This page is by the crew and friends of the USCGC Taney (1 Bell)

CG RodCG Rod

Below are links to my home page, and other USCGC Taney pages. 
Vern Toler HomePage USCGC Taney Home 1 Bell 2 Bells 3 Bells 4 Bells 5 Bells 6 Bells 7 Bells 8 Bells
It is currently 06:13, July the 27th, 2024 , 23356 People have 
viewed my pages  - Last changed on October 2002
CG RodCG Rod

  Garret Conklin    or

1  BELL            Introduction:  , Including Sister Ships

   Photo by Vern Toler - 1987 Reunion at Baltimore MD    Maritime Museum

CG RodCG Rod


Letter received from Maritime Museum Requesting dry Dock assistance
 Dated 26 August 2002

The Coast Guard Cutter Taney needs your help.

For fifty years, the US Coast Guard Cutter Taney sailed around the world bearing men who put themselves in harms way to serve and protect their country.  Today, Taney still serves as a landmark and memorial hosting nearly 150,000 visitors who come each year to learn about the service, courage and heritage of the United States Coast Guard.  In order to continue on this mission, the hull must be stripped, reinforced and repainted, the superstructure must be cleaned and repainted, and the wooden weather deck must be complete replaced,

Last September, the Baltimore Maritime Museum received a highly competitive matching grant from the National Park Service to bring Taney to dry-cock for critical repairs.  In order to receive these funds, we must match the grant dollar for dollar.  Over the past ten months we have been striving to meet our dead line, to raise the money, to save the Lucky Lady, Individuals, organizations and corporations have responded to the call, but we have not yet reached our goal. We need your support to complete the campaign and save the Taney, the last warship still afloat from the attack on Pearl Harbor and a proud symbol of our national strength and heritage.

As a veteran of a 327-class vessel, you know how important it is for us to continue teaching new generations about the role of the Coast Guard in American maritime history.  Please make a donation to the Taney fund and help us to preserve this important national treasure for generations to come.


Taney is in need of the Periodic Hull Maintenance that, While in service, she received every 2-3 years, As a steel structure afloat in brackish water, the ship's hull is continually exposed to oxidation and galvanic corrosion. Over time this corrosion weakens the protective coatings along with the underlying steel leading to serious pitting and actual hull breeches. Following the appearance of several pencil sized hull breeches just below the waterline in 1999, a professional hull survey of the ship was undertaken by the museum. This survey determined that Taney is in need of a major hull maintenance to replace badly corrode steel below the waterline, and renew the sacrificial zinc anodes which have warn away over the years. this major maintenance can only be done in a shipyard dry-dock - an extremely costly prospect at best ! Taney has not been dry-docked since the early 1980's

Other preservation projects include rust treatment and painting on the superstructure and masts, interior painting throughout, deck restoration, and providing archival protection for donated artifacts.

Please send donation to Baltimore Maritime Museum, 802 South Caroline Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21231 Phone 410.369.3453   Fax 410.396.3393
One line    

Please consider the “Adopt A Rivet” – for $250, your name will be inscribed in the CGC Taney Fund Book on Public Display aboard the Ship,

“Semper Paratus Wall” Donors contributing $500 or more will have their names engraved on the Semper Paratus Wall, (Bulkhead) aboard CGC Taney.

Sincerely, Paul Cora, Curator, Baltimore Maritime Museum.

CG RodCG Rod

CGC TANEY W-37 Reunion 2001   4-7 Oct. 2001
I have made the decision that it would be best
to postpone the reunion until the coming Spring.
       Garret Conklin

Below items may not be links, go back to index page for link.)



      List of Crew

      Reunion Schedual

    Reunion Contact.

       Garret E. Conklin
       2525 Crist St
       Alameda, CA 94501-4623

copied from Garret Letter of 9/27/01

The reunion is currently being rescheduled for April 25 through 27, 2002. Of course, this will depend on political events between now and then, but we don't anticipate any problems.  This date was decided upon because Easter is March 31st. and May starts getting into the "graduation season", for which the Executive Inn starts geting booked up.


