Turkish IT Export Areas

Computer and telecommunications hardware
The Istanbul-based subsidiaries of Northern Telecom and Alcatel, as well as Aselsan (a 50% private firm specializing in the development and manufacture of military electronic equipment), are the only major manufacturers of telecommunications equipment in Turkey. These firms account for all of Turkey's export of telecommunications hardware. Since no computer hardware is manufactured in Turkey, except for assembled PCs, the telecommunications industry thus accounts for the major part of Turkish exports of IT hardware.

Netas, Northern Telecom's subsidiary, exports telecommunications equipment -- including large telephone switches -- to central Asian and to European countries.

Software and services
Just as any country of the world except the United States, Turkey's export of computer software and services is very limited. In general, Turkish computer firms will sell such services to Turkish firms' overseas operations such as the State Bank Zi raat Benkasi or Turkish Airlines.

Exports in dollars
Turkish IT Exports
1993 1994 (est.)1995 (est.)
Telecommunications Equipment $70 $80 $90
Telecommunications Services
(export sales by local firms)
400 450 500
Computer Software -- -- --
Computers and Peripherals 20 20 30

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Author: Ramez A. Ghazzaoui
Last Update: July 4, 1996
This page's URL is: http://www.armory.com/~turkiye/it/expopage.html