Tada, something new. Nothing new, whatever. :> Don't judge me! Oh wait, thats how it works.. right. I forget. Anyway, I thought I'd do a little explaining. I have a short story to tell, because I can. Its about islands. Actually, its a great giant metaphor. Dontcha love that? I do! Ok. So I feel like the country is in some kind of serious trouble, currently, and I know, we always think the sky is falling, and it isn't. And so I won't wear my chicken little hat, and I certainly think its reversable and its changeable and all those things. But we've got to step up to the plate and take some responsibility for whats going on in the world! I don't want to hear any of this "I'm just one person" nonsense. We're all one person, we all make choices, and it adds up! Don't get up in the morning and make excuses. Make choices, make a difference. Its cheesy, but suck it up. You have to live your beliefs. Otherwise, whats the point?
Of course, insert my happy little disclaimer here. I am a freaky bleeding heart liberal. Actually, thats not entirely true, as I'm generally kinda harsh. But, you know where I'm coming from. Know too, that I believe that people certainly can believe other things than I believe. But I have a requirement. (This is where the metaphor comes in. Are you ready?) Right. We are all shaped by our experiences - by our families, our friends, our towns.. And that builds up over time into the way we see the world. Usually, we're pretty alone on our island. We might share it with family, but half the time we don't. I like other islands. I'm glad they exist. Sometimes I swim over and visit them. But here's the kicker. I want to know that you swam to your island. That you've explored it. That you know the consequences and see how it interacts with everything else around it. I want to know that you think. Is that too much to ask? *grin*
Good. Here we are then. Have you even read this far? That would be amazing. No flash, no glitter, no bright shiny colors. To be honest, I'm sick of the packaging. My head is too full of it. So my little corner is tidy. Naked even. I've just gotten a little burned out on the nonsense. I appreciate distraction. Its crucial to our existance and happiness. But we've reached a limit where theres just no silence. I can say this, because I'm sitting alone on top of a mountain, and I had forgotten all about silence. I'm just tired of all the hyperbole, and there is so much. And not just the hyperbole I hate, but even the hyperbole from causes I support. Its just too much. I wish we could call a truce, stop the soundbites, quit with the alarmist news reports and take a deep breath. Here is my deep breath. I just wanted to share a little bit of my core. Feel free to borrow what makes sense to you. I love sharing bits of my island.
But what do we do? I like to call myself a social anarchist. Because I am. But I see how people live that out, and its not quite my bag of chips,so I thought I'd explain. I think that everyone must vote. Especially if you're unhappy. I don't want to hear any of this rubbish about "Democrats, Repulicats, its all the same". Bullshit. Its not all the same. Believe in revolution, huge change, rah rah. Fine. But I think its rubbish, people who decide we'll just drive this train into a wall and then build a new one. Small changes, en masse, would blow this country to a whole nother dimension. If we stop and think at all the little junctions in our lives, then our world will be different. No more complaining. We only do here. Ok, maybe a little complaining. :> But together with doing. Here's a little listramble of the things we do.