hello everyone and welcome to my view today page.
your probally asking what is a view today page.
well at least once a day I am going to go to my
front door and take a picture of the first thing I
see. click here
to go see the pics from my trip I went on.
so here are the view today pictures for December 14 , 2001
this is the cinema I go to almost all the time.
this is a picture of a fountain that is across from the
this is a pic of the light posts next to the theater all
done up for christmas.
I know these are boring right now but I should have some more
interesting pictures after I get back from my trip.
I need to go to another part of Bakersfield to take some
so those are the picture for today.
feel free to email me at tecangel@armory.com if you
want to submit a view today picture from where you live.
30, 2001
october 31, 2001