CG RodCG Rod

CG RodCG Rod

CG RodCG Rod

CG RodCG Rod

Crew members, USCGC     Roger B. TANEY  W-37       June 2000

Subject:  Crew members Mailing List:

Thank you for taking a moment to read this and to respond with data, we use to keep our Mailing List current.  If you have previously responded with the information listed below ant there are no changes, do nothing.  If you have changes or if you have not responded previously, please complete the form below and mail to:

CG RodCG Rod

We want to ensure that everyone is notified of future reunions, but avoid wasting postage or sending mail to old addresses, no longer valid.

Our Data Base includes the following information, However if anyone feels they do not  want to provide certain information just leave the item blank.  This information will remain confidential within the circle of TANEY crew members and friends.

Years served on board TANEY                                                Mo.____Yr.____to Mo.____Yr.____

Rate/Rank on leaving TANEY                                                                                            __________

Title: (example Mr. Dr. Capt. ect.)                                                                                       __________

Last Name:                                                                                               ________________________

First Name:                                                                                               ________________________

Middle Initial:                                                                                                                          __________

Suffix:  (example  M.D. Ph.D..  Ret.  exe.)                                                                                ___________

Spouse's First Name                                                                                 __________________________

Street Address and/or P.O. Box # or/ PMB #        ____________________________________________

City:                                                                      ____________________________________________

State:                                                                    _____________________________________________

Postal Zone:  (w/ext. xxxxx-xxxx)                            ____________________________________________

Home Telephone Number: Including Area Code:     (___________)____________--__________________

E-Mail Address:                                                        _____________________@____________.______

Other Comments: (use back of page if more space is needed:


    Dick Phillips here. Hope you are doing well. I
> have to ask you to change the mailing address for
> Mailing List Information from me to Garret Conklin.
> I'm going in to the Hospital for Back Surgery and
> I'll be unable to handle the mailing list. I've
> talked to Garret and he is talking over, in my
> place. So, if you will make the following change in
> your Websites I will appreciate it:
> DELETE:    Dick Phillips,  163 Giotto, CA
> 92614-8572
> REPLACE WITH:    Garret Conklin,
  2525 Crist > Street, CA   94501-4623

Garret Conklin

CG RodCG Rod

CG RodCG Rod

The above address list is being maintained for the TANEY by Dick Phillips.  If you know of any former TANEY
crew members that no longer able to function for themselves or have expired please inform Dick and myself    so they can be properly honored.  Thanks.

CG RodCG Rod

Special thanks to Frank Tobat and his wife Linda for a great year 2000 reunion in Baltimore, MD
Special thanks to the Baltimore Maritime, The Living Classroom Foundation, and the wonderful, volunteers and staff aboard  the USCGC TANEY, for the loving care of the TANEY and their hospitality during our reunion.

CG RodCG Rod

The logo on the TANEY has been restored, Critical article removed. v/toler  SEE LOGO UNDER 5 BELLS

CG RodCG Rod
Copied from Uniformed Services Journal July/August 2000  s/vern

                                   Korean War Medal Available

  U.S. Veterans of the Korean War may now receive the medal initially offered to them by the Republic of Korea in 1951 but never issues.  U.S. law prohibited the U.S. military from wearing medals issued by foreign governments at that time.  Congress changed that in 1954. In 1998, the Republic of Korea renewed its offer and DoD approved it in 1999.  Approximately 1.8 million U.S. veterans are eligible to receive it.  Next of kin to eligible deceased veterans may also apply for the medal.
    To wear the medal, personnel must have served between June 25, 1950 and the armistice July 27, 1953;  been on permanent assignment or temporary duty for 30 consecutive or 60 non-consecutive days and performed duty within the territorial limits of Korea, the waters adjacent or in aerial flight over Korea in actual combat operations or in support of those.  To apply: veterans or next of kin must provide a copy of the veterans discharge paper (DD-214) or a corrected version (DD-215) National Guard members must provide the equivalent service statement (NGB Form 22).  For more information, contact the Air Force Personnel Center (the designated agency to receive and distribute the medals) Mon. - Fri. (CST) 7:30 am - 4:30 pm at 1-800-558-1404 or by writing to HQ AFPC/DPPPRA, 550 C Street West, Suite 12, Randolph AFB, Texas 78150-4714.  The web site is:

CG RodCG Rod

Dates for Korean Service Medal
Taney (WACG 37):
12-26 Sep 51
30 Sep-21 Oct 51
27 Apr-18 May 52
21 may-4 Jun 52
21-29 May 53

