Hisbonenous does not require intellectual prowess to understand, its message is simple and direct Nor does Hisbonenous require that a person belong to Judaism. Although the process is authentically rooted in Jewish mysticism, people from all religious persuasions can embrace it. Hisbonenous asks simply that we leave behind those patterns of thinking and behavior that prevent us from experiencing and expressing the continuous joy of the Creator. It asks that we reorient our lives in a way that allows us to draw upon our innermost resources in order for us to achieve our highest potential in our service of G-d, and in our contribution to society.
This reorientation markedly enhances our self-confidence and personal well-being Through the practice of Hisbonenous, we tune into G-d's will and delight and become better able to bond with G-d's Essence in every moment and in every situation in life. Our job is to elevate and transform the varied circumstances of life through our spiritually illuminated awareness, feelings and deeds. By awakening to G-d's eternal joy in delighting the creation, we gain the ability to view heretofore negative situations as positive. For we see that every detail of life is being orchestrated by a higher intelligence - an intelligence that is in service of the Creator's joy. This allows us to perceive every situation we encounter as an opportunity for growth and transformation - an opportunity to connect with the Essence of G-d.
Through this portal of the mind's eye, we become joyously aware of the wondrous workings of G-d in all things As we learn to consistently connect with the Divine Essence as a partner with G-d in creation, the living, palpable experience of the joy of the Creator within us will overflow and spill out to the world, having an uplifting and spiritualizing effect on the world The joy and enthusiasm we exude will inspire those around us, and help them to awaken to the reality that they too are a spark of the Creator.
As more and more people learn to connect with the Essence of G-d in all things and at all times, the synergistic momentum will build like a spiritual snowball, and have an increasingly dynamic effect on the creation.
Rabbi Stern imparts both the philosophy and the practice of Hisbonenous. He recommends understanding its principles, then integrating Hisbonenous gradually into our lives Although we sit daily in the formal practice of Hisbonenous to inculcate and vivify within us this illuminated wisdom and joy, our real meditation hall is that wall-less arena of life we call the world. The results of Hisbonenous - our illuminated joy and awareness and our continuous connection with G-d - are achieved through diligent practice, and through purity of intent. Most of all, we must want this result enough to be willing to let go, to change and to grow. We must be willing to put forth the necessary effort. For, in achieving this result, we are actively bonding with the Essence of G-d and fulfilling our highest destiny as a partner with G-d in creation. In return, G-d eternalizes our lives and eternally embraces our souls
-The Editors-
Change the way you perceive reality and you will change the reality you perceive What does G-d want of us? G-d wants us to be partners with Him in creation - to actuate the Power of Essence within the physical world.
Take for example the universal Mitzvah of not causing needless pain to any living creature. Or the Mitzvah to greet a person with a joyous and pleasant countenance. One's opportunity to perform these Mitzvahs depends upon the circumstances of the moment. The Mitzvahs of spirit can be performed continuously - at all times and under all circumstances. These Mitzvahs pertain to our joy, motivation, intellect and emotions, for example, the Mitzvahs to be joyous, loving and respectful.
These Mitzvahs transcend time and space. They fuse the physical and spiritual aspects of our personality, and open us to the light of the Ain Sof (G-d's Endless Light) from within. A person who performs both the Mitzvahs of form and spirit is likened to a Divine candle. The Mitzvahs of form provide the fuel. One's physical body serves as the wick. The Mitzvahs of spirit are the flame. By joining the Mitzvahs of form and spirit, we develop a sort of Midas-touch whereby we activate the Power of Essence within our physical surroundings, spiritualizing the world and readying the world for the revelation of G-d's Endless Light and Presence
As mentioned above, the Kabbalah teaches that the Hebrew word, ASHER, Who, can also be read OSHER, the Immutable Happiness of the Divine Essence. Thus, the Divine name "EKYEH ASHER EKYEH", I AM WHO I AM (The Name Moses received at the burning bush and revealed to the children of Israel with G-d's promise that they would be redeemed from their bondage in Egypt), can also be read "EKYEH OSHER EKYEH", I AM IMMUTABLY HAPPY I AM.
According to the Kabbalah, the creation is being prepared to delight in the Immutable Happiness of the Divine Essence Our souls are sparks of the Creator, quanta of Divine energy somehow spun into existence out of the very Essence of the Or Ain Sof - G-d's Endless Light. The Kabbalah explains that the Divine Endless Light can be thought of as the glow of the Creator's joy in delighting the creation. Now, one might ask, "Wouldn't it be more praiseworthy to refer to G-d's Light as Beginningless?" The answer: The Divine Light - the joy of the Creator - had a beginning, but has no end, whereas, the Divine Immutable Happiness - the Power of Essence - has neither beginning nor end. The Power of Essence transcends all orders equally, including the Light of the Ain Sof. The Kabbalists present the analogy of a diamond that glows. The diamond represents G-d's Essence - the Divine Immutable Happiness. The diamond's glow represents G-d's Endless Light - the Joy of the Creator in delighting the creation.
