Alison, Kayde and Nathan relax with a good book

Alison,Kayde,Nathan with a book

Alison's had too much of Good Night Moon by now!

Alison,Kayde,Nathan read Good Night Moon

Dave Rasmussen: World's Tallest Baseball Player

Dave Rasmussen: World's Tallest Baseball Player

Dave's wondering whether he should go back to his violin now...

Dave's wondering whether he should go back to his violin now...

John and I lived in the same building in the Bronx when we were kids.
We both met our spouses in 1962; we were both married by mid-1963,
and now we're watching the next generations...

John and Wife Cecilia shortly after their Wedding

John and Wife Cecilia shortly after their Wedding

John and Cecilia, all grown up

John and Cecilia, all grown up

Kathy's dog Bode; Kathy's hiding...

Kathy's dog Bode; Kathy's hiding...

Now I've found Kathy...

Now I've found Kathy...