sub in the
Mediterranean. He represents the old Coast Guard expression, `You have to go out, but you don't have to come back.'"
PhoM1c. Arthur Green. 26-G-2330. (ww2190.jpg) 
(Note from Vern_Toler, webmaster,June 2001. This photo appeared in U.S. CAMERA, 1945?  as an major war photo, along with other publications of the time, it is also located in several areas of the web.) 

WWII Ofical Photos (First Goverment Website)

        uss menges

   Date:        Thu, 3 May 2001 23:39:01 -0400
my dad was aboard the menges at the time of the torpedoes.  he always told me it was the stern that was
struck. the menges was taken to new york navy ship and repaired. the uss holder's stern was cut off and
placed on the menges.if this is any help let me know, i have an article from "all hands"

dan fralin    <boomer12@nc.rr.com>
(thanks s/vern_toler)

Photo by Russell Green aboard the CG-manned USS Menges (DE-320)  [see 
R. Green, chapter 3 Bells]  photo copy by vern from web

        "ed and rae nash" <ramblersoup@bigvalley.net> story about USS-CG MENGES and other war stories. see "4 Bells"
              " LOVE, SHAME and GLORY"
              "BINGO! BINGO! BINGO!"                 
Author: Edgar M. Nash   Phone 1-877-823-9235
ISBN: 0-7596-8235-6,  5 X 8 PAPERBACK, 254 PAGES (a fiction based on the Menges)

This picture appeared in U.S. CAMERA 1945 With the caption 
The TANEY photographer brought back copies of this picture from the USS Menges (DE 320) a Coast Guard manned Destroyer Escort.   The MENGES lost its bow to a torpedo on 3 May 1944
Dr. Dowdy and several TANEY crewmen went aboard the MENGES to assist. The MENGES lost 26 Coast Guardsmen KIA along with 16 wounded.  The MENGES repaired with the bow from another damaged DE and it lived to fight again.

Subject:         1944

CG RodCG Rod
 Wed, 6 Dec 2000 00:32:58 -0800
   From:        Gene <genol@coho.net>
   I see by the Taney site I committed a huge error about UGS-38 details:  It
was DE-320 Menges which lost its stern to a homing torpedo from U-371 and
was repaired by getting the stern of DE-401 Holder which had lost its bow to
a mine.  So Menges became a whole ship again with its own undamaged bow and
DE Holder's undamaged stern.  Sorry for the mix up.  Mosely DE-321 had
assisted both Lansdale and Menges between UGS-38 and GUS-38 from 20 April to
3 May and I had confused their roles.  Following are the sites explaining
the three DEs activity if you would like to have the straight stuff.  I hope
you were able to get everything done on your list of things to do.
gene l


History web page




CG RodCG Rod


http://www.navsource.org/archives/05/0542002.jpg     (picture)

 The USS BUCK DD-420  is added to the TANEY website, as it also was in combat with the U-616. 
The story was written by Kay Klein Brigham, daughter of 
Lt. Comdr. M.J. Klein, USN, skipper of USS Buck (DD-420) 
 The story covers the USS BUCK action report of the sinking of the Italian submarine
ARGENTO  by the USS BUCK and the rescue of the Italian submarine crew by the 
USS BUCK. It is also a story of the hardships endured by the survivors of the USS BUCK when it was sunk by the U-616.
               “150 of her crew were lost with the ship and remain on duty.”

CG RodCG Rod

Related story in TIME May 22, 1944
 "At dusk the German Torpedo planes came in. skimming the gray becalmed Mediterranean. One Torpedo went by. Another hit the U.S.S. Landsdale square amidships, nearly split her in two. The destroyer began to sink.
When orders came to abandon ship, few were prompt to obey, 'Yes Sir.' mumbled the Negro mess attendants manning an antiaircraft gun: they kept on firing. A 19-year-old steward's mate with a broken leg dragged himself back to his post with them. Only when two plans had been shot down and the decks were awash did the men jump into the oily sea.
There was little confusion, but some men jumping from the ship had landed on his head, he threw his helmet off, swam about bareheaded.
Most of the 200-man crew were saved - including the skipper, 33 year -old Lieut. Commander Douglas M. Swift and his 'exec' Lieut. Robert M. Morgenthau 24 year-old son of the Secretary of the Treasure. Among the missing:  Lieut. George E. Haines, 24, who swam about with a life preserver, helping the injured.  When rescue came. he was gone."
The USS LANDSDALE sank with the loss of 49 men.

(Note from Vern_Toler, June 2001 The above article was in Time Magazine in 1944 along with the picture of the explosion of the SS Paul Hamilton.  The story in it about the two Black Stuarts is interesting, there action would rate a high medal yet there names were not even listed, does anyone out there have a follow up to this? )

http://www.plateau.net/usndd/de322/de322his.htm USS NEWELL DE 322   This ship along with the Coast Guard manned USS MENGES DE 320 rescued the men from the USS LANSDALE  and two German Pilots

      From:      "Charles C. Wales" <cwales@bcn.net>
Charles C. Wales, Ensign, USN, Torpedo Officer, USS Lansdale DD426

CG RodCG Rod

USS NEWELL DE 322    copied from the web

http://www.navsource.org/archives/06/322.htm           more stories andpictures of USS NEWELL

