As of:

12 July

Derrick Williams is handling details of ridesharing, carpooling, airport-to-site transport, etc. so mail him at to let him know if you will have a car there with a space or two in it, or if you are going to arrive without a vehicle and will need to be carted around like a princess or a side of beef or something.

7 July

We're taking in money now. If you haven't done so already, please
 send a check for $30 for each person in your group (you, spouses,
 SOs, friends, and other guests), made payable to HOTT.BOB, to:

c/o Andrew Solberg
2205 Hazard
Houston TX 77019

Then we will put a little tick next to your names on Der Master
 List and all will be well.

5 Jun 95

John Vail and Anvil Graphics have the t-shirt ready to go and are ready to take orders. Attendees can have their shirt waiting for them, or even have it to wear on the way, by checking the obligatory web page or by mailing Anvil Graphics for information.

30 Apr 95

The April 21st Summit Meeting was a solid success. HWRNMNBSOL and I finally got together in person, reviewed the site of the BOB, and worked out the basic budget. On the night of Friday, April 21st, Andrew and the Big Bend Camping Crew arrived at my folks' property, accompanied by the lovely (and sorely missed) miss kaitem. That night, a torrential snow buried the property and everything around, forcing us to make a solid reconsideration of the "which t.b regular would you most want to cannibalize" thread. But everything turned out okay and they departed on Sunday morning. I am told the drive home was "90% event-free".

Pictures of the site will be scanned and added to the page fairly soon. You'll have to sorta imagine what it will look like without eighteen inches of snow on everything.

Probably the most important accomplishment of the weekend was the initial budget estimate. It looks like our initial guess of $30 a person was, in fact, pretty damn good. We need to pull numbers out of our butts more often, I guess. The total budget works out to about $3000, which (at $30 a person plus the additional amount Andrew and I will be tossing in) is completely workable. In figuring out the budget, we tried to over- estimate the costs involved, so that unexpected additional expenses would not blow everything out of the water.

The budget looks like this:

(3) 10x16 tents	(bought)				$500
(4) chemical toilets (3-day rental)			$300
(1) Large campstove grill (3-day rental)		$ 60 + fuel
Lighting (torch and lantern)				$ 60
(12) trash cans (bought)				$ 60
Ice, 100 lbs.						$ 20
1200 beverages (various kinds)				$360
(2) large dining flies (bought)				$ 75
(50) Folding chairs (3-day rental)			$ 75
(6) Folding tables (3-day rental)			$ 90
(2) commercial coffee urns (3-day rental)		$ 75 + coffee
Food							$1000 (see below)
Paper goods: Disp. plates, bowls, service sets,		$100
		some cups, napkins, etc.
Wood (half cord)					$ 45
Something to remember the event by			$150
						      ~$2970 + some

It looks like we're pretty set on the tent thing; Andrew tells me we'll only be needing shelter for a couple dozen people (as I recall; is this correct?), which the above-mentioned tents should take care of. If one or more of these large tents is subsidized by someone else (i.e. would any of you like a two-room 10x16 family tent?), that cost would decrease substantially. My folks may buy one of them. The one grill being rented will have a partner (either bought by my folks or borrowed from friends); between them, there should be enough space for six people to cook at once. The 50% seating will be supplemented by logs, chairs people bring with them, etc. Hopefully, we won't all need to sit at once, even during meals.

For the food specifics:

Friday night, grilled burgers (vegetarian alternate still being worked out): prolly $200, maybe a bit more if we go for really good buns and make the patties ourselves (~50 pounds of ground beef), which would be vastly preferable. Also, lots of chips and dip type stuff.

Saturday morning: Tortilla breakfast, potatoes, some egg, cheese, salsa, lettuce, some sausage, we're working on some mixed fruit (prolly melons), about $150

Saturday lunch and dinner: Taos. We're talking about doing one huge group reservation at a place that does authentic southwestern dishes for dinner.

BONUS MEAL!: My folks have offered to do a meal themselves for us, for after the wedding, late Saturday night. No details on the nature of this feast yet, but I know better than to tell my folks "no".

Sunday late morning: Biscuits with gravy and/or honey/jam/etc. Sausage. More fruit. ~$150.

Sunday late afternoon/dinner: The Chili Cookoff. Basic ingredients (ground beef, beans, tomato, etc.) will be provided. We're prolly going to need to produce about 15 gallons of chili between all the people cooking. About $275.

Monday morning: Pancakes, egg, bacon or link sausage. $200.

Preliminary pricing by yours truly for various random items that we know will be needed for these meals suggests that stuff costs less than we initially guessed, especially when one is buying in huge quantities, so we may have the option of really producing huge amounts of food or (more likely) splurging on some of the ingredients.

What is being worked on right now:

1) An account is being set up right now for HOTT.BOB fee money. We'll prolly start asking for money around mid-June.

2) My folks are looking into getting group rates at one of the motels in town, for those of you planning to stay in town instead of at the site. If you plan to stay in town but *DON'T* want to be in a room near all the other 'froupers who are staying in town, let me know. There will prolly need to be a deposit put on these rooms relatively soon, so if you plan to stay in town, make sure Andrew knows this-- we'll need an accurate headcount of how many rooms, and you'll need to send in some separate money for this.

27 Mar 95

A set of updates has been mailed to the list. It's about time for another furious fluster of activity as Andrew and I figure out how much of what we're going to need.

Andrew and I will be meeting in Las Vegas on the weekend of April 21st to scout the area, snag some phonebooks, take some pictures, and generally stride about the desert like two gods on a tequila hangover.

I imagine the next major set of changes (BIG changes, BIG *BIG* changes) to these pages will take place in the week after that trip; at that point, I'll be adding information on train schedules, hopefully some rough estimates of flight info, maybe scan some pictures of the area in, get menus from places we may want to eat at in Taos....

Other than that, the only major change to the home page is the pointer to Rocco's better Maps of NM. And again, a reminder to maybe check the needs list.

22 Feb 1995

The initial headcount is 82 people. There are a number of "maybes" as well, and this does not include a small number of non-TB people who will be there for the wedding. There are a number of people who have not yet been heard from, however; the final headcount will probably be just upwards of 100.

We're about three or four weeks behind on the budget, though, so at the moment we're still calling it $30 a person. I still think that will come down a good bit, however-- we should be able to do quite a lot without using the majority of that kind of money.

I am working up a list of things we need, most of which is stuff to be accquired with the collected money. However, take a look at it and let us know if we're forgetting anything obvious and vital to an outdoors collection of a hundred people.

Also take some time to look over the menu with a serious eye; we need assistance with almost all the meals, and some of them lack consideration for the vegetarian/vegan attendees, so we need recommendations for alternate recipes, ideas, etc.

More in the near future, no doubt.

HOTT.BOB return