[joe-frank-list] Fwd: Re: what's real, what's not

Joe Frank joe at joefrank.com
Sat Sep 19 12:42:23 PDT 2020

Kornfield granted permission - there were no lawyers involved, just an 
email exchange.
You'll find in other interviews Kornfield expressed his blessing.  Even 
mentioning that if it does anyone any good, that's great (something 
along those lines.)
Though it's likely true that Joe's appearance in his life was a blip to 

The music is derivative (Joe made the loops and added vocals / drones to 
it  at times. Plus, there were / have been no complaints.

Hope this helps

Michal Story
michal at joefrank.com
On 9/18/2020 11:03 PM, Tom McDonald wrote:
> But the issue is did he violate Kornfield's copyright, steal his intellectual property?
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