Updated April 10, 2005
The South Bay Game Club provides these links "as is" -- we don't make any guarantees or what have you. It's just that club members either run these sites, or have found them to be useful.
Site | Description |
Bay Area Wargamers Yahoo Group | A Yahoo Group set up by Matt Valentgas for SF Bay Area Wargamers to use. |
Convention Links | Some links to conventions that our members care about. |
HMGS East | The group that runs the three big East Coast conventions: Historicon, Fall-In and Cold Wars |
The East Bay Area Generals (EBAG) | A gaming group in the East San Francisco Bay area. |
Miniature Service Center | Doug Carrocio's on-line retail store |
Bob Bergman's game site | Bob Bergman's game site |
Ronin Craftworks | Burt Takeuchi's painting service |
Flagship Games | Game rules and figures for historical, fantasy and science fiction wargamers |
Chipco Games | Days of Knights, Age of Gunpowder, Le Petite Empereur, Fantasy Rules |
Game Table Online | A commercial gaming resource site that was kind enough to link to this site. |
Aerodrome | The WWI Air Combat Game |
Silicon Valley Boardgamers | Silicon Valley Boardgamers |
The Last Square | A really nice hobby store in Madison, WI, that does excellent mail-order buisiness, and now handles all of Regal Hobbies mail-order business as well. |
Active Armor | The site for the computer-assisited WWII miniatures rules (division/corps level) written by our former member Arofan Gregory. Includes a free demo version of the game. |
Ix's Home Page | The web site of our current webmaster |
Bob McDonald's Hobby Stuff | The web site of our first webmaster |
Send feedback to the SBGC Webmaster