CG RodCG Rod

USS LANSDALE DD426      copied from the web


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 Photo provided by Gene Lovegren
     Charles Lawrence class High-Speed Transport: 
     Displacement: 1,450 tons (full load) 
     Length: 306' 
     Beam: 37'
     Draft: 12' 
     Speed: 22.5 knots (max), 12 knots (econ) 
     Armament: 1 5"/38 DP, 3x2 40mm, 6 20mm, 2 depth charge tracks 
     Complement: 374 
     Turbo-electric drive, twin screws, 12,000 shaft hp 
     Built at Norfolk Navy Yard, and commissioned 1 August 1943 

The USS LANING  was with the TANEY for convoy UGS-38 and GUS-38 as a forward screen. During
the action pictured above.on 20 April 1944 when the Luftwaffe came calling, Gene Lovegren USN was manning 
the surface radar and reimburse well seeing the SS Hamilton explode on his screen.

Old Friends & Fellow Veterans -- 

The USS Laning DE-159/APD-55/LPR-55 internet site under construction for 
some time is now a fledgling reality.  From this point it will grow.  It 
eventually will tell of its history as a convoy escort to the Mediterranean 
including the eventful UGS-38 & GUS-38 convoys, centered on two great losses 
in 1944, and the escort's part in it.  It will be under construction for as 
long as there is a historical legacy to reveal.  Have a look at this modest 
beginning but don't stray too far.  Updates will occur regularly.


H. Eugene [Gene] Lovegren USN 1/'42 to 1/46. Radarman 3/c at separation 
Web author [with the aid of son Richard J. Lovegren] 

You can reach me at    usslaning@dsl-only.net 

CG RodCG Rod

USS MOSLEY   (DE-321) 
Photographed in 1944-45
Courtesy of D. McPherson, 1974
Glene Lovegreen recalls "Destroyer Lansdale being sunk with DE-321 Mosley assisting and later losing her stern to an acoustic torpedo during the return trip, GUS-38, when sister ship Fechteler DE-157 was sunk by U-967 on 5 May 1944."
Ship was with the TANEY convoy USG-38 and GUS-38

CG RodCG Rod

                   USS NIELDS   DD 616         CLASS - BENSON As Built.
                  Displacement 2395 Tons (Full), Dimensions, 348' 4"(oa) x 36' 1" x 13' 2" (Max)
                           Armament 4 x 5"/38AA, 6 x 0.5" MG, 10 x 21" tt.(2x5).
                       Machinery, 50,000 SHP; Westinghouse Geared Turbines, 2 screws
                         Speed, 35 Knots, Range 6500 NM@ 12 Knots, Crew 208.
                                   Operational and Building Data
                            Laid down by Bethlehem Steel, Quincy.June 15 1942.
                        Launched October 1 1942 and commissioned January 15 1943.
                                   Decommissioned March 26 1946.
                                     Stricken September 15 1970.
                             Fate Sold May 8 1972 and broken up for scrap.
     Ship action was part of the TANEY convoy USG-38 and GUS-38  USS NIELDS helped distroy the U-616
     Picture and information taken from Web   http://www.navsource.org/archives/05/616.htm

Assigned to coastal escort and patrol duties on her arrival at Oran, 2 May, Nields was soon drawn into a   submarine chase
lasting four days. On 14 May, U-616 was detected in the southwestern Mediterranean by British   observation aircraft. Nields,
temporarily with DesDiv 21, was one of the ships to answer the call. Soon afterward   Ellyson (DD-454) dropped the first
depth charge pattern. On the morning of the 15th, oil slicks were spotted, but   sound contact was lost. Another search plane
sighted the submarine, now surfaced, ten miles away and running   north toward southern France. The destroyers followed. At
1900 on the 16th, Nields, in a scouting line with   Gleaves (DD-423) and Macomb (DD-458), left the formation to investigate
a sound contact; negative. At 2157, all   three destroyers made contact. Macomb illuminated the elusive quarry and opened
fire. U-616 returned the fire   and started diving. At 2214, and again at 2231, Macomb attacked with depth charges. At 2335
and at 2342 sound   contacts were regained, but lost at 800 yards. U-616 was deep and maneuvering radically. At 2346,
Nields set off 
  an 11 charge pattern; and at 2350 began "creeping attacks". At 0043, 17 May, Gleaves, with Nields directing, fired   an 18
charge pattern, with deep settings, which surrounded the U-boat. Contact was lost at 0044. Soon after 0100,   the three
destroyers, having been joined by Hambleton (DD-455), Ellyson, Rodman (DD-456) and Emmons   (DD-457),
commenced a box patrol, with Nields taking position third from the right end of the scouting line. At   0449, Hambleton
reported a sound contact, and, at 0515 commenced firing depth charges. At 0525, she made a   second attack. Finally, at
0608, U-616 surfaced and was taken under fire by the surrounding destroyers. Nields,   unable to fire without endangering
others in the destroyer group, watched the hunted U-boat sink at 0612 and then   screened the vessels detailed to pick up
survivors (51).

additional information - German Submarines http://uboat.net/boats/u616.htm 

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http://www.geocities.com/bensonclass/macombaction.html            Actions of the USS MACOMB
http://www.navsource.org/archives/05/458.htm                             Above Photo Navy Archives Web Page

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