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A short history of our family from the first that landed in America till the present time, as far as I can ascertain----.

John Echols an Englishman came to America about the end of the 16th or the beginning of the 17th Century and settled in Caroline County, Virginia, and married a tall redheaded woman named Mary Cave and by her had five sons and three daughters.  I shall begin with his sons first and carry out their family as far as my knowledge extends.

John was his first son who left Virginia a young man and settled in the lower part of N. Carolina and raised his family, of whom I know nothing.

Abraham was old John’s 2nd son, married Sarah Tamer and by her had two sons and several daughters.  His sons were Joseph and Joshua.  Joseph married a Miss King, and by her had 2 sons and 5 or 6 daughters.  His sons Abraham and Jeremiah who left Virginia in time of the Revolutionary War and went to Pennsylvania.  Of their offspring I know nothing. Joshua married Hannah Brown, had a number of children of whom I know but little.  He had one son Darius, a conspicuous man in Habersham County, GA.  The rest of his family lives chiefly in the upper part of Georgia.  Old Abraham had one daughter who married James Hodges a very worthy man, his family moved to Tennessee. He had one son named Jessee and he had a son named James who was a commanding officer in Tennessee and got drowned in Cumberland River near Cairo. Jessee had one daughter named Tabitha, that is all I know of the family. Old Abraham had another daughter named Sarah who married John Rowden and by her had 4 sons and one daughter. His
sons were Abraham, Laban, Josee, and John. Abraham married a woman named Chick, moved to Tennessee. I know nothing of his family. Laban married Milly Adams raised a large family. I know nothing of them only two of his sons to wit, Hubert and Lot, who live in Guinett County, Ga. Josee married Susannah Adams, moved to Tennessee, of his family I know nothing. John married Milly Brewer, a widow, the daughter of old Jeremiah Reeves, sister to Rev. Malachi Reeves and Rev. Jeremiah Reeves. He also moved to Tennessee and was drowned in the Tennessee River. Of his family I know nothing. Old John Rowden’s daughter was Tabitha. She married Glover Crain, had several children by her and then died. He had one son named Joseph Crane who married a Miss Hood. They had several children, one son named John Glover Crane who was a wholesale merchant in Charleston, S.C.Joshua Crane had a daughter married a Mr.Whitman, a Baptist preacher and a teacher in the Penfield Academy, Green County, Georgia.
P.S. James Hodges daughter married John Lacy. Wm Glass and Hally Shaw Lacy had one son named Elijah and he and wife parted. Glass had 5 sons and 3 daughters. His sons were Hubbard, Mason, Frederick who married Betsy Strother and he was killed by the Indians in Alabama. The other three, David, Elish and Eahlij Mason married a Miss Wyatt and lives in Fayett County, Georgia the rest of his sons I know nothing. His daughters were named Tabitha, Patsy, and Sally. Tabitha married Richard Wood and by him had three sons and one daughter. Her sons were Winston, William and Willis. Her son William represented three different counties in the state of Georgia and was Colo. Of the same counties. He then moved to Randolph County, Alabama and represented that county and is Colo. And judge of the court.
Willis, her third son married a Miss Cochran and died young. Richard Wood’s daughter was named Elizabeth and married Samuel D. Echols. Hally Shaw raised a large family in Jackson County, Georgia. I know nothing of his family only E. B. Shaw, his grandson, who lives in Guynett County, and is a very eminent Baptist preacher.
P. S. If I mistake not, old Abraham Echols had a daughter who married a man by the name of Hubbard in Virginia. I know nothing further of them.
The third son of old English John Echols was named William. I don’t know who he married. He had several sons and daughters. His sons were John and William. John was one of the largest men ever raised in Virginia. He was a Quaker preacher. That’s all I know of him or his family as I never saw him but once. William was also a very large man, married a widow Spradlin. By her had three sons and four daughters. His sons were Joel, Elcanah, and William. Joel and Elcanah moved to Tennessee. Settled on Cumberland River near Caro. I was once at Elcanah’s house after his death. He had a large family. I know the names of none of them only his youngest son named Richard. They are a very wealthy family. Joel I think they told me had no child. William, the third son, married a girl by the name of Elizabeth Farmer - a schoolmate of mine in Virginia. He moved to Alabama, settled in Madison County near Huntsville and was a very great wholesale merchant in that town. I know but very little of his family. He had a daughter married Richard Holden also a wholesale merchant in Huntsville and also had two sons who moved to Mississippi. One of them was killed by a man and the other wrote to me about it.  I think the one that wrote was by the name of Larkin. The one that was killed I think was by the name of Joseph. That’s all that I know of that family.
Old William Echols daughters married William Wynne, Vardre McBee and Daniel Williams and Richard Anderson. Of Wynne’s family I know nothing as they moved to Tennessee in an early date. Old Vardre McBee moved from Virginia to South Carolina before the Revolutionary War and was a Capt. In that army and was said to have done as much damage to the British and Torries in that part of the country as any Capt. In that country. He had two sons, to wit, Silas and Vardre. Silas was a very large man, went to Mississippi and died there. I know nothing of his family. Vardre still lives in South Carolina, Greenville District. He has six children, only one married, that a daughter, married a Mr. Carson. He has one daughter Malinda single, one son Luther, the rest I don’t know their names. He is said to be the richest man in that part of the state. His property is estimated at one million dollars. Old Vardre has several daughters. I don’t know their names. One married a man by name of Ross. How many children she had I know not. I only know one of her sons who is by name of Rice F. Ross. One married a man by name of Asher. They have one son in Dade County, Georgia, by name of William Asher, a very smart man. That is all I know of that family.
Daniel Williams, who married the third daughter of old William Echols, went to Tennessee, raised his family there. Of his daughters I know nothing. His sons were Sampson and Oliver. Sampson was said to be an uncommon smart man, represented his county many years.  There is a very fine town in Tennessee named in hone of his name - Williamsburg.Sampson Williams was a very large man, rather cross-eyed. Richard Anderson married old William Echols fourth daughter, had five children by her and she died. I know the names of two of their sons, which were Medy and John. Medy became very rich, owned the first merchant mill I ever saw, on Banister River in Virginia, where was a considerable town built named Medsville in honor of Medy Anderson’s name. They both had families of which I know but little.
Joseph Echols was the fourth son of old English John Echols. He never married, consequently had no family. He was an afflicted man, had what was called the asthma which prevented him from lying down. He never lay down for forty years-had an instrument made that fitted his forehead and sat and slept. His common vocation was hunting and trapping on the River at which business he made considerable property as he lived in the frontier country where game was plenty.
Richard Echols was the fifth son of English John Echols who married Caty Evans - he was my grandfather - and by her had fourteen children. Three died in infancy.  The rest lived to raise families. Their first son was Moses who married Betsy Wynne. They raised a considerable family. Their first son was John who married Fanny Formby and moved from Virginia to Tennessee. I know but little of the family. He was a one-eyed man, he was very smart and had great property. Their second son was Obediah. He married Betsy Terry. He died at about 65 years of age. I know but little of his family, only one son who lives in the western district of Tennessee by name of Champness Terry Echols, a Baptist preacher. Moses third son was by name of Moses who married a Miss Terry - cousin to his brother Obediah’s wife. I know nothing of his family. Their fourth son was by name of Evans who married Anna Terry, sister to his brother Moses wife. They live in Virginia. I know no more of their family. Old Moses daughters were by name of Rebecca, Priscilla, Tabitha, Betsy, Lucy and Frances. Rebecca married Edward Akin. I have no knowledge of their family. Priscilla married David Bates in Halifax County, a very large man who offered for the legislature in the county that he was born and raised in when he was about twenty-five years old. He got every vote that was given in the county and the county was very large. He continued to go to the legislature as long as he stayed in Virginia. He then moved to Georgia, Wilkes County. He became a representative of Wilkes County in Senate and was once appointed President Senate pro tem - you can see his name in the digest of the laws of Georgia. He became so fat that it was supposed by the doctors that his fat melted in him, killed him before he was sixty years old. He weighed nearly four hundred pounds. He raised his family in Wilks County, Georgia but after his death they moved to Tennessee. I have but little account of them since. He had one son named Randolph and one named Anderson. Of the rest I have no account only one daughter named Susanah who marriedJames Johnson of Oglethorpe County.
Old Moses third daughter Tabitha married Nathan Formby. He moved from Virginia to Georgia and died in Walton County. He raised four sons and several daughters. His sons were named Moses, Obediah and Nathan. The other I don’t know the name of, he married a Miss Harvie in Newton County and died there. Moses and Obediah live in Newton County. They both have families but I don’t know the name of either of their wives. Nathan lives in Alabama. I know not of his family. One of old Nathan’s daughters married John Whitaker and one married Henry Nichols. One Israel Moore and one married a Mr. Park. I know nothing of the family.
Old Moses fourth daughter Betsy married Marlin Farmer. I know no more of the family. His fifth daughter Lucy married Jonas Meadows and that’s all I know about them. His sixth daughter Frances married a man by the name of Shelton. I have no account of them further.
Old Richard Echols second son was named John. He married Lucy Koore, raised a large family by her. They had three sons and six daughters. Their oldest son was James. He married Nancy Winbush of South Carolina. He moved to Alabama in an early date, so I know but little of his family. I have heard that one son named George, a doctor, and another named Saml - that is all I know of them.
Old John’s second son was named John. He married a Miss Moore. He also moved to Alabama. I know nothing further of them. Old John’s third son was named Saml. He married Jane Holloway of Elton, Putnam County, Georgia. He moved to Alabama so I know nothing further of them; old John’s daughter was Prudence who married Christopher Irwin. They raised a large family of sons and one daughter who died young. I know nothing more of them only Christopher and David. Christopher lives in Walton County, raised several sons and one daughter. I don’t know the names of the sons tho I am told they are smart young men. His daughter was Sophrony. She married Raman Ray. They live in Cobb County. David Irwin lives in Marietta and is a very imminent lawyer and a very wealthy man. He has a family that I know very little about. Old John’s second daughter was by name of Temperance. She married Jno. Rodgers. They raised several sons. I know of only two of them, Dr. James Rodgers, who married Wm. G. Springer’s daughter and lives in Carrol County. He has represented that county in the legislature of Georgia. David Rodgers lives in Stewart County and has also represented that county in the State Legislature. Old John’s third daughter named Caty never married, died young. His fourth daughter Patsy married Capt. William Ellis. They live in Pike County near Griffin. They have raised several sons and daughters. I know only two of his sons, Richard and Thomas. One of them is a doctor, both very large men. They had one daughter married a man named Wilson who lives near Griffin. Old John’s fifth daughter named Liddy married Skelton Standifer, moved to Alabama. I know no more of them. His sixth daughter Lucy married Nathan Williams and raised their family in Jasper County. I know nothing further of them only one son, a doctor who lives in Meriwether County, Georgia.
Old Richard Echols third son was named James Echols, a very large man, had a very singular mark in his features. He had one black eye and one blue eye. He married Elizabeth Palmer, widow of John Palmer of Richmond County, Virginia. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Milner. By her he had five sons, three daughters. His oldest son was Milner, who married Susannah Sansom, had ten children. Their first son was Samuel Dorril Echols, who married Betsy Wood. By her he had four sons and four daughters. His first son was named Alfred. He married a girl names Thirston. They had one child and then they parted. His second son was named Wood Echols. He married a girl by name of Patrick,  had three children, moved to Alabama and died shortly after he went there. I know nothing of his family. Third son named Winston M. Echols married a Miss Summer Cain, had one child and she died. He married again but I know not to whom. His fourth son is named John, a young man not yet married.  His oldest daughter was named Maryan. She married Colo. Thos. J. Johnson, who lives in Herd County, near Franklin. They have children but I know not their names or how many. His second daughter was named Mahaley, married Mercer Babb, had one child and she died. Her daughter is a daughter named Antonett. Saml’s third daughter Betsy Ann married a Mr. Hollandworth, lives in Heard County,. They have one child. I know nothing of them. His fourth daughter Susannah not yet married.
Milner’s second son was named James, died an infant by a fall out at the door. His third son was named Richard, died an infant also. His complaint was the Flux.  His fourth son was named Robert Milner Echols. He married Mary Melton and by her had twelve children. His first son was named Jonathan Milner Echols, died at the age of seventeen years.  His death was caused by an over hard march in the army in very hot weather. His second son was named Dorrel Sampson Echols, died an infant. His third son was named Thomas Jefferson Echols, married Lucinda A. Pate and by her had three sons, the first Jonathan M. Echols, his second son died young, his third son was named Robert Milner Echols.  Robert M. Echols, fourth son of Robert Walton Echols, a youth, his fifth son Samuel D. Echols, his sixth son named Richard, died young. His seventh son Joseph a little boy. Robert M. Echols first daughter Rhoda married Thos. J. Trammel, had nine children by him - to wit - Collumbus, Georgia, John Robert, Thos., and Ugnias. Her daughters are Tabitha, Martha and Susan, the youngest not yet named. His second daughter Martha married Doctor John G. Waddel, she had one child and died when it was nine days old, named Thomas Echols Waddel, who lives with his father in Alabama. His third daughter Elisa, his fourth daughter Mary Ann, his fifth daughter Frances, none married. Robert M. Echols was a man that filled many responsible offices. He represented Walton County upward of twenty years in succession, was six or seven years president of the senate. He was Major General. He was also Judge of the Court and one of the Trustees of the University at Athens and - of all he was member of the Baptist Church at Sardis, Clerk of the same. He was appointed by Congress a Colo. In the United States Service to command 13th Regiment in Mexico.  He was also appointed by the President to pay off the soldiers in Mexican War - his office was at New Orleans. He died in Mexico at the National Bridge whilst in command of the 13th Regiment on the third day of Dec., 1847 in the 49th year of his age.
Thos. Echols, the fifth son of Milner Echols, married Polly Harper.  By her had six children, two of whom died young. His first son was Robert H. Echols, married Elizabeth Morris.  His second son, Joseph M. Echols, married Virginia Norton, had by her three children. Thomas’ first daughter, Susannah North Echols, married John Chappel, lives in Merriwether County, has several children. Her oldest is William, her second one named John, the rest small, I don’t know their names. His second daughter Mary not married.
Milner Echols’ sixth son named William Sampson Echols, married Kitty Holder, had by her four sons and two daughters. His oldest son John Thomas Echols married a Miss Kelly, has several small children. His second son Robert M. Echols not married. His third son Lumpkin not married. His fourth son, an infant named Thos. Rhodes Echols. His first daughter Martha who married Jos. Selvy who had one child by her and ran away and left her. Second daughter Frances not married.
Obediah Echols, seventh son of Milner Echols, married Hannah Holder - sister of his brother William’s wife - had five children by her. His first son James Echols, his second Tapley, his third John Bunyan, his first daughter Susannah, his second Nancy who married a Mr. ShawObediah Echols, son of Milner, died in Milledgeville in the 31st year of age. Was a very business man, was appointed Surveyor Genl. before he was thirty years of age.
Milner Echols first daughter named Leah died before she was three years old. Her death was caused by a burn. His second daughter Patsy married Joshua Ammons.   She had two children. First daughter Mary married James Mobley. They have three children. Their oldest a son named Samuel Iverson Mobley, second a daughter named Susan Martha Mobley. Joshua Ammon’s second is a son named John Milton Ammons, not married.
M. Echols third daughter named Nancy married A. B. Rose, by him had nine children. First son named Augustus died about his fourteenth year. Second Dolphus, third son Theophelus, fourth son Aurelius, fifth son William, sixth Marcus, seventh Agenius Mercer, none married. His first daughter Sarah died at about Seventeen years of age, second daughter Martha died at about eight years old.
Robert E. Echols was the second son of James Echols. He married Elizabeth Davis, they had three sons and one daughter. His first son was Wm. Milner Echols. He was a tanner by trade and married in Montauleo, Jasper County, Georgia. I know nothing more of this family, only that he lives in Monroe County. His second son was named Jessee Mercer Echols.  He married a girl named Sandel Carrel. They had no children. They live in some of the Cherokee Counties. He is in some office on the railroad, the last I heard of him. His third son named James lives in ____ County, Alabama. I know nothing more about him. Robert E. Echols daughter named Lucy married and went to Tennessee. I know no more about her.
Absolom Echols was the third son of James Echols, married Nancy Sansom. They had no children. He was killed by Johnson Hammock in Alabama. Hammock was condemned to be hanged for it but killed in jail before the day of his execution.
Obediah Echols was the fourth son of James Echols. He married Elizabeth Strong. They had one child and his wife and child both died. He then married Elizabeth Flournoy, by her had two children, a son and a daughter. The daughter died an infant and his wife also died about the same time. His son was named Philip Henry Echols. He had a great deal of property left him by his grandfather Flournoy. He was educated at Schenetida college in New York. He studied law under Judge Berrien at the City of Washington and married the Judge’s daughter, Margaret Berrien. He returned to Georgia and practiced law and died on ther Cirquett in Marion County at his uncle Absolom Echols. Obediah then married Elizabeth Jones, a widow in Hancock County and by her had several sons and daughters. His first son by his last wife was by name of James Walter Echols, a very rich man and lives at Auburn, Alabama. His brother Samuel now lives with him, a doctor.
Their father, Obediah Echols, lives in Mississippi, Carrol County, has four daughters married and lives near their father. The names of the men that they married I don’t know, only one married a Mr. Foreman, he has two small sons lives with him, one named Judson, the brother I don’t know the name.
James Echols daughter - first daughter was named Leah Echols. She married Robert North. They had four sons and four daughters. Two of their daughters died young. Their first son named Wm. North married Frances Arnold, had several children. I don’t know their names.  They live in Coweata County, Georgia. Their second son Anthony North married Polly Hubbard, a second cousin to him. They have a large family of children chiefly grown and several married but I don’t know who to. He has one son named Robert and another named Hubbard and one daughter named Adaline. Their third son named Abraham, married Hiss Holms.  They have a large family but I don’t know their children’s names. The fourth son named Marcus married Dosha Thurmond. She had two or three children and died. He then married a widow but I don’t know her name.
Robert North’s first daughter Patsy married a Mr. Hale, never had any children, her husband died. She is now a widow. Second daughter Lucy married James Willis, had several children, moved to Alabama and there she died shortly after she went there.
James Echols second daughter named Mary Echols, married Jeremiah Reeves. They had five sons and four daughters. One of the daughters died young and another fell into the spring and drowned. Their first son Absolom Echols Reeves, who lives at Rome married Elisa Tyas, by her had one daughter who died at about the time she was twenty years old while she was attending Association in Chattanooga County. John N. Reeves, their second son, never married, lives in Augusta. Jeremiah Reeves, their third son, married at about 40 years of age, lives in Walker County. Their fourth son, James M. Reeves, never married. Joseph Reeves, their fifth son, married a Miss Hodge and lives in Chattanooga in Tennessee and keeps a tavern in that town.  Jeremiah Reeves first daughter, Leah, married Samuel Neblick, lives in Jackson County, Georgia. I know nothing of their families. Their second daughter Elisa married Ben Powell. I know nothing of their family, only they have one son named Evans Powell.  James Echols third daughter named Elizabeth Echols married Thos. M. Fagg. He then ran away, left wife and child and never been heard of since............................................

