The Armory Potlucks: September 25th, 2015

September 25th, 2015

Bela - Peppers
Bela - Stir Fry
Sandy - Birthday Cake
Fried Rice
Irene - Rice and Veggie Dish
Katy - Veggie Puree
Liz - Chocolate Chip Butter Cookies
Macaroni and Cheese
     Manny - Tomato Soup
Mike - Chicken
Mike - Iced Tea
Sandy - Birthday Cake
Sterling - Chorizo
Wan Ton Soup
Willa - Soda Bread
Zab - Caprese Salad

Please email me with corrections.

Bela-Peppers Bela-StirFry BirthdayCake FriedRice Irene-RiceAndVeggieDish Katy-VeggiePuree Liz-ChocolateChipButterCookies MacaroniAndCheese Manny-TomatoSoup Sandy-BirthdayCake Sterling-Chorizo WanTonSoup Willa-SodaBread Zab-CapreseSalad