Welcome to Computer Workshops

As of 1 September 2009, all software published under the Computer Workshops label is now freeware.

You may freely distribute any title, in registered or unregistered form. Technical support will continue for previously paid users.

HyperLink 2.5, 2.5a, 2.5e (C64)
Mah-Gong Special Edition (C64)
C64View (MS-DOS, Mac OS, Windows)

Obsolete/Unfinished Titles:
Nether (G1 Alpha Preview) (C64)
Geotrope (Trailer) (C64)

Other titles:
Flyer (C64), NewView (C64), KDOS (MS-DOS), MOO (MS-DOS), Patchworks (MS-DOS)

Last modify September 2009. You're visitor number 202587.

©1993 - 2009 Cameron Kaiser. All rights reserved.
Send E-mail to spectre@deepthought.armory.com.

[HyperLink-friendly page!]