Benjamin Echols was Richard Echols fourth son. He married Sabra Hendrick, his own cousin and by her had three sons and five daughters. Their first son was Richard, he married Betsy Smith his cousin. They had no children, were very wealthy. They differed, parted and never lived together any more. He died from a fever taken in Floyd’s army in 1815. John Echols, their second son, married a girl named Merrel, raised a large family in Mississippi. I know none of his children, but his oldest daughter Elmira. Benjamin Echols was old Benjamin Echols third son. He married Betsy Ellis, lives Chattanooga County, had a large family of children. His first son is Richard Echols, married but don’t know who. Second son Abner not married, third son Robert lately married to Miss Verner. Their first daughter Caty not married. Second daughter (I know not her name) married Amay Dickson, a very fine man. He had several other daughters but I don’t know their names.

Old Benjamin Echols first daughter Lucy married Samuel Paine, had several children; one son named Samuel lives near Rome. One of his daughters married a man named Williamson. She is now a widow. Benjamin Echols second daughter Betsy never married, died rich. Third daughter Sally married Luis Rolston, had three children, one son Robert, the others daughters.  One married a man named Edwards. I know nothing of their family. Fourth daughter Caty married Jacob Lawridge, moved to Mississippi, had several children. I know the names of but two of them, one boy named Legon, one John -- .  Fifth daughter named Citty married J. Dyche, moved to Mississippi. He shortly died. I know nothing further of the family ---

Obediah Echols was old Richard Echols fifth son. He married a very rich old Irishman’s daughter. His name was Wm. McDaniel, her name was Caty McDaniel. He had five sons and two daughters. His sons, William who died at about 19 years old, second son Benjamin Echols.  He was a nearsighted man, not very bright, but had the most extensive recollection of any man. He inherited a large estate from his grandfather McDaniel’s estate but had not forecast enough to take care of it. He married Betsy Milner in Kentucky, his own cousin.  They had several children, one son named Obediah, one daughter named Mariea. I know nothing more of his family as they moved to Tennessee but left Blind Ben - as we called him. Old Obediah Echols third son was James, married Sally Rutledge, raised several children. I know but little about them only one of his sons named Silas Echols said to be a very smart man. James was a great farmer, a great hand to make tobacco, and from that was called Horn Worm James. Old Obediah’s fourth son was named Obediah. He married a Miss Franklin in Virginia but moved to Georgia and died young, left two children, a son named Josephus and a daughter. I know not where they are.

Obediah’s fifth son was named Elijah. He married a girl by name of Willingham. I know nothing more of his family. He was said to be the greatest millright that ever was seen in the State. Old Obediah’s two daughters were named Betsy and Nancy, one married Thos. Rutledge, the other married Wm. Arnold. They both moved to Tennessee. I know nothing further of their families. Old Obediah’s wife died. He then married a widow Jones near Richmond in Virginia.  Her maiden name was Jackson, she was a half sister to the great General Lawson. By her he had two sons and one daughter. His first son was Philip Jackson Echols, lives in Crawford County, Georgia, and one son lives in a little town in Monroe or Forsyth County, the name of the town I don’t recollect. That is all I know of his family. He has been Clerk of the Court in Crawford County.  His second son was Samuel Echols. He married Sally Booker and moved to Alabama and died. I know but little of his family.

Old Obediah’s daughter was named Polly Echols who married a man by name of Raney, moved to Giles County, Tennessee and died a few years ago, so I was informed by a letter from his daughter. Old Obediah was a Baptist preacher of the highest order of his day.  Joseph Echols was sixth son of old Richard. He was a Methodist preacher, married Polly Stamps and by her had five sons and four daughters. First son Ruben married Betsy Owen, of whom I know but little. He moved to Mississippi and died shortly. He had several sons, I don’t know their names. He had one daughter Sarah, married Samuel Marshall, a very fine man, lives in Coweata County. Another daughter Caty married a man by name of Bell, of them I know nothing.

Joseph’s second son was Levi, married a Miss Hubbard, became vastly rich and died soon.   He lived in Washington, Wilks County, had but one child, that was a boy named Joseph Hubbard Echols. He is a man of great learning. He is a Methodist preacher and a lawyer and he was the president of the Female Academy in Madison, Morgan County, Georgia. Joseph Echols third son named Simeon married Caroline Van Allen, daughter of Peter L.Van Allen. He was a very great lawyer, and was killed by Wm. H. Crawford in duel on the bank of Savannah River in South Carolina at Braksdale Ferry. Caroline Van Allen was said to be worth $20,000 when Simeon Echols married her. They moved to Mississippi near Columbus to a little town called Athens where he shortly died. His wife lives at the same town and keeps a public house. I know nothing of their family.

