Kiss Your Lips Promo

Select any song title to see the related lyrics.
Track Title
1) Kiss Your Lips (album version)
2) Kiss Your Lips (No I'm Sorry Mix)
3) Hey You!
Track Time

Produced by Dave Allen and Rick Boston.
All tracks re-constructed and re-produced by Dave Ogilvie.Hey You! is a 16 track demo originally recorded April 1991.

Lyrical Changes:
In the KYL remix, the line "this broken skull just wasn't meant to fit" is changed to "this broken skull just doesn't seem to fit".
The ending "Kiss Your Lips" semi-chant is repeated a total of about five times more than the original version.

A note about the track times:
Both the print on the CD and a sticker on the case list the second and third tracks as 5:15 and 4:57, respectively, however, neither of these is correct. The approximately correct track times are listed in the table above.

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