The Armory Potlucks: July 12th, 2013

July 12th, 2013

Bela - Stir Fry
Bob - Peanut Butter And Almond Meal Cookies
Dee - Pasta Dish
Evan - Many Mushroom Soup
Irene - Beef Wrapped In Bacon
Jennifer - Mixed Veggies
Katy - Blueberries And Jackfruit
Katy - Jackfruit Stir Fry
     Liz -Persian Barley And Split Pea Stew
Manny - Homegrown Chard
Someone - Butterscotch Pudding
Someone - Chicken In Sauce
Willa - Strawberries
Zab - Caprese
Zab's Friend - Fried Chicken
Zab's Friend - Lemonade and Ice Tea (no pics)

Please email me with corrections.

Bela-StirFry Bob-PeanutButterAndAlmondMealCookies Dee-PastaDish Evan-ManyMushroomSoup Irene-BeefWrappedInBacon Jennifer-MixedVeggies Katy-BlueberriesAndJackfruit Katy-JackfruitStirFry Liz-PersianBarleyAndSplitPeaStew Manny-HomegrownChard Someone-ButterscotchPudding Someone-ChickenInSauce Willa-Strawberries Zab-Caprese ZabsFriend-FriedChicken