About This Site...

    Greetings, and welcome to my second giant and ultimately useless homepage!

    If you remember the old one, well, then I've known you for a while indeed. So what's different on this one? Well, first of all, the presentation has certainly changed. This is my first time using an imagemap, and only did so because I felt like it. No real reason other than that. Just be glad I decided not to make of those javascript-enhanced imagemaps. Yikes.
    Also gone are the textured, but ultimately dull, gray backgrounds. Instead you'll find the colored stripes at the left--red for main pages, blue for sub-pages. Why? Well, it was better than plain white backgrounds.
    Links have been reorganized, and many that were here last time are gone, along with lots of new friends to get to know. I realized that a homepage should actually represent the interests of the owner, so I got rid of the links to places that I thought I should link to, but never actually visited.
    And perhaps the most immediately noticeable, gone is the mighty Silicon Albatross, the original binary guardian of the first homepage. Yeah, it was a nice concept, and many people actually found it quite amusing, but I decided it just wasted time and dumped it. A moment of silence for the albatross, please.

    So why did I ever dump the first one anyway? Well, I started working on Somewhere Nice to Fall, the Low Pop Suicide/Rick Boston webpage in my spare time, and didn't have much time or energy left over to dedicate to the original Notbob's Homepage. After about four months of it stagnating, and only poking at it a couple of times, I finally took it down rather than have a dusty page like so many others out there.

    Now here's the new one. Why? Simple--I got bored. During the summer I sat around trying to figure out what to do with my time and decided maybe it was time for a new homepage. Also, I had some pictures up for a while, and my IRC friends were bugging me for explanations about the Notbob nickname. I had lost the original files for my old homepage, and I didn't feel like just re-writing that explanation, so I decided to actually sit down and start work on the behemoth you see before you.

    Maybe I'll have the time time or energy to keep this one updated, maybe not. It takes a lot of effort to completely redesign a page, so expect to see this format up for a while, at any rate.

    Other things...

    All parts of this website are copyright © 1997, Paul Auerbach, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.

    Many of the small images in the mastheads are taken from Nick's Icon Collection (Icons Copyright 1994,1995, 1996 Nick Longrich).

    I enjoy feedback, so please do sign the guestbook or send me e-mail. I'd prefer you use the guestbook, if possible. ;)

    That's all for now. Enjoy.

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