The Armory Potlucks: November 11th, 2016

November 11th, 2016

Amy - Watermelon
Bela - Ginger Beef
Bela - Stir Fry
Dee - Chicken And Sauerkraut
Don - KFC
     Evan - Sope
Irene - Chocolate Cups With Chocolate Filling
Liz - Pork And Sauerkraut
Sandy - Cheese Cake With Brownie Crust And Raspberry Topping
Zab - Chocolate Poundcake

Please email me with corrections.

Amy-Watermelon Bela-GingerBeef Bela-StirFry Dee-ChickentAndSaurkraut Don-KFC Evan-Sope Irene-ChocolateCupsWithChocolateFilling Liz-PorkAndSaurkraut Sandy-CheeseCakeWithBrownieCrustAndRaspberryTopping Zab-ChocolatePoundcake