The Armory Potlucks: January 25th, 2019

January 25th, 2019

Blake - Poundcake
Evan - Polenta Dish
Irene - Lemon Mirengue Pie
Katie - Cake
Liz - Zephyr Buns and Butter
Cheesey Pasta Dish
Oatmeal Cookies
Pasta With Cheese
Pasta With Cheese And Stuff
And one unidentified dish

Please email me with corrections.

Blake-Poundcake Evan-PolentaDish Irene-LemonMirenguePie Katie-Cake Liz-ZephyrBuns Liz-Butter CheeseyPastaDish Meat OatmealCookies PastaWithCheese PastaWithCheeseAndStuff P1040838