Booze up and RIOT!   
the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom
this way for ART! What's the point?
Me!Wanna see some Peectures? Foetalmania!* *
vanity and ego
[ discover ]
Strange Kamio, boogy boo! - lap it up!
Goffic stuffThis be a Goffic Link
"Permit yourself to flow and overflow.
Allow for the rise in temperature and
all the expansions and intensifications.
Something is always born of excess."
             -- Anais Nin

Whoa, I won something.

well, it's official! I'm weird!
ruff! ROUGH!Some Of My Favorite Things
Mopey Angel

mail me, huh?

cemetery scene


40898 wanderers have strayed this way
* updated : September 1999 *


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