Security Mailing Lists

I can recommended the following mailing lists as being informative in the security area.
  • Firewall Wizards - which is "a moderated firewall and security related list that is more like a journal than a public soapbox."
  • NFR Users - This is a forum to talk about the Network Flight Recorder which is one of the back burner projects I have on my (personal) plate.
  • BUGTRAQ - As the name indicates this list keeps track of recent security bugs.
  • CU Digest - Although not strictly a security list it is an interesting list which is a "more-or-less weekly digest/newsletter/journal of debates, news, research, and discussion of legal, social, and other issues related to computer culture."
Needless to say there are many more computer security lists out there, and the computer security resources on the web are pretty extensive. A good place to look for more is the Coast Hotlist.

Have fun learning.

This page maintained by Rachel Rosencrantz,