

Thank you for using miTables!


Settings - The settings menu for miTables can be accessed by touching the “info” button in the lower right hand corner.


Starting Multiplier - This changes what table the student will start with, so if they need to work on their six’s, simply slide it to 6’s and press done.


Max Multiplier - This slider will limit what table the student will graduate to. The maximum multiplier can not be less than the starting multiplier.


Max Multiplicand - Limits the highest number that the upper digit will be.


Points to Advance - Sets the number of correct answers needed to advance to the next table. This slider can not be less than the max multiplicand.


Sound Effects* - This switch will turn off the sound effects used in the game, if desired.


Factory Defaults - Restores all settings to their original state.


*Note - Sound effects will not be heard on the iPod touch without headphones or speakers attached.


For more help, send your questions to Thank you!