Ingredients: 250 g fresh vineleavees, 5 bunches spring onions (finely chopped), 6 medium onions (finely chopped), three bunches dill (finely chopped), half a bunch mint (finely Chopped), 200 g (1 cup) washed rice, 225 g (1 cup) olive oil, half teaspoon salt, one quarter teaspoon cinnamon, half a teaspoon sugar 10 sour plums, one cup of water.

Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well with a wooden spoon. Prepare the leaves as described in DOLMA? What is it?. Place half to one tablespoon of filling at the base of each leaf , according to the size, and roll up (not too tightly). Line the pan with vineleaves and the stalks of dill and mint, then arrange the dolma in the pan. Place the plums on top. Add a cup of water and cook over gentle heat for an hour. Leave to cool and ar range on a serving dish.

Source: Meral Demirel, Photos: Suha Kendiroglu,

Turkish Airlines Skylife, May 1994, pp.50-54

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Melih Özbek