The Armory Potlucks: October 20th, 2017

October 20th, 2017

Amy and Jennifer - Birthday Cake
Dee - Chickpeas With Tamarind Sauce
Dee - Spicy Burgers With Yogurt Sauce
Gary - Chocolates
Irene - Oven Barbecued Lamb Breast
     Liz - Chocolate Cake Crumb Bread Pudding
Sterling - Pineapple Upside Down Bundt Cakes
Willa - Broccoli

Please email me with corrections.

AmyAndJennifer-BirthdayCake Dee-ChickpeasWithTamarindSauce Dee-SpicyBurgersWithYogurtSauce Gary-Chocolates Irene-OvenBarbecuedLambBreast Liz-ChocolateCakeCrumbBreadPudding Sterling-PineappleUpsideDownBundtCakes Willa-Broccoli Roast HappyBirthdayDee