The Armory Potlucks: May 6th, 2018

May 6th, 2018

Amy - Watermelon
Bela - Cheeses And Bread
Bela - Tacos
Dee - Scalloped Potatoes
Irene - Chickpea Dip With Tomatoes
     John - Bread
Liz - Twice Baked Cheddar Potato Casserole
Sandy - Loquat Pie
Zab - Cherries
Beef And Peppers

Please email me with corrections.

Amy-Watermelon Bela-CheesesAndBread Bela-Tacos Dee-ScallopedPotatoes Irene-ChickpeaDipWithTomatoes John-Bread Liz-TwiceBakedCheddarPotatoCasserole Sandy-LoquatPie Zab-Cherries BeefAndPeppers P1030452 P1030453 P1030457