  • K1 - North Korean Aggression: 27 June-02 Nov 50
  • K2 - Communist China Aggression: 03 Nov 50-24 Jan 51
  • K3 - Inchon Landing: 13-17 Sep 50
  • K4 - First UN Counter Offensive: 25 Jan-21 Apr 51
  • K5 - Communist China Spring Offensive: 22 Apr-08 Jul 51
  • K6 - UN Summer-Fall Offensive: 09 July-27 Nov 51
  • K7 - Second Korean Winter: 28 Nov 51-30 Apr 52
  • K8 - Korean Defense Summer-Fall 1952: 01 May-30 Nov 52
  • K9 - Third Korean Winter: 01 Dec 52-30 Apr 5-3

  • K10 - Korea, Summer-Fall 1953: 01 May-27 Jul 53

    CG RodCG Rod
    Remember where your medals to the reunion

    This page was set up for the 1999 reunion but is valid for our 2000 reunion

    One way of honoring our past is to wear our military uniforms and our medals at Veteran Ceremonies,  I don't know how many of you can still put on your uniform and still button all thirteen buttons but you can where your medals, especially at our reunion,  Most of us have several  medals but have lost them over the years, or would just prefer to wear the miniatures.  I have sent for two catalogs,, the time is running out so you may have to phone in your order if you wish. These are both commercial ventures,   Vern Toler is retired military so he got a good miniature set from the PX, most military stores near post can make a set for you.  The commercial information below I got from the VFW magazine.

    Below is a list of medals awarded in the past to the TANEY of which you are probably eligible for some of them

    3. American Defense Service Medal
    4. American Campaign Medal
    5. European-African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal.
    6. Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
    7. World War II Victory Medal
    8. Navy Occupation Service Medal.
    9. National Defense Service Medal
    10. Korean Service Medal.
    11. Vietnam Service Medal
    12. United Nations Medal.
    15. United nations Service Medal.
    16. Republic of Vietnam Campaign Ribbon.
    CG RodCG Rod  Resource information for the Military
    A good sours to purchase medals is at "" then click on store..
    "" is a non-government web site set up for military personnel and veterans.   s/vern_toler
    CG RodCG Rod

    To purchase a brick in the Coast Guard Plaza

    The following is copied from a handout.  s/vern_toler

    US Coast Guard Plaza

    The Coast Guard Plaza is dedicated to all of the men and women who wore the uniform of the United States Coast Guard in the service to their country

    The US Coast Guard Plaza is a special part of the Baltimore’s Waterfront Promenade and is situated next to the US Coast Guard Cutter Taney  the last surviving warship from the attack on Pearl Harbor and one of Baltimore’s National Historic Landmarks.

    Now you have the opportunity to have an engraved brick placed in the Coast Guard Plaza!  By purchasing a brick in the Plaza you are honoring and paying tribute to friends and  relatives who have dedicated their lives to serving their country.  You are also helping to complete an uninterrupted six-mil pedestrian walkway around Baltimore’s Inner Harbor,  from Canton Waterfront Park through Fell’s Point and Little Italy, around the Inner Harbor to the Museum of Industry in South Baltimore.

    Proceeds benefit the preservation of the Coast Guard Cutter  Taney
    And the educational programs of the  Baltimore Maritime Museum.






    Standard 8” x  4 “  Brick with 3 lines, available at all locations:




      15 characters per line including spaces, punctuation and symbols, Names of people, places, organization, businesses or dates.

    Double 8” x  8” brick with 4 lines,





    Check section desired:

    _____US Coast Guard Cutter Taney

    _____327 Secretary Class Coast Guard Cutters

    _____Combat Veterans Association


    Each standard 4” x 8” brick is $100

    Each Double 8” x *” Paver brick is $250

    Payment:   $_______________

    Check #____________Visa__________MC_______Amex________

    Card #____________________________Exp. Date___________


    Your purchase is fully tax-deductible.

    Download this form and mail to:

    Baltimore Waterfront Promenade,
    802 South Caroline Street,
    Baltimore, Maryland 21231

    Baltimore Waterfront Promenade Partnership
    802 South Caroline Street
    Baltimore, MD  21231

    For more information call us at 410-396-5528

    please note the above phone number may be temporary, changes have been made. s/vern_toler

    CG RodCG Rod

    Copied from handout at the ship.  S/vern_toler

    The Baltimore Maritime Museum is looking for new members.

