Technology, Pessimism, and Postmodernism edited by Y. Ezrahi, E. Mendesohn, and H. Segal
despair over tech,s role in shaping the what to do bout those technies and my gosh..where are we going with that pomo cyberpunkerish outlook on things...???....
The Mode of Information: Postructuralism and Social Context by Mark Poster
some of the articles are:
Baudrillard and TV ads,
Lyotard and Computer Science, which includes postmarxism theoretical; development, the possibilities of pomo politics
In general,this book, plays upon Marx,s theory of the mode of production, i.e. how electronic media effects us and reality.
Rational Choice Marxism
edited by T. Carver and P.Thomas
new Marxist literature here, with the emphasis on Analytical Marxism,
pomo feminism, and Social Democracy. Attempts to improve on Classical Marxism and to show/look at Rational Choice Marxism as a full-fledged
paradigm....sooooo.....what i want to know here is..does it tell us why capitalism produces not just new products, but new needs...and why does this type/brand of marxism have a superior outlook than the other
existing theoretical models in the marxian/post-marxian tradition..??
Postmodern Sublime: Technology and American Writing from Mailer to Cyberpunk
by Joseph Tabbi
Acker, W. Gibson, and Donna Haraway are some of punkish writers covered here in the last chapter...what do we have here..cyberpunk
getting some critical,ve got to love it on one hand..and on the other wonder where the cutting edge is and is the cyberpunk genre still on the edge...
Technopoles of the world: the making of 21st century Industrial Complexes
by M. CastellŐs and Peter Hall
survey of planned development, the politics of technoploes, which are planned centers of high-tech(silicon Valley)..hey..hey..hey..what are we going to to put all those technies/haqrs/cyberpunks...???...
Sociology and Visual Representation
by Elizabeth Chaplin
class analysis, pomo feminism, and Marx applied to art/visual and by
extension somewhat, to computers as well..:)....
Cultural Collisions: Postmodern Technoscience
by Raphael Sassouer
D. Haraway and feminism is the subject of one of the chapters here as is postmodern Political Economy. Also is a mention of the virtual
corporation and an anaylsis of coporate structure and culture in the information age.
Transformation 1
Post-Ality: Marxism and Postmodernism
by Zavarzadeh, Ebert, and Morten
bascially what we have here is a critique of pomo marxism and consumption a collection of articles and the first one seems to be the most interesting with the lead one being a attack on'cyber-capitalism' and some comments on totality..tis quite interesting stuff here..:)
Blackwell Dictionary of 20th Century Thought
ed. by W.Outhwaite & T. Bottomore
a def must for all those who are seriously interested in social
change/social thought...:)..T. Bottomore is one of those famous editors of marxist literature..yes,I..!@!
Postmodernism, Sociology, & Health
by Nicholas J. Fox
quite a good book actually..excellent in fact..lots of material on the pomo concept of 'desire'..with all the recent attention
in the media recently on health care..a good critique of modernism in the medical field..