Specifically, G-d is creating us to delight in the revelation of wondrous spiritual realities, and ultimately, in the revelation of His Light and Presence, within this physical world Imagine a physical garden displaying endless orders of infinite beauty, flourishing in the Light of G-d's Presence. Or better yet, imagine a world filled with people with these qualities. The point is, infinitely higher spiritual realities and even G-d's Endless Light can be revealed within this physical world by virtue of the Power of G-d's Essence. For the Power of Essence transcends even G-d's Endless Light, like a diamond in relation to it's glow Through the Mitzvahs of form and spirit we draw upon the Power of Essence and serve as partners with G-d in creation. It is in our hands to spiritualize ourselves and the world, and to open the way for G-d's wondrous revelations.
An analogy: A doe desires to nurse her faun more than the faun desires to be nursed. Desire as she may, it is up to the faun to take sustenance from the doe. G-d desires for us to delight in the ecstasy of the Divine Happiness more than we desire it. On our behalf, G-d is giving rise to a desire that we can gratify by drawing upon the Power of Essence, and opening the way for G-d's revelations and Presence to fill the world. In this way we elicit G-d's eternal gratitude. This is a very lofty idea The Power of Essence alters the very being of creation. The creation is no longer merely the result of G-d masking the revelation of the Light of the Ain Sof. Through the Mitzvahs of heart and the Mitzvahs of deed, G-d has given us the way to open up to spiritual realities and to prepare ourselves and the world to delight in the open revelation of His Endless Light and Presence. G-d is telling us, in effect, "I am giving you Mitzvahs so you can bond with My Essence and have a part in reveling the ecstasy of My Happiness and Presence
In the late 1700s Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi introduced Hisbonenous meditation to his followers Many of the students became enraptured by the spiritual pleasures they experienced while meditating. A group of such mystics splintered off from the masters. This caused a backlash in the community, which resulted in Hisbonenous going underground for approximately 150 years.
As the Kabbalists put it: On the way to the throne room the entourage went through doors where servants of the King gave them gifts. There were some fools among the group who were so distracted by the gifts that they lost their way to the throne room In the 1820s, two of the greatest masters of Hisbonenous, Rabbi Dov Baer of Lubavitch and Reb Hillel Paritcher, wrote a systematic guide book covering the entire process in detail. A half a century later in Warsaw, Poland, the book was typeset and a small number were printed and distributed to "those who knew". The course at hand is intended to share the secrets of Hisbonenous, as set forth in this book, with the public, in a clear and systematic way.
The complete Hisbonenous process entails Three Cycles, each of which has five levels. The course at hand deals primarily with Cycle One, which is complete unto itself, and contains the essence of Cycles Two and Three. Cycles Two and Three, which is the subject of another course, require the mastery of Cycle One. The goal of Cycle One is to bring our body, heart, mind, will and delight into alignment with the joy and delight of the spark of the Creator within us.
Through the practice of Hisbonenous, we open our hearts to love G-d; we open our hearts to love each other; we open our hearts to love all of creation. Through Hisbonenous, we open up to the light and joy of the spark of the Creator that is within us. We become more loving, respectful, harmonious, persistent, resilient, trustful and responsible. As the joy and love of the spark of the Creator courses through every fiber of our being, we enthusiastically take part in establishing this world as the glorious Kingdom that will forever delight in G-d's revelations and Presence.
The five levels of Hisbonenous are designed to guide us systematically through the process of bonding with the Essence of G-d. The regular and diligent practice of Hisbonenous enhances the quality of our lives, as well as the quality of life for the world around us. Through diligent practice, ideas that may initially seem abstract become clear. We are careful not to oversimplify these ideas, for oversimplification would cause us to become less mindful of the truth. All of these ideas that we formulate in our minds are well known to our souls. All of this knowledge is contained within the feelings of joy that radiate from the spark of the Creator within us. Our job is to embrace this spark and fulfill our highest destiny as partners with G-d in creation.
In 1990, Rabbi Stern founded the Yehida Institute, in memory of Rabbi Jacobson, for the purpose of bringing the mystical teachings of Judaism to the world. Rabbi Stern, a student of Jewish mysticism and Hisbonenous meditation for more than 20 years, conducts Hisbonenous seminars throughout the Northeast and on the West Coast.
Rabbis Stern's unique style of teaching makes spirituality in a Jewish context palatable and enjoyable. His classes appeal not only to a broad spectrum of the Jewish population, but to many non-Jews as well, who find in his teachings a path that rings true. Men and women of all ages, backgrounds and occupations who are seeking to improve their lives are benefitting from the Hisbonenous courses as taught by Rabbi Stern
Copyright, 1994, Rabbi S.Z. Stern 870 E 16th St. Apt #4 Brooklyn, New York, 11230 Phone: 718-252-8552