     The challenges of preserving and maintaining the Baltimore Maritime Museum Collection are tremendous.  Unlike other museum collections that are preserved in special climate controlled conditions, the ships and lighthouse of the Baltimore Maritime Museum are constantly exposed to the environmental stresses of a marine environment.  Without constant maintenance and restoration these national historic landmarks will be lost.

    Your important Membership dollars help to support these ongoing preservation projects so that the Taney Torsk, Lightship and Lighthouse will remain as tangible links to our past, as a memorial to those who served and as and fascinating educational platform for generations to come.


    As a member of the Baltimore Maritime Museum, you will enjoy:
    ? Free admission to the museum for one year.
    ? 10% discount in the ship’s store.
    ? One year subscription to the museum’s newsletter.
    ? Innovation to museum programs and special events.
    ? Official museum membership car.
    ? Fully tax-deductible membership dues.


    The following categories allow members to show their continued partnership in the Museum’s mission to educate, exhibit and preserve.

    OFFICER’S WATCH—All individual membership benefits plus a gift, recognition in the newsletter and four one-day guest passes.

    CAPTAIN’S CIRCLE---all individual membership benefits plus a gift, recognition in the newsletter, four one day guest passes, 2 annual guest passes, 5% discount on ship rentals for special events and special tour with museum curator by appointment
    ADMIRAL’S TABLE---Captain’s Circle benefits plus 10% discount on ship rental and naming opportunity on new exhibit”

    YES  ! I want to become a member of the Baltimore Maritime Museum


    Please check which level of membership you would like to join.

    _____/  Individual     $.30.00

    _____/  Family / Grandparents   $50.00

    _____/  Veteran     $20.00

    _____/  Veteran Family    $40.00

    I would like to show my support as a partner in the Baltimore Maritime Museum’s mission to educate, exhibit and persevere.

    _____/  Officer’s Watch    $100.00

    _____/  Captain’s Circle    $500.00

    _____/  Admiral’s Table    $1000.00

    Personal Information






    Check # _______________Payable to the Baltimore Maritime Museum

    Credit Card #_______________________ _______Exp. Date _____/____
    Visa/___MC/____Other/______ Signature:___________________________


    Please DOWNLOAD THIS FORM send membership dues to:

    Baltimore Maritime Museum
    Membership Program
    802 South Caroline Street
    Baltimore, MD  21231

    Phone: 410-396-3453  Fax:  410- 396-3393

    CG RodCG Rod

    Coast Guard Combat Veterans Association
    Copied from handout at theTANEY, San Diego reunion   s/vern_toler


    (Please Print Clearly)

    Name: Last,__________________First________________ Ini._________




    Telephone: (_______)___________________When There?:_____To:_____


    Sponsored By:_________________________________________________

                                Military Data:

    Branch of Service_______________Service Number__________________


    Important:  This Application MUST be accompanied by either a copy of your Discharge (Both Sides); or a copy of a DD-214; or a copy of a DD-215: or a copy of NAV/CG-553: or a copy of your letter of awards, or a copy of some other “Official” document that states your participation in or your direct support of a combat situation.  You may further get a certified statement from a former shipmate who is a member of the CGCVA in “Good Standing,” stating that you server with him on a particular ship/station during a particular period of time.  Haitian service has recently been authorized in the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal that qualifies for membership.

    Rate/Rank: Present______@Discharagae_______@Retirement_______

    Dues $25.00 for 2 Years.  Amount of Membership Dues Enclosed: $______

    Make Check/M.O. Payable To: CGCOMVETS


    Download This Form and send to :

    E. P. “ED”  BURKE, LM, National Secretary
    17728 Striley Drive,
    Ashton, MD  20861-9763

    Tel:  Msg. Or Fax (301)- 570-5664

    CG RodCG Rod

    CG RodCG Rod

     Information on the man Roger B. Taney copied from the net.
    The USCGC TANEY was one of the 1936 Secretary class ships, in which each ship was named after a former Secretary of The Treasury" The US Coast Guard was under the Treasury Department at that time.

