(408) 479-6293
The Voice is published every other Monday during the school year by the journalism students of Cabrillo College.

Porter Gulch Review

Attention Artists and Writers of Santa Cruz County

Porter Gulch Review, Cabrillo College's award-winning literary magazine, is now accepting submissions of poetry, prose, original art and photography for the 1996 issue.

To ensure consideration for publication please follow the instructions below:

All submissions--written and artwork--must include a cover page with your name, address and phone number. Your name should appear on the cover page only. No name should appear on the text. Pieces are judged anonymously. Sorry, we cannot return your submissions. Do not submit work that has been printed using a dot-matrix printer. Please use 9 x 12 mailing envelopes.

Poetry: Maximum of four poems per writer. Typed single spaced. Deadline: March 1, 1996
Prose: Maximum of two pieces per writer, 5,000 words or less per piece (with word count). Submissions to "Writers from Another Language," please mark WFAL on envelope. Deadline: March 1, 1996
Writers From Another Language: Writers who use English as a second language. Please include the initials "WFAL" on the envelope.

Original Artwork: Photographs, drawings, or computer art suitable for black and white reproduction. Deadline: April 1, 1996
Send submissions to: Editor, Porter Gulch Review, Cabrillo College, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003