The Armory Potlucks: April 13th, 2018

April 13th, 2018

Bela - Stir Fry
Dee - Pigs In Blankets
Evan - Guacamole And Chips
Irene - Chili
Irene - Rice
Liz - Mushroom Leek Pie
     Manny - Seven Layer Dip
Willa - Upside Down Cake
Zab - Bread
Zab - Olive Oil And Vinegar
Almond Rave

Please email me with corrections.

Bela-StirFry Dee-PigsInBlankets Evan-GuacamoleAndChips Irene-Chili Irene-Rice Liz-MushroomLeekPie Manny-SevenLayerDip Willa-UpsideDownCake Zab-Bread Zab-OliveOilAndVinegar AlmondRave Asparagus