The Armory Potlucks: February 18th, 2011

February 18th, 2011

Brenna - Curried Shortbread Rounds
Brenna - Yummy Pumpkin Dish
Craig - Garlic Roasted Veggies
Evan - Polenta Casserole
Irene - Stuffing
Irene - Turkey
     John - Kabocha And Spinach Soup
Liz - Barley Pudding with Beef (no photo)
Mark - Jello Dessert
Thelma - Mango Sauce
Thelma - Mixed Fruit

Please email me with corrections.

Brenna-CurriedShortbreadRounds Brenna-YummyPumpkinDish Craig-GarlicRoastedVeggies Evan-PolentaCasserole Irene-Stuffing Irene-Turkey John-KabochaAndSpinachSoup Mark-JelloDessert Thelma-MangoSauce Thelma-MixedFruit