The Armory Potlucks: November 14th, 2014

November 14th, 2014

Bela - Stir Fry 1
Bela - Stir Fry 2
Bela - Veggies
Dee - Curry
Evan - Papusas
Irene - Graham Cracker Crust With Pudding Filling
Irene - Sausage
     Katy - Kabocha Squash
Liz - Lemon Rosemary Potato Rolls
Sandy - Apple Pie
Sandy - Raspberry Pie
Sterling - Ice Cream
Sterling - Pizza Rolls

Please email me with corrections.

Bela-StirFry1 Bela-StirFry2 Bela-Veggies Dee-Curry Evan-Papusas Irene-GrahamCrackerCrustWithPuddingFilling Irene-Sausage Katy-KabochaSquash Liz-LemonRosemaryPotatoRolls P1090273 Sandy-ApplePie Sandy-RaspberryPie Sterling-IceCream Sterling-PizzaRolls