Joseph Echols fourth son was Josephus, a very tall man, became a doctor. He went to Alabama to a town called Selma and by his Partner I am told he got very rich. I heard he married but I don’t know who to, consequently know nothing of his family.

Joseph Echols fifth son, William, was also a doctor, never married, had a wen on his neck which was cut out and he died immediately at about 24 or 25 years of age.
Joseph Echols first daughter Tabitha married Thomas Cooper, had no child, died in Cowetta County. His second daughter Caty married a very worthy man in Jasper County named Archibald Standifer. She was upward of forty years old when she married, had no child. His third daughter Rebecca never married, lives in Newnan, Cowetta. His fourth daughter Olive married an Englishman named John Daughterty, lives in Coweata County, keeps a public house, he is said to be a very fine man, I know nothing of his children.
Old Richard had five daughters, the oldest named Mary Echols, married Thos. Wynne, had 2 sons and 4 daughters. His first son was Obediah, married Onry Bolton in Virginia, had by her several children, first son John Wynne lives Oglethorpe, married a girl Owen, of his children I know nothing only one son named Glen Wynne married a daughter of Samuel Lumpkin and lives in Coweata County. Thos. Wynne’s second son Thos. Wynne Jr. was left very rich by his father but alas - he was a drunkard and gambler and married onto a very low family, spent his property in a few years and went over seas to some foreign land, his family lives in the upper part of Georgia. He had one daughter married a man by name of J. Brand, and two of his daughters married two brothers named Fincher. I know but little more of the family.

Old Thos. Wynne’s first daughter married Wm. Arnold, had three children, one son and two daughters - she was by name Rhoda, weighed nearly 400 pounds. Her son was William, married a Miss Milner, had two sons by her and died. One of his sons is a wholesale merchant in Charleston, South Carolina, the other one I know but little about. One of her daughters married Samuel Lumpkin of Oglethorpe, the other married David Owen of Newnan, Coweata County, all very wealthy people.
Thos. Wynne’s second daughter married Levi Marshall - a brother to the great preacher Abraham Marshall - they had several sons and daughters. First daughter married Robert N. Crawford of Columbia County. I know but little about the rest of their children. Thos. Wynne’s third daughter Kitty married John Bolton, they had three sons and two daughters. Their sons were Thos., Charles and John. Thos. Lives in Newnan, Charles lives Wilks, vastly rich. John died. He lived in Cobb County on the Chattahoochee River near Montgomery’s Ferry. Their daughter Betsy married Philip Cooper and died shortly, their daughter Polly married Thos. Sims, lived in Washington, Wilks County. He died and then she married a man by name of Sherburn, he died.

Old Thos. Wynne’s fourth daughter Lucy married William Booker, had by him three daughters and one son, their names were Polly who died, Sally who married Samuel B. Echols and now lives in Alabama. Third daughter Lucinda married William Galbreath, they have one daughter married Absalom Echols Roberts and another married a Mr. Hester and they also have a young son I know not his name. The son of Wm. Booker was the notorious John W. Booker who died in Monroe, Walton County, Georgia.

Old Richard Echols second daughter, Drucilla, married Wm. Owen, raised a large family.  They all went to western countries but one daughter, her name was Rhoda.  She married the Rev. Malachi Reeves. I know but little of the family since they went to the west. Old Richard’s 3rd daughter Sally who married John Milner and moved to Kentucky in a very early date raised a very large family. Their sons were Armstead Milner, a very rich man, John Milner and Mark Milner.

Old Richard Echols fourth daughter Anna married James Daniel, had five children, four sons and one daughter. Their sons were Moses, Hopkins, Echols Daniel and Jeremiah. Their daughter Caty never married. Echols Daniel married but never had children by his wife. He is a vastly rich man, lives in Floyd County. Hopkins married the widow Crane, the grandmother of John Glover Crane of Charleston. Jeremiah Daniel married but I don’t know who. He moved to west. I know nothing of his family.

Old Rich Echols fifth daughter Elizabeth married William Raney, had one daughter named Betsy Hunter Raney. She married a very great lawyer by name of Edward Jones who lives in Giles County, Tennessee. Of their family I know nothing more.
A Short Account of my Great Grandfather Walter Evans Faymily

He was a Welchman. Came to America about the beginning of 17th century, married Betsy Holcomb and settled in Caroline County, Virginia. He had several sons and four daughters. Who his sons married I know not. One of his daughters named Caty married Richard Echols - my grandfather. One other named Kitty married Daniel Terry. From them sprang the Colquitt family.  One other of his daughters married John Hendrick. From them came the family of Jones, Smith and Ligon. Another of his daughters married Richard Hubbard. From them sprang the Hubbard family of Oglethorpe County, Georgia.
Old English John Echols had three daughters which I could have inserted had I known enough about them to give any satisfactory account of them. I only know they married outlandish men, one an Englishman named Nicholas Gilington. Of their family I know nothing. The second daughter married an Irishman named Murphy. I know nothing of their family only they had two sons, Joseph and William, that was called the greatest Baptist preachers that ever was known in Virginia of their day. Old English John Echols third daughter married a Scotchman named Marshbank. I know nothing of their family only the family of Deens in DeKalb and Floyd County sprang from that family.
 From: Carole M. Castleberry < <>>
 Subject: Milner Echols
 Date: Friday, July 10, 1998 3:38 PM

please note the below information was downloaded from World Family Tree  CD to merlge with the Sansom side of the Toler tree.  there is some repeated information.  sorry s/Vern Toler

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 17, Ed. 1, Tree #1328, Date of Import: 7 May 1999]
He is a brother of Milner Echols who married Susan Sansom who  resided
 in Walton Co., Ga. in 1850 census
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 17, Ed. 1, Tree #1328, Date of Import: 8 May 1999]
He is a brother of Milner Echols who married Susan Sansom who  resided
 in Walton Co., Ga. in 1850 census

Brøderbund WFT Vol. 17, Ed. 1, Tree #1328, Date of Import: 7 May 1999]

Family lineage submitted by Jenny Futral, #6 Wonderland Lane, Carthage, Tn.
37030.  This line is on her late husband's line  of Wood-Futral, with the Wood
family the Echols connection.
Research notes of Molly McLaughlin:
Named as son of James Echols in his last will and Testament,
Will Book B, page 40, Clarke Co., Ga.
Son Milner and wife heir to his estate for caring for him in his old age.

Born in Va.  Resided in Wilkes Co., Ga. Father, James listed in Wilkes Co., Tax
digests.  Milner Echols listed in Minutes of the Inferior Court of Wilkes Co.,
Ga. 1798-1811 pg. 142 as guardian for a Nancy Palmer, orphan.
Eligible for two draws in the land lottery of 1803 from Wilkes Co., Ga.
Was security on the guardianship of an Elizabeth Palmer, insane.

A Milner Echols and Obediah Echols are listed in Certified lists of Georgia
Troops, as men who received bounty warrants for RS.
Age of this Milner makes his age suspect.
Appointed Justice of Peace of Clarke Co., Ga. 6 April 1805.
Security on the 1822 estate of Jeremiah Burnett of Clarke Co., Ga.
Security on the 1822 estate of Thomas P. Carnes, Clarke Co., Ga.
Appraiser of the estate of John Sansom, d. 1806 in Clarke Co., Ga.
who was a son of James Sansom (d. 1793 Greene Co., Ga.) along with Thomas
Hill,Joshua Baker, Sen., Moses Hopkins, Peter Randolph and William Dyin, J.P.
and Milner Echols, J.P. Absolem Echols was administrator of John Sansom's estate, along with
Elizabeth (Dunn) Sansom, widow of John, and Jordan Baker.
(A Peter Randolph and Temple Lea and Sarah Cole witn. the 1808 will of John
Malone, Clarke Co., Ga., whose neice is Lucy Malone Chappell-whose daughter
Sarah Ann Chappell married John Leonard Sansom-) Sansom genealogist, Dianne Davisson of
California, gives a history of children of Elijah Sansom and Elizabeth, his
wife as having a daughter Sarah who married Richard Cole.  Autobiograpy of
Richard Cole (Jr.) is that his mother was Sarah Sansom Cole, and that his
mother had a sister who married "Miller Echols" and a sister who had married a
"Dickens".  Copy of parts of Autobiograpy of Richard Cole in possession of
Molly McLaughlin.
Not followed by this researcher in the census, but listed in
history of Walton Co., Ga. "Wayfarer's in Walton" by Anita B. Sams, as residing
there and married to Susan Sansom.
1850 census of Walton Co., Ga.-Milner Echols,Susannah Echols.
The Hills of Wilkes Co., Ga. Vol. 2 published by Mary Bondurant Warren,
Heritage Papers, Danielsville, Ga. 30633, pg. 62, lists James Echols with a
son, Samuel D. Echols.
Milner Echols had a son, Samuel Dorrell Echols.
What connection does this line of James Echols have with the line of
Samuel Dorrell Sansom, said to be the son of John Sansom, RS, said to have died
while riding express against the Tories in 96th district, SC.

What connection does this line have with William Sansom, J.P. of Wilkes Co.,
Ga. whose son Dorrell Sansom, died in Maury Co., Tn. and associates with
the Willis family of Wilkes Co., Ga. in deeds of Maury Co., Tn.

Source: Louisa Co., Virginia 1743-1814--Where Have All the Children Gone
abstracted and compiled by Rosalie Edith Davis.

Louisa Co., Va. Guardian Bonds, 1767-1814 pg. 101
Guardian Bond.  John Dicken, Jr. Gdn. to Catharine Dorrell Sanson, orphan of
William Sanson, Dec'd. L500 current money. Surety, Chas. Daniell, Junr.
and Nicholas Gentry. 10 Feb. 1783.  (Nicholas-Nicholas)
Nicholas, surety of Guardian bond was married to
Sarah Dickens (his second wife-descendants of Tn. and Carroll Co., Missouri
included Henry, Zachariah, Wesley, James Richard, Sarah Perrine, Robert
(Bobbie) and Benajah Brooks Gentry).

Louisa Co., Va. Order Book 1782-1783 page 125.
10 February, 1783...Catharine Dorrell Sanson orphan of Wm. Sanson, dec'd.
chose JOHN SANSON DICKEN, JR. as her guardian.

Elizabeth Sansom md. Richard Dickens, 20 Oct. 1780 St. James Northam
Parish, Goochland, Virginia

Catherine Dorrell Sansom md. John Sanson Dickens, Jr. 6 Mar. 1783 shortly after
he was appointed her guardian. (Had the family began to move to Georgia?).

Louisa Co., Va. Order Book 1782-1783 page 125.
10 February, 1783...Catharine Dorrell Sanson orphan of Wm. Sanson, dec'd.
chose JOHN SANSON DICKEN, JR. as her guardian. Elizabeth Sansom md. Richard Dickens, 20 Oct. 1780 St. James Northam Parish, Goochland, Virginia Catherine Dorrell Sansom md. John Sanson Dickens, Jr. 6 Mar. 1783 shortly after he was appointed her guardian. (Had the family began to move to Georgia?).

Autobiography of Richard Cole 1805-1892. Copy in War Memorial Library,
Montgomery, Ala. "I saw two of her (his mother's) sisters when as a boy my
mother and father went on a visit to Georgia and took me with them. On that
visit I saw my mother's two sisters.  I do not remember their given names;
whether or not she had any others I do not know.  The family name was Sansom.
The names of their husbands was Miller Echols and the other one was named
Richard Dickens."  Also "my parents were born and raised in Louisa Co., Va."
"My grandparents on my mother's side were short-lived." and "I never heard my
mother speak of but one brother, his name was William."

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 17, Ed. 1, Tree #1328, Date of Import: 8 May 1999]

Family lineage submitted by Jenny Futral, #6 Wonderland Lane, Carthage, Tn.
37030.  This line is on her late husband's line  of Wood-Futral, with the Wood
family the Echols connection.
Research notes of Molly McLaughlin:
Named as son of James Echols in his last will and Testament,
Will Book B, page 40, Clarke Co., Ga.
Son Milner and wife heir to his estate for caring for him in his old age.

