The Armory Potlucks: March 15th, 2013

March 15th, 2013

Bela - Canned Cheese
Bela - Date Nut Slices
Bela - Russian Boxed Milk
Bela - Vegetable Soup
Dee And John - Peperoni Pita Sandwiches
Evan - Biscuits
Irene - Mushroom Tartlets
     Irene - Turkey
Jennifer - Roast Beef
Jennifer - Veggies
Liz - Fortune Cookies
Manny - Sauted Veggies
The McGrews - Ice Cream Sundaes
Zab - Cookie Comparison

Please email me with corrections.

Bela-CannedCheese Bela-DateNutSlices Bela-RussianBoxedMilk Bela-VegetableSoup DeeAndJohn-PeperoniPitaSandwiches Evan-Biscuits Irene-MushroomTartlets Irene-Turkey Jennifer-RoastBeef Jennifer-Veggies Liz-FortuneCookies Manny-SautedVeggies TheMcGrews-IceCreamSundaes Zab-CookieComparison