mca.exe v2.0 11.22.99 General The mca.exe program is an assembler for the Intel 8748 and 8749 microcomputers. The program runs in MS-DOS, but I intend to compile the program for Windows if and when DOS program support is no longer readily available. The program is run by entering "mca filename" on the DOS command line. If the filename does not include a file extension, the ".asm" extension is automatically appended. The program generates a work file ".wrk", an error file ".err" and an object code file ".obj" which is written in Intel Hex format. These files are generated each time the program is executed. The 8749 instruction set is contained in the file "mca.txt" and must be loaded each time the program is run. Therefore, mca.txt needs to be located in the same directory as mca.exe. Assembler directives org XXX neworg XXX These two directives advance the address counter to the location XXX (filing the addresses passed with NOP instructions (0x00). Multiple org and neworg statements can be used in the same program. These are useful to avoid conditional jumps across page boundaries or to place look-up tables in specific locations. constant label XX Gives label the value XX include filename Opens filename and begins compiling from this file. Very useful for often used subroutines and look-up tables. The mca.exe program does not support nesting of include files (i.e include files having include files of their own). Source code format Constants and labels must be three to eight characters in length. Comments must begin with a semi-colon ";". Look-up tables may be generated by placing a single byte value at the beginning of a series of lines. The program only recognizes numbers in hex format (i.e 0x00 to 0xffff). It is suggested that source code files be created with "edit", the DOS editor, with tabs set to five spaces. For compatibility with other assemblers, use of constants may be preceded by an immediate indicator "#". A sample of proper source code formatting for the mca.exe program follows: _____________ ; ; mca1.asm ; (11.22.99) ; ; -------------------------------------- ; light controller ; -------------------------------------- ; const turn_on 01 ; turns light on const turn_off 00 ; turns light off ; org 00 ; ; ; mov r1,05 ; initialize loop counter ; loop mov a,turn_on ; turn light on outl p1,a ; ; call d025s ; ; mov a,turn_off ; turn light off outl p1,a ; ; call d025s ; ; djnz r1,loop ; decrement and check loop counter ; end jmp end ; ; neworg 020 ; ; look-up table example 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 ; ; ---------------------------- ; d025s subroutine ; ---------------------------- ; ; approximately 1/4 second ; uses a, r2 and r3 ; d025s mov r2,#ff ; mov r3,#ff ; mov a,r2 ; store lower count d025s1 mov r2,a ; restore lower count to r2 d025s2 djnz r2,#d025s2 ; loop for standard delay djnz r3,#d025s1 ; after first loop completes, ret ; will continue ; include subfile.asm ; file containing often used ; subroutines ; _____________ License Grant The mca.exe program in object code and documentation are distributed as freeware. This means you may use and modify the materials for your own personal use. Additionally, you may freely distribute the materials to others (and are encouraged to do so) provided no fee is charged for the materials and the materials are not modified in any way. All rights not specifically granted herein are reserved. If you like the program, you may become a registered user by sending your email address and $20 to: John Wolfe 82 Idora Avenue San Francisco, CA 94127 A registered user will receive email notification of the availability of future updates of the program as well as a copy of the program source code which the user may use and modify for the user's own personal use. Questions and comments on the program and any bug reports should be directed to LIMITATION OF LIABILITY THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND BY THE AUTHOR OR ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL THE AUTHOR OR ANY OTHER PERSON INVOLVED IN THE CREATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM BE LIABLE TO YOU ON ACCOUNT OF ANY CLAIM FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY DAMAGES ASSESSED AGAINST OR PAID BY YOU TO ANY THIRD PARTY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE, INABILITY TO USE, QUALITY OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM (EVEN IF THE AUTHOR OR ANY SUCH OTHER PERSON HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES) OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED UPON PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORT, BREACH OF ANY STATUTORY DUTY, PRINCIPLES OF INDEMNITY OR CONTRIBUTION, THE FAILURE OF ANY REMEDY TO ACHIEVE ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE. _____________ Intel 8749 Instruction set The mca.exe program reads the instruction set from this file each time the program is executed. It should be rather easy to adapt this program to other instruction sets by updating the instruction set and modifying the source code as needed. Immediate and 8 bit address instructions must be at the end of list of each instruction type. Codes: $ = 8 bit address ! = 11 bit address % = no operand # = immediate to follow --- ADD A,R0 68 1 ADD A,R1 69 1 ADD A,R2 6A 1 ADD A,R3 6B 1 ADD A,R4 6C 1 ADD A,R5 6D 1 ADD A,R6 6E 1 ADD A,R7 6F 1 ADD A,@R0 60 1 ADD A,@R1 61 1 ADD A,# 03 2 ADDC A,R0 78 1 ADDC A,R1 79 1 ADDC A,R2 7A 1 ADDC A,R3 7B 1 ADDC A,R4 7C 1 ADDC A,R5 7D 1 ADDC A,R6 7E 1 ADDC A,R7 7F 1 ADDC A,@R1 70 1 ADDC A,@R2 71 1 ADDC A,# 13 2 ANL A,R0 58 1 ANL A,R1 59 1 ANL A,R2 5A 1 ANL A,R3 5B 1 ANL A,R4 5C 1 ANL A,R5 5D 1 ANL A,R6 5E 1 ANL A,R7 5F 1 ANL A,@R0 50 1 ANL A,@R1 51 1 ANL A,# 53 2 ANL BUS,# 98 2 ANL P1,# 99 2 ANL P2,# 9A 2 ANLD P4,A 9C 1 ANLD P5,A 9D 1 ANLD P6,A 9E 1 ANLD P7,A 9F 1 CALL ! 14 2 CLR A 27 1 CLR C 97 1 CLR F1 A5 1 CLR F0 85 1 CPL A 37 1 CPL C A7 1 CPL F0 95 1 CPL F1 B5 1 DA A 57 1 DEC A 07 1 DEC R0 C8 1 DEC R1 C9 1 DEC R2 CA 1 DEC R3 CB 1 DEC R4 CC 1 DEC R5 CD 1 DEC R6 CE 1 DEC R7 CF 1 DIS I 15 1 DIS TCNTI 35 1 DJNZ R0,$ E8 2 DJNZ R1,$ E9 2 DJNZ R2,$ EA 2 DJNZ R3,$ EB 2 DJNZ R4,$ EC 2 DJNZ R5,$ ED 2 DJNZ R6,$ EE 2 DJNZ R7,$ EF 2 EN I 05 1 EN TCNTI 25 1 ENTO CLK 75 1 IN A,P1 09 1 IN A,P2 0A 1 INC A 17 1 INC R0 18 1 INC R1 19 1 INC R2 1A 1 INC R3 1B 1 INC R4 1C 1 INC R5 1D 1 INC R6 1E 1 INC R7 1F 1 INC @R0 10 1 INC @R1 11 1 INS A,BUS 08 1 JB0 $ 12 2 JB1 $ 32 2 JB2 $ 52 2 JB3 $ 72 2 JB4 $ 92 2 JB5 $ B2 2 JB6 $ D2 2 JB7 $ F2 2 JC $ F6 2 JF0 $ B6 2 JF1 $ 76 2 JMP ! 04 2 JMPP @A B3 1 JNC $ E6 2 JNI $ 86 2 JNT0 $ 26 2 JNT1 $ 46 2 JNZ $ 96 2 JTF $ 16 2 JT0 $ 36 2 JT1 $ 56 2 JZ $ C6 2 MOV A,PSW C7 1 MOV A,R0 F8 1 MOV A,R1 F9 1 MOV A,R2 FA 1 MOV A,R3 FB 1 MOV A,R4 FC 1 MOV A,R5 FD 1 MOV A,R6 FE 1 MOV A,R7 FF 1 MOV A,@R0 F0 1 MOV A,@R1 F1 1 MOV A,T 42 1 MOV A,# 23 2 MOV PSW,A D7 1 MOV R0,A A8 1 MOV R1,A A9 1 MOV R2,A AA 1 MOV R3,A AB 1 MOV R4,A AC 1 MOV R5,A AD 1 MOV R6,A AE 1 MOV R7,A AF 1 MOV R0,# B8 2 MOV R1,# B9 2 MOV R2,# BA 2 MOV R3,# BB 2 MOV R4,# BC 2 MOV R5,# BD 2 MOV R6,# BE 2 MOV R7,# BF 2 MOV @R0,A A0 1 MOV @R1,A A1 1 MOV @R0,# B0 2 MOV @R1,# B1 2 MOV T,A 62 1 MOVD A,P4 0C 1 MOVD A,P5 0D 1 MOVD A,P6 0E 1 MOVD A,P7 0F 1 MOVD P4,A 3C 1 MOVD P5,A 3D 1 MOVD P6,A 3E 1 MOVD P7,A 3F 1 MOVP A,@A A3 1 MOVP3 A,@A E3 1 MOVX A,@R0 80 1 MOVX A,@R1 81 1 MOVX @R0,A 90 1 MOVX @R1,A 91 1 NOP % 00 1 ORL A,R0 48 1 ORL A,R1 49 1 ORL A,R2 4A 1 ORL A,R3 4B 1 ORL A,R4 4C 1 ORL A,R5 4D 1 ORL A,R6 4E 1 ORL A,R7 4F 1 ORL A,@R0 40 1 ORL A,@R1 41 1 ORL A,# 43 2 ORL BUS,# 88 2 ORL P1,# 89 2 ORL P2,# 8A 2 ORLD P4,A 8C 1 ORLD P5,A 8D 1 ORLD P6,A 8E 1 ORLD P7,A 8F 1 OUTL BUS,A 02 1 OUTL P1,A 39 1 OUTL P2,A 3A 1 RET % 83 1 RETR % 93 1 RL A E7 1 RLC A F7 1 RR A 77 1 RRC A 67 1 SEL MB0 E5 1 SEL MB1 F5 1 SEL RB0 C5 1 SEL RB1 D5 1 STOP TCNT 65 1 STRT CNT 45 1 STRT T 55 1 SWAP A 47 1 XCH A,R0 28 1 XCH A,R1 29 1 XCH A,R2 2A 1 XCH A,R3 2B 1 XCH A,R4 2C 1 XCH A,R5 2D 1 XCH A,R6 2E 1 XCH A,R7 2F 1 XCH A,@R0 20 1 XCH A,@R1 21 1 XCHD A,@R0 30 1 XCHD A,@R1 31 1 XRL A,R0 D8 1 XRL A,R1 D9 1 XRL A,R2 DA 1 XRL A,R3 DB 1 XRL A,R4 DC 1 XRL A,R5 DD 1 XRL A,R6 DE 1 XRL A,R7 DF 1 XRL A,@R0 D0 1 XRL A,@R1 D1 1 XRL A,# D3 2