Born in Va.  Resided in Wilkes Co., Ga. Father, James listed in Wilkes Co., Tax
digests.  Milner Echols listed in Minutes of the Inferior Court of Wilkes Co.,
Ga. 1798-1811 pg. 142 as guardian for a Nancy Palmer, orphan.
Eligible for two draws in the land lottery of 1803 from Wilkes Co., Ga.
Was security on the guardianship of an Elizabeth Palmer, insane.

A Milner Echols and Obediah Echols are listed in Certified lists of Georgia
Troops, as men who received bounty warrants for RS.
Age of this Milner makes his age suspect.

Appointed Justice of Peace of Clarke Co., Ga. 6 April 1805.
Security on the 1822 estate of Jeremiah Burnett of Clarke Co., Ga.
Security on the 1822 estate of Thomas P. Carnes, Clarke Co., Ga.
Appraiser of the estate of John Sansom,d. 1806 in Clarke Co., Ga.
who was a son of James Sansom (d. 1793 Greene Co., Ga.) along with Thomas
Hill,Joshua Baker, Sen., Moses Hopkins, Peter Randolph and William Dyin, J.P.
and Milner Echols, J.P. Absolem Echols was administrator of John Sansom's estate, along with
Elizabeth (Dunn) Sansom, widow of John, and Jordan Baker.

(A Peter Randolph and Temple Lea and Sarah Cole witn. the 1808 will of John
Malone, Clarke Co., Ga., whose neice is Lucy Malone Chappell-whose daughter
Sarah Ann
Chappell married John Leonard Sansom-) Sansom genealogist, Dianne Davisson of
California, gives a history of children of Elijah Sansom and Elizabeth, his
wife as having a daughter Sarah who married Richard Cole.  Autobiograpy of
Richard Cole (Jr.) is that his mother was Sarah Sansom Cole, and that his
mother had a sister who married "Miller Echols" and a sister who had married a
"Dickens".  Copy of parts of Autobiograpy of Richard Cole in possession of
Molly McLaughlin.

Not followed by this researcher in the census, but listed in history of Walton Co., Ga. "Wayfarer's in Walton" by Anita B.Sams, as residing there and married to Susan Sansom.
1850 census of Walton Co., Ga.-Milner Echols, Susannah Echols.
The Hills of Wilkes Co., Ga. Vol. 2 published by Mary Bondurant Warren,
Heritage Papers, Danielsville, Ga. 30633, pg. 62, lists James Echols with a
son, Samuel D. Echols. Milner Echols had a son, Samuel Dorrell Echols.

What connection does this line of James Echols have with the line of
Samuel Dorrell Sansom, said to be the son of John Sansom, RS, said to have died
while riding express against the Tories in 96th district, SC.

What connection does this line have with William Sansom, J.P. of Wilkes Co.,
Ga. whose son Dorrell Sansom, died in Maury Co., Tn. and associates with
the Willis family of Wilkes Co., Ga. in deeds of Maury Co., Tn.

Source: Louisa Co., Virginia 1743-1814--Where Have All the Children Gone
abstracted and compiled by Rosalie Edith Davis.

Appraisors of John's estate were: Thomas Hill, Joshua Baker, Sen., Moses
Hopkins, Peter Randolph, William Dyin, J.P. and Milner Echols, J.P.
Milner Echols, according to source "Wayfarer's in Walton" by Anita B. Sams, was
married to a Susan Sansom.

Absolem Echols was married to Nancy Sansom. She is living in the household of
Thomas Sansom, her brother, in 1850 census of Clark Co.,Ga. and is buried in
the same plot as her brother, Thomas and brother, James. Absolem Echols was a
brother of Milner Echols.  (See estate returns of their father in Clark Co.,Ga.
for estate of James Echols.).
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 17, Ed. 1, Tree #1328, Date of Import: 8 May 1999].

Subject:         re: Echols Family History
   Date:         Tue, 27 Jun 2000 18:03:37 -0600
   From:        Jefferson Glass <>

I am also an Echols Descendant via James Hodges and William Glass.

In Milner Echols' first postscript, he states that, "Wm. Glass and Hally
Shaw Lacy had one son named Elijah and he and his wife parted. Glass had
5 sons and 3 daughters." [At this point he must be refering to Wm.
Glass' wife, Sarah Hodges, daughter of James Hodges and unknown Echols].

Milner Echols goes on to list Wm. Glass' sons, "His sons were Hubbard,
Mason [Manson], Frederick who married Betsy Strother and he was killed
by Indians in Alabama." M. Echols goes on to say, "The other three,
David, Elish [Elisha], and Elijah." At this point, I am confused. Milner
Echols has listed six sons. Though he has previously stated he had only
5 sons.

I have searched for a copy of Milner Echols' original work for several
years and have yet to find anyone who has a copy of the original work.
It appears to me that you must have a copy of the original. I ask that
you please review the above mentioned postscript and let me know if
there are any typos or edits from the original, that appear differently
than that of the typescript on your site.

Since I am descended from Elisha, accuracy is of the utmost importance
to me.
My sincere thanks
Jefferson Glass
a Wyoming cousin.

Subject:         Echols, Conner, Booker, Willingham
   Date:         Thu, 10 Aug 2000 22:33:09 EDT
   I have just discovered that my grandfather's sister married a man named
Echols and now I see that there are Willinghams and Bookers linked to this
name. I would be interested in knowing if anyone can add to what I know about
the family, as below: I have more information on most of the family,
including some on the Echols in OK.
Patti Bates


JOSEPH C. CONNER, b. 12 Nov 1845 (or 1848), Greene Co, MO, d. 5 Dec 1901
(smallpox), buried Frio Cemetery, Carter County, OK. Served with Company H,
2nd Regiment, Missouri Light Artillery, Union Army. Enlisted in Springfield,
MO 16 Dec 1863; honorably discharged 20 Nov 1865.
Married at the home of C. McMillens 28 August 1867, Hillsborough, Hill Co, TX
 SARAH JANE NANCE,  b. July 1851, MO, d. 2 May 1934, Foster, Garvin Co, OK,
buried Foster Cemetery
Her parents: Elias B. NANCE, b. Abt 1820, Green Co., KY, died Abt 1870, Hill
Co, TX, and Agnes Campbell INCE, b. 1823, Overton County, TN, d. 1887, Pike
Co, IL
    I.  Alice CONNER, b. 29 Dec 1870, TX, d. 25 Oct 1899, Carter Co, OK,
buried Frio Cemetery,
        Married John B. ECHOLS, b. 1858, TX
             1. Bessie, ECHOLS, b.1894, OK, m. 1910, OK Marion McCORTNEY
             2. Eva ECHOLS, b. 1896, OK
             3. Joseph Benjamin "Benny" ECHOLS, b. 1897, OK

    II  JAMES K. CONNER, b. 25 Feb 1873, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, TX, d.
15 June 1966
        Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, OK.  Buried Memorial Park, Oklahoma
City, OK  Married
        BEULAH BRENT BOOKER, b. 24 Nov 1877, Denison, Grayson County, TX; d.
28 May 1961,
        Oklahoma City,  Oklahoma County, OK.  Buried Memorial Park, Oklahoma
City, OK.  Her parents:
        William  L. BOOKER and Sarah WILLINGHAM WAINSCOTT

(There were five more children, if anyone is interested.)

Sarah Willingham was the daughter of Delona Willingham, born abt 1792 in NC,
died 1854 in Polk Co, MO, married (1) Susannah Mott, (2) Jane Kilgore and
(3) Malinda Wainscott of KY and MO. Delona was the son of John May Willingham.
Sarah married a cousin,  Robert L. Wainscott , who didn't return from action
in the Civil War. She married William Booker 12 Dec 1864 in Montague Co, TX.
They moved to OK a few years later.

        Echols family
   Date:         Mon, 4 Sep 2000 22:46:43 -0500
   From:         Joan Taylor <>
 My ggfather was Joseph Lafette Echols.  He was born on October 22, 1853 somewhere in the vicinity of Montgomery AL.  His mother died when he was quite young.  Have heard that he might have had two older sisters, but this is not fact.  His father married again to a woman from MS and they may have had a child.  His father died by the time he was 5-6 years and it is said his mother moved back to MS and took him with her?  He came to TX with a childless couple.  The man was know as Uncle Jack and had one  leg.  The woman he called Aunt Sarina.  They came to East TX and in 1874 at the age of 21 he came (to the area that is now Sommervell County TX )with another young man named George Booker.  There they settled and began their lives.  Joseph or Joe as he became known, George Booker and several other men were instrumental in the founding of Sommervell County.  He was a farmer, rancher and at one time ran wagons from Sommervell County to McClendon County TX.   Joseph married Laura West, descendent of Gov. West of VA.  They raised seven children.  Both are buried in Sommervell County.
I have been trying to find information regarding his family.   I have not been able to trace him before coming to Sommervell County Texas.  His birthdate falls between the census and I have not been able to find anything that matches.  I did notice in the Newsletter that a Samuel Echols married a Sally Booker and moved to AL.
Have you run across his name in any of your searchings?  Somewhere in the back of my mind I remember my grandfather telling me his dad was connected with a Marion AL.  I checked Perry CO. but had no luck.

Our family names include:  Echols/West and LaFon/Glass.   They all seem to have come from the same areas?

Joan Echols Taylor
Hillsboro, TX

Subject:         More Echols Descendants
   Date:         Wed, 25 Apr 2001 19:21:56 EDT

