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As promised, but unfortunately a month late, are the results for the Commodore Users Survey, the first of its kind in a long time. The response was overwhelming, especially since all this data was entered by hand. So be nice to me. There were some problems in this survey, mostly missed categories, but overall I hope you'll find this a neat little window on the habits and doings of the contemporary eight-bit fanatic.
Watch for the next survey in a few months!
Without further ado ...
70% (heh) had a 64. A stock one. 21% had an SX-64, no one had a DX, there was one Educator 64 out there and 30% had a 64C. No surprises. A lot of people had at least two or more.
3% had a 65.
Somebody had a B128.
52% had a 128, and 30% had a 128D. Some people had several.
9% had a Plus/4 and 4% had a 16.
73% of you had Datasettes. This floored me. There was almost two to every owner per capita. Someone had a Sony reel-to-reel and someone else had built a tape interface into a regular analog recorder (sorry, doesn't count! :-).
Everybody had a disk drive of SOME sort, read on:
9% of you had a 1540.
78% had a 1541, almost another 2:1 ratio. Someone claimed to have 12.
15% had a 1541C, and 30% had a 1541-II.
There were at least three 1570's, but I didn't ask this question.
63% of you had a 1571. This doesn't (or shouldn't) include the ones built into
the 128Ds.
35% of you had a 1581. Only a few people had more than one.
There were only two Lt. Kernals (3%) but 27% of you have CMD hard drives.
66% of you had a printer. There was no clear favorite, but a lot of people liked (or at least had) Star printers. Of the rest, most were 1525-like ones, like MPS-801s and so on, and Okimates/Okidatas.
26% of you had lightpens. Maybe I should resurrect my lightpen OS project. Interestingly, only 16% had Koala pads.
The fastloader scene was extremely varied:
20% used Epyx FastLoad, my personal favorite. It ran practically neck and
neck with Mach (21%) and Final Cartridge (23%) and Action Replay (16%).
No surprises to anyone: JiffyDOS won this one (46%).
Only one person used DolphinDOS.
Other things I heard mentioned were SuperSnapshot (five people), Warpspeed,
Partner 128 and of all things, Isepic.
Bringing up the rear:
Apple IIs, Macs, and Color Computers clock in at 6%.
4% of you have either an 8-bit Atari or an ST.
Two people had an MSX box. One of them was me.
C64S, the clear winner (38%).
PC64, next with 10%.
Amiga Frodo leads that platform (9%).
3% of you use either MagiC64 or Win64.
Other emulators mentioned were ALEC, VICE, CCS64 and PCVIC/V20DOS. No one
used GO64 but they did use A64.
I didn't catalog these peripherals:
Because I entered this data manually, apologies for pinpoint errors due to lack of sleep. I complied this over a 10 hour marathon so be nice to me and send me some Coca-Cola.