Link-Online is an experimental version of the Link Digest, published sporadically by the Link Consortium, San Diego, California. For mail information contact the autoserver at using the Subject "help". This WWW server is maintained at the Armory in Santa Cruz, California.
Here's what's in the current issue. If you've never used a WWW server before, you may wish to read your program's online help to familiarize yourself with movement through the Link columns. Our columns this issue are:
Table of Contents, which connects you to the issue listing.
Administrivia, which connects you to basic user information about Link and new magazine related developments. READ THIS FIRST.
News And Views, which connects you to our forum on international and national developments and what our editors and our readers think about them.
Literary Collection, which connects you to our collection of literary works from today's most talented.
Technology Update, which connects you to our forum on today's technology, both on and off the Internet and in cyberspace and the real world.
Entertainment, which connects you to our potpourri column, with humor, reviews, pop-info and more, on the Internet and across the globe.
Because Link-Online is experimental, we want your opinion on it. For how to send in your input, go to Administrivia and read the enclosed directions.
Link-Online OPSYS (C)1994 Cameron Kaiser/Computer Workshops, Inc. All rights reserved. Mosaic is (C)1994 University of Illinois.