The Armory Potlucks: June 22nd, 2012

June 22nd, 2012

Bela - Mango
Bela - Plums
Bela - Stir Fry
Irene - Plum Pie
     Jennifer - Borscht
Liz - Bulgar, Bell Pepper, and Cucumber Salad
Willa - Sweet Potatoes with Onion Spinach Topping

Please email me with corrections.

Bela-Mango Bela-Plums Bela-StirFry Irene-PlumPie Jennifer-Borscht Liz-BulgarBellPepperAndCucumberSalad P1060557 P1060560 P1060563 Willa-OnionSpinachTopping Willa-SweetPotatoes