Are your clothes Y2K compliant?

Check your jackets, your purses, your pants, anything with a zipper to see if your clothes will meet Y2K compliance standards. Does it read YKK? Then you're safe, you will be OK in the Year 2000. If it doesn't, watch out, you might want to wash them or get some before time runs out! 

Anyways, hello!

Hello there. you have reached the homepage of Howard Hsieh. Please leave your name, your email, and a message, and he'll get back to you as soon as he can. In the event of an emergency, take a deep breath, relax, and remember it's only a homepage. Speak clearly after the beep. You have 60 seconds. Thank you, and have a nice day! <BEEP>

No, this page is boring. I want the barge!

What happens when you have hundreds of bookmarks and nowhere to put them? You get the Information Garbage Barge. This has lots of cool stuff including my text files, pictures, my favorite linkables, and other web linkables. Definitely worth bookmarking!

In the meantime, you can peruse the following information about me:

Where I spend my days

I'm currently a Hardware Design Engineer at Credence , developing analog instruments for the mixed-signal and system-on-a-chip integrated circuit tester market. Before Credence, our company was known as NPTest, and before NPTest, we were part of Schlumberger. Same great products, just different company names. Anyways, if you would like to find out more, please let me know, or email the company, or check out our booth at one of those trade shows, like, SEMICON West

and nights?

Mostly stuff at home. Some of these sections, especially Pictures, need to be updated.  Two family members already have web pages. and the others want one soon   If you want to know what my hobbies are, don't just read about it. As Jon Lovitz puts it, GET TO KNOW ME!

Nothing new under the sun...

Back around 1986, I created this tape of a radio show where the main guy would scan through all the radio stations and make sarcastic comments as he heard different songs. Little did I know that concept would become a hit cartoon on MTV. (huh-huh huh)

Also around that time, I had the same radio show center around a guy named Ted who spoke candidly about things and was a little naive when it came to practicality. They made a cartoon out of that too. 

Finally, back in high school I drew up some cartoons about owls with round heads and round bodies, including a fat person too. They look a lot like those four cartoon kids from Colorado :)

"If I wanted to read, I'd go to school."

Once upon a time, not too long ago, I went to school at UC Berkeley, back when Mosaic was popular. I got a piece of paper saying that I graduated with a Master's in Electrical Engineering. My academic interests were in Communications and Signal Processing but EE is so broad I like just about everything in it. Before then I spent some time at Stanford University where I got another piece of paper. So now I'm really confused as to where to sit during the Big Game.

So, where are the fancy Java pictures?

What's there to put on a cover page anyways? Perhaps a bunch of snazzy graphics and animations, or some text that hardly anyone can read because the colors are set to something too dark. Maybe something where the fonts change every three words like Dennis Rodman's autobiography. Wouldn't that be annoying?

Contact Information

Here's my standard information.


If online methods aren't your cup of tea: 

Work Address: 
Howard Hsieh 
Credence Systems Corporation 
1421 California Circle #1
Milpitas, California 95035
Phone: 408-635-6026 

That's it!

HEY! It's a stupid counter! This page uses something called web-counter so there are  hits so far here, since like Feb 1997 (hence the seven years) Who knows, and who cares? It's not like I need to be popular on the Internet. Last updated August 2, 2005