The Armory Potlucks: November 20th, 2015

November 20th, 2015

Acorn Cookies
Bela - Wintermelon Soup
Dee - Mongolian Beef
Evan - Homemade Peppermint Oreos
Fried Rice
Irene - Coconut Meringues
     Liz - Singapore Noodles
Manny - Stir Fry
Rowena - Chocolate Pudding
Sandy - Date Pudding
Zab - Apple Pie

Please email me with corrections.

AcornCookies Bela-WintermelonSoup Dee-MongolianBeef Evan-HomemadePeppermintOreos FriedRice Irene-CoconutMirengues Liz-SingaporeNoodles Manny-StirFry Rowena-ChocolatePudding Sandy-DatePudding Zab-ApplePie