From matthew (73550000)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 89 15:53:47 -0700
To: lechner, queue, spcecdt
Subject: flea market invitation
if you'd like to go to something REALLY wierd,
you can come along with me tomorrow morning to the amateur radio
(and computers too) flea market at foothill college. foothill college
is in Los Altos Hills. This is the largest flea market for radios
and computers in Northern California, and may now be the largest regularly
scheduled one in Western U.S. Anyway,... there's always lots of neat
things there, cheap terminals, modems, radios, etc... plus you get
to see lots of people wandering around using radios to talk to people
who they can see. some people collapse from laughter from the display
of geekiness and stupidity. This is THE ultimate nerd/geek event!
I'm driving tomorrow morning... mail me if interested... matthew