Welcome to the First Opel GT HomePage!


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Opelgt - A web site

Click here to read some 
sad news about one of 
my past OpelGT's
This web page is for all  Opel GT related things like Clubs that I know of plus a ton of places to purchase Opel GT's and Opel parts both New and Used.  This also is the source for the first email list for OpelGT's on the web as well. 

If you have any things you would like me to add to this page Please email me!

Update: 11/23/04 - I'm finally getting close to having a running Opel GT again.  Its been many years, and I know this web site has been kinda stale, sorry about that.  I just picked up another GT and I'll be rebuilding a fresh motor for it, and I'll get that thing on the road.  Progress will be online.  Click here for it!

Email list: We have an email list!  We have had one for years.. but due to spammers I killed it for a couple of years.  Now its back online using mailman (a server software that does not allow spam!) 
I do plan on adding the entire old OpelGT emailing list archive in a search able format on the web at some point, but I want it to be "trick" so it will take a little thinking and work to make it work the way I think it should. So in the future, keep an eye out for this, it will be a GREAT way to seek help on working on your GT. So for now, if you like Opel's and want to see what's going on with them, then join the list! Click on this link to join.  http://www.armory.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/opelgt

Please see the Email list rules at http://www.armory.com/~taz/lists/

Take care , good luck and, Happy Opel'ing!!!

I also want to thank Gil and Dave from Opel GT Source here in California for the motivation they have given me. They are DEFINITELY are the place to get Opel Parts from. They also are very knowledgeable with anything about Opel GT's. So please patronize the business!!  Check them out at http://www.opelgtsource.com

You are number 233833 I hope you enjoy your visit!!