The Armory Potlucks: February 3rd, 2017

February 3rd, 2017

Bela - Veggie Stir Fry
Bela - Veggies
Dee - Chicken Lasagna
Evan - Evan's Special
Irene - Roast Beef
Irene - Soup
Jennifer - Cake
     Katie - Fennel Apple Salad
Katrina - Potatoes
Liz - The South In A Pot Soup
Manny - Naan
Willa And Ben - Butter Finger Cookies
Zab - Candy
Cream Puffs

Please email me with corrections.

Bela-VeggieStirFry Bela-Veggies CreamPuffs Dee-ChickenLasagna Evan-EvansSpecial Irene-RoastBeef Irene-Soup Jennifer-Cake Katie-FennelAppleSalad Katrina-Potatoes Liz-TheSouthInAPotSoup Manny-Naan WillaAndBen-ButterFingerCookies Zab-Candy