From: daver!dlb!!!jeffh (Jeff Hunsinger-Systems)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 14:40:54 CST
Subject: Re: Remote control codes

Here's what I discovered using a Sharp TV IR remote:

Start Pulse = 9.2 ms pulse followed by 4.4 ms silence
1 = ~700 us pulse followed by ~1.5 ms silence
0 = ~700 us pulse followed by ~400 us silence

Measured pulse and silence periods had about a +-100 us variance.

My guess at the format: LSB first, 8 bit device code, 8 bit command code,
with each code sent in normal and inverted format.

TV device code = $0B

Command codes:
Power  = $0B
Ch. Up = $0C
Ch. Dn = $0D
Vol Up = $0E
Vol Dn = $0F
Mute   = $10

So, the power command would look like:
<Start pulse + silence> 0001 0100 1110 1011 1101 0000 0010 1111

My Sharp VCR uses a different format, strangely enough. I don't have the
notes handy, however...

Jeff Hunsinger