My family descends from John Echols-m.Mary Cave, from their son Abraham
Echols, m. Sarah Hubbard Tamer. I am a novice in my research and welcome any
information one can offer, but I am positive of my connection to John Echols.
My search, as it is, has revealed the following:
Abraham's son Joshua Echols b.1750 in Caroline Co., VA-d.26 Nov 1800 in
Pendelton District, SC-m.(1) Margaret/Hannah Brown b.WFT Est.1748-1771
Together they had 5 children: 1. Richard Brown Echols b.BET. 1778-1785
2.John Echols b.ABT. 1774 in VA   3. Darius Echols b.ABT.1779 in Halifax Co.,
5. WILEY JOSHUA ECHOLS b. ABT.1785 in South Carolina- it is from WILEY JOSHUA
that I descend.
Joshua's second wife-Mary Gray b.WFT Est. 1725-1762 m.1785 in Pendelton
District, SC. Together it is believed that they had 11 children;
1. Douglas Echols b 1790 in S. Carolina  2. Abraham Echols b.1791 in
Pendelton Dist., SC  3. Elizabeth Echols b. 1792 in Pendelton Dist., SC  4.
Sterling Echols b. 1792 Pendelton Dist., SC  5. Elijah V. Echols b. ABT 1794
in Pendelton Dist., SC
6. Robert B. Echols b. 13 Dec 1794 in S. Carolina  7. Mary Echols b.1795 in
S. Carolina  8. Polly Echols b. 1796 in S. Carolina  9. Nancy Echols b. 1798
in S. Carolina  10. Lucinda Echols b. 1800 in S. Carolina  11. Caroline
Echols b. 1802 in S. Carolina.
Of these descendants I know nothing at this point.
WILEY JOSHUA ECHOLS b. ABT 1785 in South Carolina-d.25 Nov 1843 in Forsythe
Co., GA-served in the War of 1812-married Nancy Melinda BROWN b. 24 Mar 1793
in Halifax, VA. Again, little known about these people, am working on more
accuracy and history on Wiley Joshua. Together they had 12 children.
1. SHOPLEIGH P. ECHOLS b. 7 Mar 1812( has been listed as 1815, that
information is incorrect)  d.18 Sept 1899 age 87 in Arkansas-buried in
Mulberry AR. I will stop here to elaborate on SHOPLEIGH as it is from him I
descend. SHOPLEIGH ECHOLS married SARAH SUMMERVILLE b. 14 Dec 1815 in S.
Carolina d. 5 Jan 1890 at the age of 75. Sarah is the daughter of JAMES AND
JOHANNA SUMMERVILLE, unfortunately I have not found much about Sarah's
parents at this point.
SHOPLEIGH AND SARAH were married 10 Mar 1836 in Franklin Co., Georgia. In my
search I have found Shopleigh's name spelled several different ways- SHAPLEY,
SHOFLUGH and SHOFLEIGH. I sway to the spelling SHOPLEIGH due the research my
grandmother started some 20 years ago when more of her cousins were still
living and the research they did collectively. Also, my mother traveled to
Mulberry Arkansas in search of the small cemetery where Shopleigh and Sarah
are buried.
On his headstone the spelling is indeed Shopleigh. He also had two known
nicknames-"Shop" and "Cap". We have no idea where the n-name "Cap" comes
from. Perhaps military service?
Sarah's maiden name has been listed in several different sites as SUMNER,
this is definitely incorrect. For those interested, the cemetery is located
outside of Mulberry, to the south, I believe. My parents had stopped in a
small diner in Mulberry for lunch and asked the waitress if she knew of the
cemetery and were treated to what was indeed "Southern Hospitality" as the
waitress promptly turn to the others in the diner and asked if anyone could
help my parents on their hunt. After many inquires as to who wanted to know
and how they were related, and the group talking amongst themselves, they
pointed my parents in the right direction. Then with the help of a farmer who
lived down the road from the cemetery, they were sent to the property where
the cemetery rests. To those who may want to explore our tiny piece of
history, stop at the diner!
Back to business- Shopleigh and Sarah moved from Georgia  to Crawford County
about 1872 or 73. Together they had four (4) children, all children born in
1. JAMES W. ECHOLS (my gr-gr-grandfather)  b. 19 April 1837 in Rome
Georgia-d.9-Dec 1917 in Wilburton Oklahoma-buried in Lutie Cemetery. Married
ELIZABETH FRANCES FORMBY b. @1841 in Georgia-d. Unknown
2. Joshua Echols b. 7 July 1838-d. 1876 in Arkansas-married Frannie ?.
Together 3 children.
3. Elizabeth Echols b. 9 Jan 1857 or 59 d. August 1874 at the age of 17 in
Arkansas. Elizabeth married W.W. Wood date unknown. Elizabeth gave birth to
two children who were raised by her parents after her death.
4. Shopleigh P Echols Jr. b. Unknown d. Unknown. Married (1) Amanda-no
information, (2) Frannie Crittendon-no information. S.P.Jr. had 3 children.
At this point, I must apologize, I got carried away with the info on
Shopleigh and neglected to list the other children of WILEY JOSHUA. They are
as follows;
1. Shopleigh
2. Elias Larkin Echols b. 26 Jun 1816 in S. Carolina
3. Martin B. Echols b.25 Nov 1818 in SC
4. Joshua Echols b. 1820
5. Margaret Echols b. 25 Nov 1820 in Franklin Co., GA
Sarah May Echols b. May 1822 in Franklin Co., GA
7. Benjamin Echols b. 1824 in Franklin Co., GA
8. Terry Wiley Echols b. 1826 in Franklin Co., GA
9. Thomas Wellborn Echols b. Aug 1828 in Franklin Co., GA
10. Duncan Green Campbell Echols b. 15 Aug 1830 in Franklin Co., GA
11. Nancy Melinda Echols b. 3 Nov 1831 in Franklin Co., GA
12. Louis Barton Echols b. 15 May 1834 in Franklin Co., GA
Again, I apologize for not adding this information in context.
Now to JAMES W. ECHOLS-As I stated above, he married ELIZABETH FRANCES
FORMBY, I do not have the information regarding their marriage and when it
took place. My grandmother's notes state that they were married in 1859 or
60. Together they had 7 children, they are as follows;
1. M. Virginia Echols (known to family as "Aunt Mattie"),b.@1861 d. 1880 at
the age of 19. My grandmother's notes state that she had 3 children, but does
not list a husband's name,
2. James Oscar Echols b.28 Jul 1864 d. 18 Mar 1931 married Nora Moore b. 18
Mar 1860 d. 14 Nov 1957 m. 1904
Three children in this marriage.
1. Doy Moore Echols-was Nora's child, took Echols as his surname after the
2. Connie Echols b.1905 or 06-married, but no further information available
3. Crawford Echols b. Unknown d. Unknown  Never married.
4. Cora Lula b. 16 Oct 1867? in Rome GA d. 17 Aug 1935  at home in Willows
CA, buried in Orland CA. Married Jonas Morrell. NOTE: My grandmother's notes
said that they had 17 children (no data to prove this). Also noted that
"Lula" was 3 years of age when the family moved to Arkansas. Have made
contact with one of Lula's gr-granddaughters and am working with her on more
5. Martha Elizabeth Echols (noted as Aunt Mattie) b.5 Oct 1869 in Rome GA  d.
Unknown  NOTE: was 7 months old in 1870 when family moved to Arkansas.
Married a man only noted by his last name "Roberts". Together they had 3
1. Arthur Roberts  no vital stats on Arthur, noted he was married to a woman
known only as "Maude"
2. Sallie Roberts  no vital stats, noted she married twice-1."Pate" 2. Aud
3. Martin Roberts  no vital stats-never married
Mattie's second marriage was to a man by the name of Dan Sparks. In that
marriage, there were 5 children.
1. Myrtle Sparks - Dan Sparks' daughter, Mattie's step-daughter
2. Ralph Sparks-died in infancy
3. Allie Sparks b. Aug 1904 d.Unknown Married Frank Milam b. Sept 1903
4. Ethel Marie b. Jan ? in Stigler OK d. Unknown  Married Frank Hardin. Only
one child listed for Ethel-Glen Hardin no known vital stats
5. Ernest Sparks b. 1912 in Stigler OK - married Lila Tiller - no other
information available
6. _Georgia Ann Echols b.1872 in Alma Arkansas d. Unknown  Married Robert F.
Beaty in 1902 in Poteau OK. Together they had 4 children;
1. Cecil Emmit  No vital stats
2. Lannie  No vital stats
3. Gladys  No vital stats
4. Ruth  No vital stats
7.Sarrah Echols b. 1874 in Alma Arkansas d. in Talaquah OK  Married W.J.
Moore in 1902 in Poreau OK. Together they had 7 children. Sarrah is listed as
Sallie (her n-name) in several different sites.

1. Cora b. 16 Oct 1903
2. Roy b. 10 Feb 1905
3. Tony  b. 14 Feb 1906  d. July 1972 buried in Madera CA
4. Beatrice b. 19 Oct 1908
5. Buster b. 6 Jan 1911
6. Hazel b. 18 June 1913
7. Floyd (Smoky) b. 30 May 1916
NOTE: I have been in touch with Sarrah's gr-granddaughter Alissa Hill. I plan
to e-mail her so that she may add to this newsletter.
7. ALBERT LEE ECHOLS (my gr-grandfather) b. 15 Jan 1876 or 77 in Alma AR died
22 Nov 1955 in Wilburton OK  buried at Centerpoint Cemetery. Married ELIZA
FRANCES SMITH b. 25 Dec 1879 in Mississippi - died 3 July 1921 in Wilburton OK
ALBERT and ELIZA (aka Frances Eliza) married 27 July 1902 in Dallas Texas.
Lived in Stigler OK from ? to 1916, moved to Wilburton (Latimer Co.) OK in
October of 1916. Albert's name has been mistaken listed as Abner in several
sites, perhaps because of his nickname "AB". It has been told in our family
that when Ab died, he was so known and loved that there wasn't a flower to be
found between Wilburton to Oklahoma City, so many arrangements had been sent.
Together they had 6 children.
1. Josie Gertrude Echols b. 14 Oct 1903 in Stigler OK  died 6 March 1906
buried in Stigler OK. Not quite 3 years of age. Gertrude, as she was called,
was named for Frances' mother, Luzianne(or as it is also known Lucianne)
Josephine Riddle Smith, known as Josie.
2. Stella Mae Echols b. 23 Feb 1908 in Stigler OK  died  @ 1995 in OK.
Married Jack Moran in 1928 divorced in 1929. Married Frank Lecklider in ? One
Betty Lee Townes (married name) is living in Macomb OK, but at this writing
is suffering from Alzheimers as her mother did at her death. Betty Lee
married William "Buck" Townes. As stated, they live in Macomb OK, and we are
in contact often. William is a retired Ag Science teacher and 4-H leader and
much loved and respected in their community. They had 2 children, Frank, who
died in his early 20's when he suffered a massive coronary (it is said that
his heart literally exploded) and Trisa, who followed in her daddy's
footsteps and is a teacher with the Macomb school district and much respected
by her students and peers. Also very involved in Eastern Star and all-around
sweetheart of a woman. Frank left a daughter, Heather, who the family stays
in close contact and who resides in OK.
3. DELLA ORENA ECHOLS (my precious grandmother) b. 30 July 1909 in Stigler OK
 Died 4 Aug 1990 in Marysville CA  Buried in New Auburn Cemetery in Auburn
CA. Married CARL GARRETT SMITH b. 9 Mar 1912 in Mosquero New Mexico, on 19
Aug 1933. My grandfather is a very vital man at the age of 89 who lives
outside of Auburn CA where my grandparents have lived for over 30+ years.
My grandmother never got over the loss of her mother (at age 12) and often
spoke of how gentle and kind she was. My grandmother was much the same, I
believe she patterned herself to be like her mother. DELLA and CARL had 4
1.Joy Carlene Smith - Living - Married (1) Albert Lee Wasley-Living and (2)
Don Williams-Living. Joy and Al have 3 daughters-Twins-Judith Alene Wasley
and Julia Gail Wasley Mason and their youngest, Jill Darlene Wasley Prosch.
They have been blessed with 8 grandchildren and 1 gr-grandchild.
2. Curtis Lee Smith- Living - Married Carol Ann Ruiz in 1963 in Grass Valley
CA. They are the proud parents of 3 children. Kenneth Loren Smith, Charlene
Marie Smith Bacon and Jefferey Curtis Smith. They too have been blessed with
7 grandchildren.
3. Kenneth David Smith - Living - Married Betty Jean Petrocci (sp) -Living.
Ken and Betty had 2 sons, Timothy David Smith-deceased-died in a motorcycle
accident on 18 Feb 1978, was only 17 years of age, and Matthew Garrett Smith
by whom they have one grandchild and the light of their lives, Amanda Jean
4. BETTY JANE SMITH (my mother) b. 16 Mar 1940-Living -Married (1) Richard
Harry Thompson-Living and (2) ROBERT EARNEST WHITING-Living. Betty and Robert
are the proud and loving parents to 5 children and 7 grandchildren.
1. Kimber Lee Iaea-Whiting b. 25-Jan 1959-Living  Married (1) Mark Kevin
Hensley-Living and (2) Ray Matsuo Kawamoto-Living. Ray and I are the proud
parents of two wonderful people-Robert Earnest Hensley b. 17 Feb 1979 and
Stacey Colleen Hensley b. 1 Sept 1981
2. David Lemoine Thompson-Whiting b. 23-Dec 1960-deceased. David was killed
in a motorcycle accident on 31 July 1983 and is buried in Fairview Cemetery
in Rio Oso CA. David was very loved and is sorely missed to this day by
family, friends and community members. He was a lover of life and love. Our
family remembers him often with stories and rememberances.
3. Steven Curtis Thompson-Whiting b. 23 Feb 1962-Living. Married Cheri Dawn
Wells in Marysville CA on 29 April 1995. Steven and Cheri are the proud
parents of one daughter, Brooke Diane Whiting. Steven has served in the U.S.
Army and now serves with the National Guard.
4. Joy Ann Thompson-Whiting b. 6 Nov 1963-Living. Married Michael Louis
Riddles-14 April 1984. Joy and Michael enjoy their family life with their two
children, Krystina Brianne b. 27 April 1987 and Beau Garrett b. 23 Nov 1989
5 Bethany Lynne Thompson-Whiting b. 7 Dec 1968-Living. Married (1) Patrick
Christopher Ferguson-Living. Bethany is a terrific mother to two children,
Taylor Rey
Ferguson b. 28 April 1996 and Roan Patrick Ferguson b. 4 July 1997.
All of Betty and Robert's children and grandchildren live within 20 miles and
frequently get together for every and any occasion, just as my grandmother
did with her family.
That completes my ECHOLS family, as I know it to be at this point, from JOHN
ECHOLS and MARY CAVE to the present.
I would be thrilled to hear from anyone having ties to this Echols branch and
will welcome any other information one might have to share.
Kimber Kawamoto

ubject:         Eleanor Echols                  Murphy Smith
   Date:         Mon, 28 May 2001 16:31:10 EDT
    I am researching Gideon Smithof Halifax Co., VA, wife Eleanor (Murphy).
Eleanor's maiden name was Echols I have been told and the daughter of John
Echols and Mary Cave.

