The First DeepThought - a UUCP System

From spcecdt Mon Mar 27 21:26:53 1989
To: koreth@ssyx
Subject: uupc

    Well, I think I've got uupc ready to go.  Think you could set me up as  How do you change the password for a uucp account?
Also, what is ssyx's phone #?

From (Steven Grimm)
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 89 23:26:22 PST
To: spcecdt@ucscb.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re:  uupc

OK, I have set everything up on ssyx.  The number is 425-7070; log in as
"udeep".  Your password is "theearth".  Right now you're just ssyx!deeptht;
to register for the US Domain, send mail to and ask
for a US Domain registration form.  (When you get it, send it to me and I
will keep it stashed away in case other people want to join in the future...)
From deeptht!spcecdt@ssyx Tue Mar 28 22:56:31 1989
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 89 01:31:00 PDT
From: John DuBois <deeptht!spcecdt@ssyx>
X-Mailer: UUPC/mail 1.095
To: spcecdt@ssyx

hithere!  my name is eddie!
i am your shipboard computer!
From garlick@ucsco.UCSC.EDU Thu Oct 25 17:18:45 1990
Really-From: daemon
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 90 17:18:12 -0700
From: garlick@ucsco.UCSC.EDU (Tim Garlick -- UCSC Computer Center)
To:, spcecdt@ucscb.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re:  oops
Cc: bill@ssyx.UCSC.EDU, bonnie@ssyx.UCSC.EDU

We haven't changed any passwords.  I will carbon the SSD business office
to see if they changed any, but I doubt it.  When did it change?

note to bonnie/bill: do you know anything about this?  thanks.


> From Thu Oct 25 16:39:15 1990
> Received: from ssyx.UCSC.EDU by ucsco.UCSC.EDU (5.65/1.34)
> 	id AA10919; Thu, 25 Oct 90 16:39:13 -0700
> Received: from ucscb.UCSC.EDU by (4.1/1.1)
> 	id AA23263; Thu, 25 Oct 90 16:38:57 PDT
> Received: by ucscb.UCSC.EDU (5.64/1.34)
> 	id AA19637; Thu, 25 Oct 90 16:39:07 -0700
> Date: Thu, 25 Oct 90 16:39:07 -0700
> From: (Space Cadet)
> Message-Id: <9010252339.AA19637@ucscb.UCSC.EDU>
> To:
> Subject: uucp account
> Status: R
>       It looks like the password on my uucp account (udeep) was changed.
> Can you tell me what the status of the account is?  Thank you.
> 	John DuBois
From Thu Oct 25 18:08:47 1990
Really-From: daemon
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 90 18:07:48 PDT
From: (Bill Hyder)
To:,, spcecdt@ucscb.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re:  oops

Yes, I changed the uucp passwords.  I could find no record of what
agreements were allowing people to use ssyx as a pass through, nor
did I get any response in trying to contact the accounts.  We are
trying to reduce use on ssyx as it is overloaded during peak
times of the day and we have been unable to run our account ledgers
at times because of the sometimes large transient storage load
in the spool files.  Absent any communication with udeep and ugorn
and any social science record of the accounts, I changed the password
so I could find out who they were.

Hi!  Who are you and what are you using the account for?

Because of ssyx load and security issues, I cannot guarantee that
you will be able to have access to ssyx.

Bill Hyder
Social Science Computing
From garlick@ucsco.UCSC.EDU Fri Oct 26 16:44:26 1990
Really-From: daemon
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 90 16:44:06 -0700
From: garlick@ucsco.UCSC.EDU (Tim Garlick -- UCSC Computer Center)
To: spcecdt@ucscb.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re:  oops

John, you should get in touch with Jim Haynes next
week (he's gone until Tuesday) to arrange to have your
uucp link moved from ssyx to C.

From spcecdt Fri Oct 26 20:07:56 1990
Really-From: spcecdt
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 90 20:07:44 -0700
From: spcecdt (Space Cadet)
Subject: Re:  oops

     Jon & I got uucp accounts on ssyx before it became a CATS-maintained
machine.  Although the ssyx<->deeptht traffic is pretty small, if it is
contributing to the load I'll have my MX handler changed to ucscc.  I will
need to talk to Jim Haynes when he comes back on Tuesday to have that done.
Until then, could you restore deeptht's password?  Then I can unload ssyx
and deeptht of their spooled messages.  btw, you could contact jon & I
as postmaster@ our machines...

	John DuBois
From Sat Oct 27 19:02:53 1990
Really-From: daemon
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 90 17:21:24 PDT
From: (Bill Hyder)
To:,, spcecdt@ucscb.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Re:  oops

I tried to contact you before this.  Obviously, you didn't get my message
or your response didn't get back to me.  Who are you and Jon?  What
are you using the accounts for?  Are you registered students in the
social sciences (what board?)?  What is your address?
Bill Hyder
This web page maintained by John DuBois