         Taney, Roger Brooke
         1777-1864, 5th chief justice of the U.S. SUPREME
         COURT (1836-64); b. Calvert co., Md. As U.S. attorney
         general (1831-33) and secretary of the treasury (1833-34)
         under Pres. JACKSON, he helped crush the second
         BANK OF THE UNITED STATES. As chief justice, one
         of his most notable opinions was in the Charles River
         Bridge Case (1837), in which he reversed the Court's
         nationalist trend and curbed the growth of monopolies.
         Under his guidance, the Court also recognized the
         doctrine of STATES' RIGHTS. Taney's most notorious
         decision was in the DRED SCOTT CASE (1857); his
         ruling that slaves and their descendants had no rights
         as citizens and that Congress could not forbid slavery in
         the territories helped precipitate the CIVIL WAR,
         tarnished the image of the Court, and, until a recent
         rehabilitation, destroyed Taney's reputation as a jurist.

                  The Concise Columbia Electronic
                 Encyclopedia, Third Edition Copyright
                  © 1994, Columbia University Press.

    U.S. Coast Guard Cutters of the      Treasury Class

    Collectively known as the "327s" (in reference to the 327-foot length of their hulls), these Treasury
    Class Coast Guard Cutters each were named for a different U.S. Treasury Secretary. Primarily
    constructed for U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue operations, these cutters were first launched in
    1936 and 1937. In 1944 and 1945, the vessels were converted to amphibious force flagships. Then,
    in 1946, they were reverted back to gunboat type until their subsequent decommissioning. Today,
    two of the 327s now serve as floating museums. Another two are artificial reefs in the Florida Keys.

    U.S. Coast Guard Cutters of the
                              Treasury Class

    CG RodCG Rod

    Collectively known as the "327s" (in reference to the 327-foot length of their hulls), these Treasury
    Class Coast Guard Cutters each were named for a different U.S. Treasury Secretary. Primarily
    constructed for U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue operations, these cutters were first launched in
    1936 and 1937. In 1944 and 1945, the vessels were converted to amphibious force flagships. Then,
    in 1946, they were reverted back to gunboat type until their subsequent decommissioning. Today,
    two of the 327s now serve as floating museums. Another two are artificial reefs in the Florida Keys.

    The Seven Sister Ships of the 327 Fleet

    Click on the name of each vessel below to see detailed histories.    (please note: this information came from the 327th Association Web Page. If you want more information pleas visit there web page listed above.  thanks s/vern)

               Bibb: Launched January 14th, 1937.
               Campbell: Launched June 3rd, 1936.
               Duane: Launched June 3rd, 1936.
               Hamilton: Launched Nov. 10th, 1936.
               Ingham: Launched June 3rd, 1936.
               Spencer: Launched January 6th, 1937.
               Taney: Launched June 3rd, 1936.

          Typical Fleet Characteristics: Duties, specifications, illustrations and other typical features.

          Dedication Plaque: Draft design for the Treasury Class Dedication Ceremony - Nov. 1997.

          Fleet Associations: Listing of 327 Fleet Associations, their presidents and their addresses.

    Underwater Science and
    Educational Resources Home Page.

    CG RodCG Rod
    Patriots Point, Naval & Maritime Museum Mt. Pleasant, S.C. 29464  (near Charleston S..C>)
    Coast Guard Cutter INGHAM.,  Vietnam naval Support Base., Aircraft Carrier Yorktown., Destroyer Laffey.,
    Submarine Clamagore.
    The USCGC INGHAM is a sister ship to the USCGC TANEY. In the ship Crew Berthing is a display of several pictures of the USCGC TANEY and many af the events in the history of the Taney and other 327 footers.

    CG RodCG Rod

    The following is information from past reunions old information

    Registration  1400 to 1600,  Mt. Vernon Hotel, Potomac Room
    Welcoming Meeting -- 1600 -- Mt. Vernon Hotel, Potomac Room

    Optional:  Maryland Crab Feast  - 1830 to 2000
                    Bohager's "Parrot Island", a tropical paradise that is situated under a 5-story climate controlled dome, featuring a 35 ft. authentically constructed tiki hut.

                    Menu:  Unlimited Maryland Crab Soup, Fried Chicken, Fried Oyster Strips, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, House Salad, Mini-Cheesecakes.

