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Computer Workshops (Commodore 64 Software)

Actual 2.5 Screenshots

updated 6 December 2000

The following images are actual views of websites and images on the Net as seen in the prototype HyperLink 2.5 web browser. Compare them with Lynx and Netscape views of the same sites.

Here are some older screenshots from an older alpha version.




Home sweet home


Everyone's favourite Commodore magazine


Okay, this isn't a website, just the new history display. Cache makes everything quicker, too.


Checking out the competition


Searching the Internet with Google


I really am this egotistical


Let's brush up on Commodore history


Ah, that mighty logo


The next Commodore machine I'll port this to (or maybe not)


WML/mobile Internet documents are also supported


and so are WBMPs

Copyright 1993 - 1999 Computer Workshops, Inc. (1200)