The Armory Potlucks: October 19th, 2018

October 19th, 2018

Bela - Whacky Lotus Root Crisps
Blake - Multi Flavored Cookies
Dee - Pork Strogonoff
Irene - Indian Split Pea Soup
John - Pringles
Liz - Sweet Potato Pie Cake Roll
Manny - Fried Plantains
     Nadya - Noodle, Apple, And Chicken Hot Dog Salad
Rodent - Chicken Nuggets In Sauce
Rowena - Stir Fry
Sandy - Multi Layer Casserole
Sterling - Macarons
Sterling - Sausage
Cookie Dough Ice Cream And Peanut Butter Cups

Please email me with corrections.

Bela-WhackyLotusRootCrisps Blake-MultiFlavoredCookies Dee-PorkStrogonoffDee-PorkStrogonoff Irene-IndianSplitPeaSoup John-Pringles Liz-SweetPotatoPieCakeRoll Manny-FriedPlantainsManny-FriedPlantains Nadya-NoodleAppleAndChickenHotDogSalad Rodent-ChickenNuggetsInSauceRodent-ChickenNuggetsInSauce Rowena-StirFry Sandy-MultiLayerCasseroleSandy-MultiLayerCasserole Sterling-Macarons Sterling-SausageSterling-Sausage CookieDoughIceCreamAndPeanutButterCups