At the time of Gideon Smith's death in 1751, he had two daughters, Keziah and
Peninah.  I would like to know if they were the daughters of Eleanor Echols
Murphy or perhaps daughters by a previous wife of Gideons.


Freda Strampe

Subject:         Susanna Sansom Echols    Date:         Fri, 8 Jun 2001 15:04:06 -0700
   From:         kay foster <>
   Susanna Sansom was married to Milner Echols. There is a Henry Sansom listed on passenger lists of Mayflower in 1620. I am trying to trace Susanna Sansoms ancestors. I cannot find conclusive evidence of Susannas parents and possible siblings. But I do find that a sister as listed in your newsletter was married to a brother of Milner Echols. Does anyone have any information of Susanna Samsons parents & siblings and possible prior ancestors?
Kay Foster


        Recent descendants of Georgia Ann Echols Beaty
   Date:         Thu, 16 Aug 2001 08:24:09 EDT

I'm Curtis Elvin Moorman, Marie's eldest, as in 'Curtis, (Marie, Georgia Ann,
James, Shapleigh....).  Please address replies to  <>.  I
have all this in a file if  that would be better for you.
{ brackets } are remarks added by Marie Simmons Mason.
( parenthesis ) are by Hazel Ruth Beaty Busby

...begin transcript...

hand copied by Marie M. Mason from original text by Hazel Ruth (Beaty)
(Simmons) Busb dated 1972.
Jim Echols (Grandad)

{died 1900 Ark}        {Mary Summerville}
Born about 1833. Father, Chap Echols Mother ____________ ? Moved from
Georgia in 1862 to Mulberry Ark.

Children born in Rome Georgia
Jackie born about 1864 - died at 2 or 3 yrs. old.
Jennie, born about 1866 was married had three children.
Lula born about 1868 died in Calif. about 1933 or 34.
Oscar born about 1870 died ______? buried at Lavaca Ark.
Mattie born about 1872 died in Wilburton at daughters Allie Milams in
1956 age 84 yrs.
buried at Wilburton Okla.

{Alma Ark.}
Georgia born Feb. 14, 1874 died April 18, 1957 age 83 yrs. Buried at
Little Okla.

                         {age 72}
Sallie born May 23, 1876 died Dec. 1 1948 buried at Little Okla. (died at

Children born at Mulberry Ark.
Albert about 1878 - died at Wilburton. was buried at Wilburton.
Elmer (Rat) born about 1880 died about 1898. age 18 yrs.

Grandad Echols served in civil war in First Georgia Calvery on the South.
About 1863 He was taken prisoner by a moving train and served 15 months in
Rock Island Prison at Rock Island Ill.  When released he worked his way down
the mississippi river to Memphis Tenn. then went on foot to Mulberry Ark.
When he arrived home his folks didn't know him his beard and hair had grown
long.  Died about 1917 at Wilburton at Aunt Mats was buried at Wilburton. He
took turpentine for his chest. died with lung cancer age 84 yrs old.
Great Grandad Chap Echols homesteaded at Mulberry and Grandad Echols
lived on the
Bob Beaty (Dad) and Doy Echols went hunting at Mulberry Ark. before they
were married and dad shot the squrril. He shot its nose off and it fell to
the ground and run a ways. He didnt want to shoot it in its body. He was a
good shot.
Great Uncle Wyle Echols uncle of Grandad was hung. when they cut him
loose he wasn't dead. It caused him to be a mean man.

Families of Children -
Jennie - married had 2 boys and one girl.
Lula - married Jonas Morrell. children Emma - May - Oscar - Lindsey -
Jody - Hazel - Denzel.

Oscar - Nora Moore  Connie - died - cancer
Crawford - lives at Arcoma OK
Doy -         "     "  Salisaw 801 Walnut
 {killed by train}
Mattie - married Roberts - Sparks. Sallie - Arthur - Martin - Roberts -
dead  Myrtle - Allie - Marie Sparks - Earnest Sparks - dead.
Georgia - Beaty R.F.  Cecil Emmit Born Mar. 19, 1904 died Oct. 8, 1918.
14 yrs of age. Buried at Oak Grove Cemetary near Asher Okla.

{Kenta Okla}
Lannie Levoy - Born Jan. 5 - 1906

{Sparks Okla. 4 mi. North of Prague}
Gladys Jeanette -    Oct 10 - 1907

{Chism Okla.}
Ruth born Feb. 26 - 1910
Sallie - Bill Moore.
Cora  Oct. 16 - 1903
Roy   Feb. 10 - 1905
Tony Feb  14 - 1906 - died July 1972 buried at Madera Cal.
Beatrice  Oct. 19, 1908
Buster  Jan 6, 1911
Hazel  June 18, 1913
Floyd  May 30, 1916
Albert - Francis Smith - Gussy  Stella - Della - Camella.
Gertrude - died young.
About 1887 a flood on the Arkansas river at Ft. Smith Ark. took all the
belongings of
Jim Echols except a feather bed..
Georgia (Mom) found a piece of Cedar floating down the river and made a
rolling pin of which she used to raise her family

*   *   *

For Curtis.  Curt Simmons People.

Grandpa Simmons had a brother named Jason. He lived in Adamson Okla. ck
with anyone in adamson for history.( Maby church or ?  Grandpa also had a
sister (Ada). also a 1/2 sister
named Minnie Janutus. Last I herd they lived in Los angles. Minnie had 2
daughters. havent saw them in well since I was a kid in the 40's.
There was also Aunt Maud. I think she married a guy by name Claud
Hamilton They had a son named Wade Hamilton. they used to live on Dinuba hy.
in Visalia California. Last I herd of in 1983 - Wade had a daughter?  There
were some Simmons in Tulare Calif.

Marie M. (Simmons) Mason, 1994

Subject:         Milner Echols History - How I fit in
   Date:         Sun, 26 Aug 2001 13:03:41 -0400
   From:         "Bonner, Gregg" <>

Have I mailed this to you previously?

So here it is, in case I have yet - starting by quoting a part of the Milner
Echols narrative:

"Old Moses third daughter Tabitha married Nathan Formby. He moved from
Virginia to Georgia and died in Walton County. He raised four sons and
several daughters."

I am from one of the "several daughters". Nathan and Tabitha had a daughter
Mary "Polly" Formby, who m1. William Day and m2. William Moore (probably
some relation to the Israel Moore mention by Milner Echols). Mary and
William had a daughter Sarah Moore who married James Cottle. James and Sarah
had a daughter Almed(i)a Catherine Cottle who married Benjamin Heath Bonner.
I have a picture of Almeda and Benjamin and their five sons, one of whom is
Willis Chappell Bonner, my great grandfather. Also, through the kindness of
some cousins, I have a picture of the grave marker stones of Mary "Polly"
(Formby) Day Moore and William Moore. I believe them to be in Troup Co., GA.


   Date:         Tue, 28 Aug 2001 19:38:36 -0500
   From:        Watters <>
   My gr-grandfather was out of the William Sampson Echols family, whose name
is Robert Milner Echols. My grandfather was John Rhodes Echols. He first
married Francis (Fanny) Mohorn. They had two children, Clarence and Louise.
Fanny died and he moved from Paulding County, GA (HIram) to Boaz, Alabama.
He then married my grandmother, Sarah Ellen Scott. They had two sons John L.
(my father) and Billy Dean.  John Rhodes died of a stroke on my 18th
birthday and John L  and Billy both had cancer and died young. I live in
Panama City, Florida and have four children Bryan Chad Scott, Rodney Scott,
Corey Scott and Lori Angela Watters.

Joyce Watters

Garrett and Amber Scott birthdate 4/8/1999
Father: Bryan Chad Scott   8/20/68
Mother: Mable Joyce Echols Watters  2/23/49
Father: John L. Echols  8/13/26   Marshall County, AL
Father: John Rhodes Echols 10/12/1891  Hiram, GA  Paulding CO
Father: Robert Milner Echols m. Mary Gilbert    1833 to 1900 Cobb County, GA
Father: William Sampson Echols m. Kitty Holder   1806  Cobb Co, GA his birth
Father: Thomas Echols m. Mary E. (Polly) Harper   1781 his birth
Father: Milner Echols  m.  Susannah Sansom    1756 his birth
Father: James Echols m. Elizabeth Elsote Milner Palmer(widow of palmer) his
birth 1730 VA
Father: Richard Echols m. Catherine (Caty) Evans  1749 VA
Father: John Echols (Eckholls)english m. Mary Cave  1650 his birth came to
America about 1685 to 88   He and Samuel Cave bought land which has a pretty
good record. They are listed in the "Sixteen Hundred Lines to Pilgrim Linage
Book III"
Her father:     John Cave
her mother:     Elizabeth Travers
his father:     Samuel Cave
his mother:     Rachel Kellog  1595  in Great Leigh, Eng.
her father: Phillip Kellog  1560
his father:     Thomas Kellog
His father:     Nicholas Kellog 1488  in Debden, Eng  m. Florence Hall 1490 she
died Aug 11, 1571
her father:     William Hall

-----James Echols is my grand father several decades back   )
                                   > Joyce Watters


        Echols Line connection to LAMBETH
   Date:         Sun, 2 Dec 2001 14:51:49 -0600
   From:         "Lee_Jo" <>

Add me to your letter or list:::Lee D. Lambeth,,  I am interested inthe marriage of Joseph Echols to Elizabeth Frances Lambeth. Basicly:::Joseph Echols, b.1788, died May 30, 1824, age 36, married Elizabeth Frances Lambeth, b. 1798, Lynchburg,VA and  married June 11, 1814, Lynchburg, VA.  they had four children::: Elizabeth, Edward, John, b.March 30, 1823, and Robert J. Echols. Lee D. Lambeth

Joyce Echols Watters

        : |
       Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:54:20 EST
       Elijah Pennington Echols

   My great grandfather was Elijah Pennington Echols who came to Cass County Texas in about 1847 -1849
from Coosa County, Alabama.  He was born in 1823 in Georgia.  He came with brothers Isaac and
Sylvanus Grady.  His sisters Elizabeth Espey and Mary Patience Lathem  and husband  Asa came also.
 Other brothers may have stayed.  Some may have come later.  His mother may or may not have come
with them.  Elijah was married at least twice and maybe three times.  My  greatgrandmother was Martha
Elizabeth Isenhour.  They can be found in Cass County Texas records along with their children.  VERY
INTERESTED in finding E.P.'s parents names

Subject:         Echols update
   Date:         Mon, 04 Mar 2002 20:28:10 -0700
   From:         curt moorman <>

L Holt is another descendant
Vern Toler edits Echols Newsletter.  Let him put this in now, or wait for
more info? Attachment:  SUMMERVILLES back to the dawn of civilization, courtesy of
Kathy < > in Georgia.

Echols Cem., Crawford County, Arkansas.

