The Sire Gongofer Homepage
Welcome to Petrovsky Alex (Gongofer) Homepage
Of course, becouse OMNi WWDC project is my iniative most of topics you can found at main page are my general
interests. Surely.
I have started OMNi WWDC Site from this page as test page year ago. And I forget to update it
thinking that it is not interesting for anyone except me. Even nor for me...
When I discover that my pages grabs about 1/5 of traffic going from
SunSITE Russia {there I am a webadm, btw}, I think not
too bad to share my knowledge and experience to someone else.
I suppose I soon become officialy answer for SunSITE Russia ftp archive and get rights to totally
change a face of SunSITE and OMNi WWDC.
My essential interests are:
Netsurfing around cyberspace.
It takes about 16 hours per day. Other time I'm sleeping and eating. I'm not a artist, so I need
in quality artworks for my pages.
My vision and feeling of the Moscow
Commonly Moscow covered from view of a tourist, whom visiting Moscow, even virtually. But subjectiviely
citizen accept the town more naturally. Let's visit this link... Do you like your town? I do!
If you ever heard or want to say about OMNi WWDC, Chameleons, Ab0VE etc, feel free to write me mail.
News and Gossips
Cells of the Net
Incredible Things
OMNi Guestbook
Petrovsky Alexey
Могущественный Корнхолио
Last modified on:
13:37 09/16/07
© Petrovsky Alexey, OMNi WWDC'95