The Armory Potlucks: October 27th, 2017

October 27th, 2017

Blake - Tomatoes
Dee - Beef Barley Soup
Evan - Rice
Irene - Applesauce And Yogurt
Jennifer - Frozen Boozy Dessert
     Liz - Italian Meatball Soup
Manny - Rolls
Paul - German Potato Salad
Willa - Butterscotch Brownies

Please email me with corrections.

Blake-Tomatoes Dee-BeefBarleySoup Evan-Rice Irene-ApplesauceAndYogurt Jennifer-FrozenBoozyDessert Liz-ItalianMeatballSoup Manny-Rolls Paul-GermanPotatoSalad Willa-ButterscotchBrownies