Gül Surubu

(Rose Syrup)




Rose petals 15-20 petals  -
Poppy petals (red) 5-6 petals  -
Citric acid (powdered) 2 teaspoons  -
Water 4 cups 1 lt
Sugar 1 1/2 cups 300 g
Water 6 cups 1 1/2 lt


For extract : Rinse and drain petals.Remove white parts of rose, and dark parts of poppy petals. Place in a jar. Add citric acid and water. Cover and let stand for 1-1 1/2 month. This will be basic extract. Keep it in refigerator.

For syrup (cold drink) : Dissolve sugar in water stirring occasionally. Add desired amount of extract to taste. Stir in crushed ice. Serve in glasses with crushed ice.

6 servings

Nutritive Value ( Approx. per serving):

Energy 200 cal
Protein  - g
Fat  - g
Carbohydrate 50 g
Calcium  - mg
Iron  - mg
Phosphorus - mg
Zinc  - mg
Sodium  - mg
Vitamin A  - iu
Thiamin (B1)  - mg
Riboflavin (B2)  - mg
Niacin  - mg
Vitamin C  - mg
Cholesterol      - mg

Regional Characteristics :

It is one of the oldest and most traditional drink which dates back to the old times. It is not popular as it used to be since wide choice of cold drinks are available on the market today. However it is still prepared and used in small towns in Anatolia where roses are grown abundantly. In summer months it is used as an ice-cold drink and offered guests. It was also sprinkled over ice cream in old days.