The Armory Potlucks: September 24th, 2010

September 24th, 2010

Evan - Roasted Turkey White Meat
Evan - Turkey Pot Roast
Irene - Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake With Cream Cheese Filling
     Irene - Macaroni And Cheese
John - Orange Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies
Liz - Barley And Mushrooms From Poland

Please email me with corrections.

Evan-RoastedTurkeyWhiteMeat Evan-TurkeyPotRoast Irene-ChocolateFudgeBundtCakeWithCreamCheeseFilling Irene-MacaroniAndCheese John-OrangeChocolateChipShortbreadCookies Liz-BarleyAndMushroomsFromPoland