The Armory Potlucks: August 23rd, 2013

August 23rd, 2013

Bela - Lotus Root
Dave - Apple Cake
Dee - Salad With Homegrown Veggies
Evan - Pork Chili
Irene - Granola Bars
Jennifer - Cake
     Katy - Crystalized Ginger
Katy - Melon
Liz - Mushroom Corn And Poblan Soft Tacos
Manny - Homegrown Swiss Chard With Parmesan
Sandy - Cheesecake Variety
Willa - Chocolate Nib Cake

Please email me with corrections.

Bela-LotusRoot Dave-AppleCake Dee-SaladWithHomegrownVeggies Evan-PorkChili Irene-GranolaBars Jennifer-Cake Katy-CrystalizedGinger Katy-Melon Liz-MushroomCornAndPoblanSoftTacos Manny-HomegrownSwissChardWithParmesan Sandy-CheesecakeVariety Willa-ChocolateNibCake