News and Views

articles by Cameron Kaiser

opinions moderated by Cameron Kaiser

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ON MEN & WOMYN [ sic ]
by Edward Deans

On Men:
     Men are as low as the animals.  Driven and seduced by the physical
natures within, men are pigs.  To our young men today life is a very dark,
grim and hopeless situation.  Forever conditioned for practicality,
stoicism, crudity, selfishness and simple-mindedness, men aren't worthy of
the title. 
     "How did this happen?" you ask. From birth through grade school,
boys are taught that passionate emotional considerations are for girls
only.  Aggression is the manner and means to establishing self. Boys learn
through mass media, as well as their immediate environments, the social
stereotypes. Men are strong and women are weak. There are exceptions, most
common, the "dyke" stereotype wherein any woman with physical prowess and
competency is equated as being lesbian. All of these learned, and make no
mistake about it: these are learned, leading to things such as prejudice
and homophobia. 
    By encouraging, through various forms of identity support, the lower
level, instinctive, emotions, men are essentially animals. Driven by the
intoxication of hormones, the rush of adrenaline, and more, men learn to
perceive their world in terms of kinesthetic pleasures and pains. Boys
begin to see themselves as the center of their own tiny little world that
everyone else is trying to impose upon.  Therefore, men are aggressive
toward each other as they see the other males as potential threats to
their own little territory. 
     For men, consequentially, everything becomes little more than
property, especially women. When considering the actions of others,
they're look through the proverbial rose-coloured glasses. Each male sees
others in terms they can relate to.  So, out of this, they judge others on
based on whether they would enjoy the same types of kinesthetic
activities: sex, sports, etc. Well, here is the biggest source of trouble:
they are limited to themselves. What do I mean?  I am saying that, in
relation to other people, men are limited to what they, themselves, find
pleasure in. In other words, they are so self-involved that they treat
women, especially, and other people, in general, as objects. 
       The principle extends beyond the treatment and value of sexuality.
In general, it is wondered why a guy would pass up "Get Drunk; Get Laid."
Further investigation into all of this reveals that the person of Good
Character almost has to hide it and put on a facade to interact with other
guys.  So, in truth, the men of Good Character are deceiving themselves as
much as everyone else by staying in the closet to avoid the friction and
ridicule and negative identity support. It's a catch-22.
     Do you say to hell with typical guys and suffer the harsh treatment
and sometimes excruciatingly negative identity support or do you put on a
facade of being a stud, like everyone else, and then go about your life
behind closed doors? Which, if either, is better?

On Womyn:
     Where men are focused on the kinetic pleasures of Life, women measure
themselves in terms of relationships with other people. Support of the
higher, more passionate emotions, throughout childhood as well as the
social stereotypes teach women how to act. 
     Social stereotypes go as follows: only women care, only women are
right in relationships, women can be and are bitches[ sic ], and women are equal
in value to a side of beef. There are more but this is a good start. 
     The women's movement is still born. Woman are treated no more equally
now than they ever were. They are deceiving themselves by thinking they
simply have independence whether or not they are, in truth, independent.
Woman are victimized by their own ignorance and needs.  The ignorance I
refer to is the inability, or more accurately, unwillingness, to see
through the smoke blown by guys playing the game. The needs I refer to are
emotional in nature. Most prominent in this writing is the need to be
cared for by a special someone. By ranking themselves according to
relationships, women force each other to play along with the game. There
is much more to this such as how being in a relationship (boy/girlfriend;
husband/wife) is really given a special status. What status? Well,
essentially, being in a relationship (not matter the quality) brings with
it an ethereal essence or attribute that elevates the status of those
involved. It's a type of identity support as well as a reward for
achieving that "something" that is generally considered elusive. I'm being
as clear as mud. Let me say that if a guy, let's call him Al, is in a
relationship with a woman, Wanda, they will receive identity support and
increased status among their peers. Of course, this is overly generalized,
but Al will get identity support from his male peer group for being
in a relationship with the assumed goal of sexual conquest. Wanda will get
the increased status for the assumed role of finding that intangible thing
called "Love." 
     One final note on women, for now, having been "victims"  for so long
it becomes an "us against them" battle between males and females. Women
are constantly, almost obsessively, looking for "proof of" or better
"proof contrary to" love from their consort. Pardon the broad strokes I am
painting will here. There are people that are not rampant with severe, or
crippling emotional problems and that have at least begun to see outside
themselves and their own little world.