                    Transportation to and from included.

                    Cost:  $45.00  per person.   Minimum 25.


    A.M. - We'll be picked up at our hotel for a tour of Baltimore on Peter Pan's Pirate Ship, which was originally a British Alvis Stalward (an amphibious vehicle that is very similar to the Duck).

    Lunch -- Will be provided by the Baltimore Maritime Museum on board the Taney.  Following lunch, there will be a brief meeting to discuss next years reunion and a Memorial Service for departed shipmates, which includes a wreath ceremony.

    Following activities on the TANEY, transportation will be provided back to the hotel.

    The remainder of the day and evening you are free to enjoy Baltimore.


    A.M. - A motor coach will pick us up and take us to breakfast on board the TANEY.  Following breakfast, we will depart for Annapolis, Maryland to tour the U.S. Naval Academy.  A bag lunch will be provided for the return bus trip.

    P.M.  -- Taney Shipmate Banquette, Mt. Vernon Hotel, Potomac Room.

                    1800 --1900  Cocktails  (Cash Bar)
             1900 -- Buffet Dinner

    Jacket and tie..  WEAR YOUR MEDALS!

    Patrick M. Stillman, Rear Admiral, Assistant Commandant of Government and Public Affairs, will be our guest speaker.

            Mon, 13 Sep 1999 17:13:00 -0400
       From:         Harry Maybeck <>
         To:         Vern Toler <>, Vern Toler <>

    Old reunion information- the last reunion was great, thank you Capt. Churchill and all other people involved.

    Just got a one call from Capt. Churchill (9/13/99 1645 EDT).
    The Taney reunion has been canceled for this weekend due
    to Hurricane Floyd about to impact the area. It has been
    rescheduled for October 28, 29, 30.== 1999==Capt. Churchill advised
    all to resheal their reservations with the Sea Turtle Hotel and
    your airlines reservations.

                             Harry Maybeck
       The things you regret the most are the risks you
        don't take.      Ann Margret in Grumpy Old Men

    Harry & Delores NELSON .

    We wish to thank Harry & Delores Nelson for a great reunion, over 26 shipmates attended along
    with many friends of the Coast Guard.


    Our next reunion is set, OCTOBER 28-29-30  (Note date change) PLACE:  Sea Turtle Inn Resort. Atlantic Beach, Florida (near
    Jacksonville) This is a really first-class ocean-front resort.  by
    scheduling our reunion during a slow week on their calendar, we've
    been offered a greatly reduced room rate of $79.00  The hotel is on
    the beach and it will be still warm enough for you to take a dip in
    pool or ocean.  Shops and restaurants within walking distance.
    When you call for your reservation, be sure to mention that you're
    with the TANEY REUNION to get this bargain rate. Reservations
    must be  NO LATTER THAN 14 August 1-800-874-6000

    EVENTS:  Mayporat Naval Station is nearby and I'm trying to arrange
    a tour of an aircraft carrier followed by lynch at the Officer's Club.
    There will, of course, be our last night's banquet at the Sea Turtle
    ball room.

    Optional events may be:  A day trip for shopping and touring to
    nearby historic St. August (oldest city in the USA) Also an evening
    dinner cruise on the S.S. Annabelle Lee on the St. Johns River
    taking us through the heart of modern Jacksonville as well as the
    green Florida countryside. I'm working on these items and will try to
    keep the Cost Down.

    When making your plans, note that Jacksonville is not really far from
    several other great attraction cities.  While you're in this corner of
    the nation, why not also visit Savannah or Daytona Beach or
    Orlando or Charleston or Pensacola?  There are endless
    possibilities to "build"  a great fall tour around our reunion!

    Now its Your Job: Pass the word! During the TANEY's service of fifty
    years and four months, there must have been thousands of men in
    her crew.  Where are they now?  Our mailing list is only 250.  please
    help to contact all our shipmates.

    As many of you know, I was the TANEY's last Captain.  I'm pleased to
    be the coordinator of this year's reunion. contact me if you have
    questions. (I will be traveling in Europe Feb. March & April.)


    Tel/FAX 904 615 0800

    CG RodCG Rod

    CG RodCG Rod

    CG RodCG Rod