Names                   Dates                           Comments

John Peters             29 Apr 1877-17 Jul 1954
Mary 'Lizzie' Peters    26 Aug 1875-22 Feb 1958         w/o John Peters
M. M. Manley            3 Jul 1886-28 Aug 1886          daug of John and Lular Manly,
Launie Manly            6 Apr1885-9 May 1885,           daug of John and Lular Manly,
Elizabeth Brazelton     Aug 1856-Sep 1882,              wife of R. A. Brazelton,
Fannie Crowson  20 Jul 1839-29 Jul 1882,        wife of G. P. Crowson
Willie C. Crosson       17 Jun 1885-21 Jun 1885,        son of J. R. Crosson,
S. P. Echols            7 Mar 1812-18 Sep 1899          [Shapleigh P. Echols]
Sarah S. Echols 14 Dec 1815-5 Jan 1880,         [Summerville] wife of S. P. Echols,
Joshua Echols           7 Jul 1838-15 May 1876,         son of S. P. and S. Echols,
W .A. Crosson           19 Mar 1877-13 Apr 1877,        son of F. C. and M. M. Crosson,
Robert Crowson  10 Nov 1873-16 Feb 1876,        son of F. C. and M. M. Crowson,
Harvell Echols          11 Jan 1878-7 Feb 1878,         son of J. W. and E. Echols,
Richard Echols  9 Jul 1880-7 Jan 1885,          son of J. W. and Eliz Echols,
Elizabeth Wood  8 Jan 1857-6 Aug 1874,          [daug of S. P. and S. Echols;] wife
of W. W. Wood,  [Wiley H. WOOD per kathy's file]
Minnie M. Morley        1 Aug 1877-20 Aug 1881,         daughter of J. W. and M. J. Morley,

John MANLY m. Lula ECHOLS (Robt H., Shapleigh, ...) per Kathy
I lacked children for Robt H. now I have some.

Harvell Echols  11 Jan 1878-7 Feb 1878,                 son of J. W. and E. Echols,
Richard Echols  9 Jul 1880-7 Jan 1885,                  son of J. W. and Eliz Echols,

This does appear to be our JW married Eliz. Formby.
These 2 children fit neatly after Albert Lee and this
pushes Elmer's birthdate up to at least 1881.  I guess
they were both forgotten because they died so young.
Hello Alissa, hope all is well with you.   Today I ran into a friend that
had been to Crawford County doing research, she has a Crawford cemetery
book that list our S.P. Echols, same birth/death date as ours, and a son
Joshua, their son, born 1838, died 1876, and a son Harvell son of J.W. and
Elizabeth.....many more Echols.  The cemetery is located off highway 64
between Dyer and Mulberry on the  Kirksey farm.  Named for S.P.
Echols.     Were you aware of this location and Echols burials?
          Emma Crowder/Lawton

Dear Cousins Allissa, and Emma.

Yes, I'm still here.  still....  Zzzzz!

As you can see, nothing was happening til I got your fwd.  I believe this
opens up a whole new dimension in our family researches.  >>> My son is
living in Clarksville, AR;  <<<  It's about 40 miles east of the
gravesites.  I think that if we can talk him into turning off the TV for a
saturday we may wind up with a batch of gravestone photos!

Do we have any info on who the land belongs to now?  The name on the gate
doesn't always mean much.  I'd like to call ahead if possible.  I'll go
online now & try to find the graveyard on one of the state sites.  I doubt
if it's there because I haven't found it already.  Can't hurt to look again.
Hello, again.  I've run my spiders on Chaps graveyard & come up empty.  I
visited Crawford counties GenWeb pages and the graveyard isn't listed.

Thank you for your mail. My mom visited the cemetery about 8 years ago and
has a burial list from the cemetery that I wasn't aware of and she took
pictures while she was there. I'm not sure what headstones she photoed, but
can easily find out.
Subject: Graveyards, redux...

This is why we all have gray hair and callouses!  I've
offered to help my Mom look through her 'junk' for
decades now & she's 71 now & I'm still waiting - she
says she'll 'get to it, soon'.  It seems like
everything we need to do genealogy is in a box in
someones attic, but noone remembers it's there.  We
gotta love 'em, though.
From: "Glenda Turner" <>
OK, here goes:  HISTORY IN HEADSTONES, by Doris Stevenson West and Susan Stevenson Swinburn. Pub. by The Press-Argus, Van Buren, AR  Original
copyright 1970, then 1993.

  The Press Argus-Courier
100 North 11th Street - P.O. Box 369
Van Buren, Arkansas 72956
Phone (501) 474-5215 - Fax (501) 471-5607
Email :

Publisher - Bill Hager
Editor - Kenneth Fry
Advertising Manager - Judy Weese
Sports Editor - George MItchell IV
Office Manager - Kim Hattaway

The Press Argus-Courier is a locally operated member of:
Stephens Media Group

      I've sent an email to this person but have had no reply, yet.  I may
have to spring for a long distance call.

Curt     sumrvil.ged

Subject:         Elijah Pennington Echols
   Date:         Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:54:20 EST

My great grandfather was Elijah Pennington Echols who came to Cass County Texas in about 1847 -1849 from Coosa County, Alabama.  He was born in 1823 in Georgia.  He came with brothers Isaac and Sylvanus Grady.  His sisters Elizabeth Espey and Mary Patience Lathem  and husband Asa came also.  Other brothers may have stayed.  Some may have come later.  His mother may or may not have come with them.  Elijah was married at least twice and maybe three times.  My  greatgrandmother was Martha Elizabeth Isenhour.  They can be found in Cass County Texas records along with their children.  VERY INTERESTED in finding E.P.'s parents names

  Date:       Thu, 28 Feb 2002 14:18:20 EST

I don't know if I am a descendent of your Echols or not.
My Grandfather was James Samuel Echols, born, 9-15-1888.  He was married to
Lina Arnold Echols and had 2 children with her, Billy (my father) and
Addabelle.  He had been married previously and had (I think) 5 children.  His
parents were William and Annie Echols.  William was a farmer and lived primarily
in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas during his adult years.  That is about
all I know.
Linda Stewart

        Echols Line connection to LAMBETH
   Date:         Sun, 2 Dec 2001 14:51:49 -0600
   From:         "Lee_Jo" <>
     Add me to your letter or list:::Lee D. Lambeth,,  I am interested inthe marriage of
Joseph Echols to Elizabeth Frances Lambeth.
Basicly:::Joseph Echols, b.1788, died May 30, 1824, age 36, married Elizabeth Frances Lambeth, b. 1798, Lynchburg,VA and married June 11, 1814, Lynchburg, VA.  they had four children::: Elizabeth, Edward, John, b.March 30, 1823, and Robert J. Echols. Lee D. Lambeth


Subject:         Sarah Echols
   Date:        Mon, 28 Jan 2002 11:52:23 -0500
   From:        "Sherry turner" <>
   To whom it may concern:

My gg grandfrather  George Washington Wimpee married
Sarah Frances Echols born 1880 in Seneca, SC

They moved to Northwest GA in (Rossville, GA) where she died in 1942 and he died in 1961.  It has been often
told through the family that she was closely related to the Col. Robert Echols. of the South GA county that was
named after him.  Apparently, she was middle to upper class and her family felt that she married beneath her by
marrying a Polish immigrant whose job was a dancer in the "Vaudeville"

Do you have any info on her?

Thank you so much

Jon & Sherry Turner

Subject:         echols
   Date:         Tue, 28 Aug 2001 19:38:36 -0500
   From:         Watters <>

My gr-grandfather was out of the William Sampson Echols family, whose name
is Robert Milner Echols. My grandfather was John Rhodes Echols. He first
married Francis (Fanny) Mohorn. They had two children, Clarence and Louise.
Fanny died and he moved from Paulding County, GA (HIram) to Boaz, Alabama.
He then married my grandmother, Sarah Ellen Scott. They had two sons John L.
(my father) and Billy Dean.  John Rhodes died of a stroke on my 18th
birthday and John L  and Billy both had cancer and died young. I live in
Panama City, Florida and have four children Bryan Chad Scott, Rodney Scott,
Corey Scott and Lori Angela Watters.

Joyce Watters

Subject:         RE: Ecols newsletter
   Date:         Sun, 26 Aug 2001 14:25:34 -0400
   From:         "Bonner, Gregg" <>

It is already up.

I have three pictures. One of gramps, and two graves (Mary "Polly" (Formby)
Day Moore and William H. Moore).

They are here:

Those addresses are kind of long, so make sure they don't "wrap" to the next
line. If you have trouble, let me know.

I didn't do you fit in?



Subject:         Absolem Echols Need Help At brick Wall!!!!!!!!
   Date:         Sat, 11 Aug 2001 16:51:12 -0500
   From:         Ruby Hale <>
     I am the Great Granddaughter of Absolem Echols b. 1873 possibly in Alabama.  He married Tabitha Morris b. 1875 in TroupCounty Georgia in 1896.  I located their marriage record in Troup County marriage records and located them in the 1900census.  I have not been  able to locate them in the 1880 census with their parents and have no idea who their parents mighthave been.  If you have any record of them, I would greatly appreciate any and all information you might provide.   I can
actually be reached at as I am using my mother's computer while visiting her.  I have checked all state
and federal census records in Alabama and their is no sign of either one of them.

Sincerely, Wanda

--- Ruby Hale

Subject:         Echols family in N. Ga
   Date:         Wed, 27 Jun 2001 18:31:37 -0700
   From:        Alan Echols <>

Hello Vern, My family came from North Georgia & I cant seem to trace it back any further than my grandad who was named Herman Vernon Echols who was a Baptist preacher that grew up & lived in Stockbridge area of Clayton co. Ga.  Also I have reason to believe that his dads name was John Henry Echols but do not know this to be fact but do know that he had an older brother named John. He also had a son named Herman Lacunius Echols who was my dad. If anyone has any info on this branch I would like to trace it further back for our family tree. Thanks , Alan R. Echols

I don't know if I am a descendent of your Echols or not.  My Grandfather was
James Samuel Echols, born, 9-15-1888.  He was married to
Lina Arnold Echols and had 2 children with her, Billy (my father) and
Addabelle.  He had been married previously and had (I think) 5 children.  His
parents were William and Annie Echols.  William was a farmer and lived primarily
in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas during his adult years.  That is about
all I know.

   Date:       Thu, 28 Feb 2002 14:18:20 EST

Linda Stewart


   From:         "Barbara Clingwald" <>

        Wed, 23 Jan 2002 16:58:18 -0800

I am 53 years old.  My grandfather was born in Arkansas,
John Elmer Echols.His father was Flemon Cicero Echols.  He was born in
Alabama to Hiram Echols.  I have been told that Hiram went on the "Trail of Tears "
from Ala to Ark, that he had married a cherokee woman and that he
bought a farm near Indian territory so that she could be near her people.  I
have seen land records that sustantiate the story.  Two of his sons Scott
and Jim were killed by a general Heinamin (sp?) at the end of the civil
war.  Although neighbors had slaves, the family story is that Echols
refused because of the Indian wife he came to believe that all people were at
least deserving of basic human treatment - freedom.  His sons fought with the
North and died as a result.  I would like proof of the story and to know who
were the parents of Hiram.  Records indicate that Hirams wife died soon
after Flemons birth, and Hiram remarried. I would like to know if his first
wife, my greatgrandmother was indeed a Cherokee indian.
Barbara Echols Clingwald

I spotted this in the Echols newsletter & thought I'd ask...
The young man is Jack NANCE, in Ft. Crook, Nebraska 1917 on medical leave.  The young lady is
Thelma NEWTON, dau of  Thom. Franklin NEWTON & Myrtle Deliath ASHBURN .  The back of the photo (postcard) says that she is "my daughter" and that he is "her boyfriend" .  Thelma later did show biz & had a series of husbands, vis.   HESS,  WELNOR, CLAYTON,  CARTER,  that we know of...

