Vern Toler passed away after a ~1 month battle with cancer. He passed on May 6, 2003.
His web pages will continue to remain here indefinetely.
They will be updated on occation by Chris Petrell, his grandson.
Email sent to vern will get an automatic reply with an address to resend your email to.
(If you are looking for USCGC Taney,

Genealogy or other information, please click on one of the links below the picture)

Vern Toler's Home Page

"What Do You Mean--That's Your Lunch"

Photo by Dottie


Please click on one of the categories to view subjects
Personal Information on VernGenealogyChat on various SubjectsMy experiences with computers

I am retired and live a motor home lifestyle, sometimes I travel in our Motor Home with my wife Dottie and sometimes I travel alone or, I stay in or trailer on our RV lot in Marysville, Washington.

I use my Compaq 5000 desktop as my main computer.   Due to our Motor Home lifestyle we must usually depend on the cell phone.  I use a "Compaq Presario 1200"   for travel.  I use my Grandson's home base for my web page and he will contact me. When I am unable to get on the Internet while traveling. I also must depend on my Grandson Chris when I run into computer trouble. When I am traveling my Compaq portable is my main computer and my access to the internet is limited. When I am unable to get a local line for the internet I will use "yahoo" on Kinkos or library computers. ,   (note for Yahoo vern_toler is connected by underline.Phone Number (360) 652-3701
My main driving force in using the computer and traveling is researching the family tree and history. It has enabled me to study history with a special interest. by feeling that I am part of it in researching my family travels and when I find a family link I feel that I have solved a mystery and that I must look even father back, and by not only researching surnames, I also research the madden names so the branches are endless. Please click on a subject in the green bar above and check my other Web-page.

It is currently 06:36, July the 27th, 2024 GMT
31784People have viewed my pages since August 2002
Last changed on July 2003 