This is the part I found in the Echols Newsletter:

JOSEPH C. CONNER, b. 12 Nov 1845 (or 1848), Greene Co, MO, d. 5 Dec 1901 (smallpox), buried Frio Cemetery,
Carter County, OK. Served with Company H, 2nd Regiment, Missouri Light Artillery, Union Army. Enlisted in Springfield,
MO 16 Dec 1863; honorably discharged 20 Nov 1865. Married at the home of C. McMillens 28 August 1867, Hillsborough, Hill Co, TX   SARAH JANE NANCE,  b. July 1851, MO, d. 2 May 1934, Foster, Garvin Co, OK,
buried Foster Cemetery Her parents: Elias B. NANCE, b. Abt 1820, Green Co., KY, died Abt 1870, Hill Co, TX, and Agnes Campbell INCE, b.1823, Overton County, TN, d. 1887, Pike Co, IL

Reply from Patti:

Subject: Re: NANCE surname

What a wonderful photo to have. I don't know of any connection of the young
man  to my Nance family, but I am the one who provided the Conner/Nance
information to the Echols.  Joseph C. Conner and Sarah Jane Nance had a
daughter, Alice, who married an Echols. I researched the lineage and shared
it with Alice's descendants. Her brother, James K. Conner, was my grandfather.

Why don't you look through the Nance Memorial and see if there are any clues
to the young man in the photo....or check Nance on "Google" and see who is
researching the line now.

<A HREF="">Nance

Thanks for sharing the photo.


Amanda Elizabeth Mosley, Pic taken February 1876.
curt moorman <>

   Date:         Sat, 29 Dec 2001 10:54:55 -0600
   From:         <>
   I am haveing great difficulty tying my lineage to John Echols "The Englishman".
I can easily trace my heritage back to Rheubin
Echols born 1827 married November 2, 1857 to Mary Elizabeth Benson ,
Lincoln county Tennessee.  Died December 24, 1913
Lincoln County , Tennessee , buried Concord Cemetery , New Market , Madison county, Alabama.
I cannot identify Rheubin Echols' father , can you help ?
Mike Echols


   Date:         Fri, 4 Jan 2002 08:24:01 EST

And OLD William's daughter's have is Ruth, my 5th great grand mother!
This is so much fun finding people related and reading old stories !
My direct line, below.  I did an outline of all those I have entered so far and just a brief outline is 20 pages!
1        John Echols
       +Mary Cave
2        William Eccols       - 1771
       +Sarah Turner       - 1778
3        Ruth Eccols       1733 - 1813
       +Moses Hendrick       - 1794
4 Olive Anna Hendrick       1760 - 1828
       +Beverly Milner, Sr.       1756 - 1843
5        Ruth Milner       1783 - 1858
       +Daniel Burgess       1771 - 1872
6        Beverly Burgess       1821 - 1901
       +Melinda Leonard       1825 - 1907
7 Eli Milner Burgess       1854 - 1934
       +Ida May Todhunter       1857 - 1939
8        Robert Orville Burgess       1885 - 1941
       +Austa Smack       1881 - 1958
9        John Henry Burgess       1924 - 1974
       +Norma Lou Toohey       1928 -
10 Laura Belle Burgess       1949 -
       +Robert Chris Frankhauser, Jr.       1950 -
11        Jennifer Anne Frankhauser       1974 -
       +Donald Lee Swain, Jr.       1973 -
12        Brandon Lee Swain       1998 -
13 My brother's a gt gd father so his branch would go
to here !

Subject:         ECHOLS from Henry County VIRGINIA
   Date:         Sat, 5 Jan 2002 22:14:27 EST
 I am looking for any information that someone may have on Joseph ECHOLS born abt. 1824 in
Henry county virginia. He married Jane HARGER born abt. 1840 in Virginia, and they moved to
Forsyth county NC in about 1867.

They had four sons, two of which were born in Virginia, the other two in North carolina.
George Washington born 11-7-1865, died 7-25-1947 married Sophina Belle Hastings.
John F. born 2-14-1867, died 8-11-1948, married Margaret Perry.
William B. born 2-15-1869, died 5-25-1893, never married, died when he fell in a well, in forsyth
county nc.Cabel E. born 11-8-1872, died 2-19-1938, married Mary Roberson.

I am really looking for info on Joseph, have hit a brick wall, and cannot find out who his parents
or siblings were.thanks so much. Crystal Echols

Subject:         Echols history
   Date:         Mon, 14 Jan 2002 21:35:24 -0500
   From:         "Molly McLaughlin" <>

This is Sansom family researcher Molly McLaughlin-quoted in your works on the Echols site.

About 1/3 the way down in Milner's recall, there is a statement I want to bring to your attention and explain.

"Old Thomas Wynne" begins the paragraph.  States 3rd daughter LUCINDA MD. WILLIAM GALBREATH, they have 1 daughter, md. ABSOLEM ECHOLS ROBERTS".

Absolem Echols Roberts, along with his siblings, lived and married in Walton Co., Ga.  He was one of the sons of

Frankie's sister, Nancy Sansom Echols, md. Absolem Echols, brother to Milner.  I believe Frankie and Nancy are sisters of
WILLIAM SANSOM who married to DELPHY CLAY SANSOM, whose line I believe the Toler line finally intersects with the Sansoms?  William and Delphy's son, WILLIAM GREENBURY SANSOM, md.
MARY SHORT.  They all went to Texas from Alabama, although WILLIAM AND DELPHY CLAY SANSOM and his sisters NANCY MD. ABSOLEM ECHOLS AND FRANKIE MD. WILLIAM ROBERTS, all were married in Greene Co., Ga. area  in the early 1806 time frame.  Frankie and William definitely are in the Greene Co., Ga. marriages.
WILLIAM ROBERTS was once guardian of THOMAS SANSOM in Clarke Co., Georgia.

The Roberts-Galbreath was:  Absolem E. Roberts to Mary W. Galbreath, 2 May 1837 (Marriage Book D, page 23).

His siblings, Willis W., Sansom W., and James T. Roberts also were married in Walton Co., Georgia.

It is said that actress Julia Roberts and her brother descend from this male Roberts gene-pool.

Molly McLaughlin


        Wed, 23 Jan 2002 16:58:18 -0800
   From:         "Barbara Clingwald" <>

 I am 53 years old.  My grandfather was born in Arkansas, John Elmer Echols.
His father was Flemon Cicero Echols.  He was born in Alabama to
Hiram Echols.  I have been told that Hiram went on the Trail of Tears from Ala to
Ark, that he had married a cherokee woman and that he bought a farm near
Indian territory so that she could be near her people.  I have seen land
records that sustantiate the story.  Two of his sons Scott and Jim were
killed by a general Heinamin (sp?) at the end of the civil war.  Although
neighbors had slaves, the family story is that Echols refused because of the
Indian wife he came to believe that all people were at least deserving of
basic human treatment - freedom.  His sons fought with the North and died as
a result.  I would like proof of the story and to know who were the parents
of Hiram.  Records indicate that Hirams wife died soon after Flemons birth,
and Hiram remarried.  I would like to know if his first wife, my
greatgrandmother was indeed a Cherokee indian.
Barbara Echols Clingwald


        Mon, 28 Jan 2002 11:52:23 -0500
   From:         "Sherry turner" <>

My gg grandfrather  George Washington Wimpee married Sarah Frances Echols
born 1880 in Seneca, SC
They moved to Northwest GA in (Rossville, GA) where she died in 1942 and he died in 1961.  It has been often
told through the family that she was closely related to the Col. Robert Echols. of the South GA county that was
named after him.  Apparently, she was middle to upper class and her family felt that she married beneath her by
marrying a Polish immigrant whose job was a dancer in the "Vaudeville"

Do you have any info on her? Thank you so much

Jon & Sherry Turner

Subject:         RE:              John Echol
   Date:         Wed, 10 Apr 2002 20:40:10 -0700
   From:         "jerry whitten" <>
    Hi, Does any one have john ecols parent or any futher back. I seen all the
information but no one said who they were.
Jerry Whitten


        Mon, 15 Apr 2002 18:03:00 -0500
   From:         "Colleen Collier" <>
    My gr grwndmother was Mary Jane Echols. m. to W.W. Gilmore. They lived in Senatobia,Ms Orignally from Va. Her parents were
Dr. Joel Hubbard Echols and mother ,Sarah Anthony. Thanks, olleen Gilmore Collier

Subject:         Echols Family in Arizona
   Date:         Fri, 7 Jun 2002 08:34:27 -0700
Hello I am Doinald J. Bradburn, husband of Karen Grace Echols, daughter of
George Albert Echols.  I have a lot of genealogy on the Echols family but
some of the members don't want it on the web. Will share privately. Don

   Date:         Fri, 7 Jun 2002 22:07:16 EDT

My George C. Echols m. Hannah Durham in July 1840 in Chambers Co. Ala.  By the time my grandfather,
Thomas Jefferson Echols   is born, they are in Holly Spgs. MS.
He was born in 1854...had a sibling named Samuel, James and two others.
Next Thomas Jefferson Echols goes to AR. and was a traveling photographer.  Know he lived in Little Rock, Ar. when my father  Harry Clyde Echols was born in 1890.
The above TJE died in 1918 and is buried in Alton, IL.  Don't know anything about his siblings.
Would like to find more on this family.

I am definetly interested--Joseph Echols, Jr., born 1788, died May 30, 1824, Lynchburg, VA, age 36, was married to
Elizabeth Lambeth, daughter of Meredith Lambeth and Elizabeth Price on June 11, 1814 by the Rev.
W.R.Martin. The happy couple had four children. can you enlighten me on these characters mentioned or correct or add to
it????Thanks to you for any help you can give me.lee dee the lambeth from dallas texas&%@#$-Thanks again!!!!!

My grandfather was Ervin Outlaw son of Fannie Ella Scott (and George Washington Outlaw), daughter of Mary Ann Tabitha Echols Scott and James Troup Scott.  Mary was the daughter of
Mary Melton and Robert Milner Echols.  I have a picture of a man in a Spanish American War uniform whose last name, I believe is Echols.  As I remember the story from my mother, this soldier was a cousin of her dad's who went to the war and never returned.  I would appreciate any help in obtaining his given name. I apologize for the quality of this.

(note: i have been able to capture photo but so far having problems transfering to page, will over come problem soon s/   vern_toler

Subject:        Echols in East Texas
   Date:       Tue, 11 Mar 2003 13:44:00 EST

    We are trying to make a connection with the Echols families that settled in Bowie, Cass, Marion, Harrison, Panola, Gregg, Upshur,
Wood counties.  Echols families began moving into these areas in the 1830s, 1840s and 1850s.  Most seem to have come directly
from Morgan Co. Alabama and Coosa Co. Alabama but most had roots earlier in Georgia, some in Tennessee and Virginia.  Many Echols also moved into Arkansas and later Oklahoma and west Texas.  These are names that we are interested in finding out more about:
Obadiah Echols born 1806 (wife Rebecca )  settled eventually in Wood Co.
George Moore Echols  born 1802  (wife Hodges)  a MD  Cass then Upshur Co.
John Herbert Echols  born 1815
James Templeton Echols
Elijah Pennington Echols  born 1823  Cass Co.
Isaac Echols  born 1811  Cass Co.
James C. Echols  Cass Co.
Sylvanus Grady Echols  born 1831  Cass Co.
Mary Patience Echols Lathem born 1829  Cass Co.
Elizabeth Echols Espey 1822  Cass Co.
Margaret Echols  Ansell born 1828 moved to Scott Co. MO in 1850s returned to Cass
William Garrett Echols born 1829
Joseph Lafayette Echols born 1853
Benjamin Echols born 1879  lived in Cass County later (wife Mollie)
William K. Allen  (wife Martha E.)  she later married a Snow
Anne Virginia Allen Bynum Ward  (left property to Elijah P. Lathems, Isaac's descendents etc..)  from the
William K. Allen survey in
Marion County, TX
However, we are interested in any information concerning Echols -- if for no other reason for elimination of possibilities.  Thanks for
any help!!

*** Need more stories, please submit some!!!! Thanks.

 Email Vern Toler your stories!